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Seany.exe last won the day on November 14 2016

Seany.exe had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G UMG, Internals upgraded.

    TM VSR10 fully upgraded

    TM Hi-capa gold match
  • Loadouts
    Civvies and a chest rig
  • Sites
    EAG Worthing
  • Gender
  • Location
    South West UK

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  1. Damn, was hoping march would win. Sorry guys gonna have to skip this one for now. We should do something later in the year though as well for sure. I expect pics and vids though
  2. Damn, randomly think to check the forum and theres another meetup possibly. Would be fun but Newbury is even further away than Reading was for me. Once a date is set I shall look into it, would prefer March however as hopefully thing are more back to normal by then. I haven't played airsoft in over a year now Fucking pandemic xD
  3. So who's been jumping on this? I got it during the new year sale. Will definately be upgrading the the EOD version at some point. Not because the stash size is bigger, that's coming in an update soon for those with a small stash. But because the game is just frikkin awesome. The basics: Military simulation FPS with RPG elements. Massive weapon modification system with risks. Take your chosen gear in, if you die it's all gone, if not you keep what you carry. The game is still in closed beta right now, and it is currently plagued with bugs. Sure it can be a hot mess at times however this is to be expected with early access. The Devs seem to be responsive enough and listen to the community via the forums. Anyone on this or looking for something new to play I definately recommend checking this out. https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/
  4. Ugh, so A&K recievers dont fit G&G gearboxes. So much for that :( Anyone got any spare duff m4 shells laying about?

  5. Fucked up the return nozzle spring on my SVD, now I have to get a new one. Why are these things so damn fiddly?

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Because unlike real guns we don't have military acceptance panels yelling at manufacturers to try and make a gun with no moving parts that can be field stripped in under 10s and is impossible to break/get wrong.

    2. Seany.exe


      lol, well i figured out how to get the spring out now. but I still need a new one xD

  6. Struggling to find a gun bag with backpack type straps that will fit my SVD.....it's 48" long. Anyone have suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Seany.exe


      I got mine from ebay, the straps are gash and can actually unstrap themselves from the buckle if i'm not careful. keep meaning to sort it as i take my gear on my bike lmao.

    3. Gtech


      That's exactly what I do :D Although now I'm on the 900 (not the 125) I just strap it onto the pillion seat, before that I used to have it on my back.


    4. Seany.exe


      haha, backbox won't let me do that. have to deal with my sniper resting on the back of my head lol.

  7. Hmm, hand is getting there. Almost time to get back to sniping.

  8. Ok who sneezed and fucked up the website?

  9. Hmm can't actually see any power rating on that page, just a frequency range. Could you tell us why reprogramming this one would be illegal? Or maybe give us a link to a good bang for buck PMR 446 radio? Thanks for the guide though looking to getting one myself
  10. Emailed them directly through the ukara site, was updated within a couple of hours
  11. Hooray, came through this morning, fucking post code is wrong though, they put a D instead of a B, how do i change this?
  12. I prodded Wolfie about 2 weeks ago he said he would chase it up. I'll prod him again hopefully it will go through soon. And yeah i've seen the gold match come into stock and go out of stock at several retailers so far lol. Should be a good pistol haha.
  13. So it's been nearly a month now for me. Still no email etc. How long did you guys wait to get your details registered? I wanna get myself a Gold Match
  14. I too was thinking of getting this, whats your experience with it so far?
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