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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. Can only say what I’ve been told by someone who’s actually supplying the Ukrainian forces and he said there desperately looking for plate carrying kit .
  2. I thought they still weren’t delivering to the UK ? Well if you did start selling I’m sure you’d have plenty of customers due to the excellent rep you’ve got for your current customer service .
  3. Well I for one think that good sir a work of fecking art ! 😍
  4. TM all the way , yes it’s old , yes it’s expensive but I think I’ve fired them all and it’s still the best out of the box .
  5. Oh yes it does ! it counts from 95 down to zero its designed to use short Thompson mags of which the Hi-caps hold 200 . You fill the mag load it in start shooting it , it hits zero you pull the mag out a wee bit push it back in ,,,,,,,,,,,,AND it re-sets to 95 so basically you’ve got an accurate round counter ! 😍
  6. I’d have to speak to him first to see whether he wants to get involved like that as he isn’t a collection point in any way shape or form , this whole thing has come about purely from me and him having a chat this morning about the random customers he’s had calling at all hrs of the day about the kit he has and how desperate some of them are and how he’s tries to get it to the ‘good guys’ , how he’s selling at a much lower price than he could if he wanted on those items . he told me he’s doing ok as is before this all started so it doesn’t feel right to be profiteering from this situation unlike some others he knows in the business who’s stories have been in the press claiming their “practically giving away kit at cost” is utter rubbish he knows for a fact their selling the kit at very overinflated prices ! And me then asking as a one off thing if he could pass on my spare kit as I do have over 20yrs worth of gear sitting in bags unused as do my team mates and as I’d be driving to his warehouse I could pick up along the way any other donations .
  7. He’s not part of a charity or todo with any of them or anything like that he’s a business man who sells kit (and an awful lot of it !) he’s just said he’s happy to pass it on to the people he’s dealing with as ‘an extra’ as it where .
  8. Started a new topic and not continued with the existing one as it’s dead in the water and I’m actually doing something unlike the post you’ve merged it with which was some random unknown spouting off at the forum members who questioned him , hence the new post as I was trying to distance my self from him . Can you please delete all the old posts just to keep this fresh ? cheers Druid .
  9. Nothing to worry about their He’s well versed in sanitizing anything he’s handling .👍
  10. Ok people the topic of donating kit to the Ukraine has been up and down like a nuns knickers in the Vatican so I’ve been looking in to it and I will be getting it done . Basically I’ve got an old mate who sells army surplus kit so obviously he’s been shifting an awful lot of his inventory in that direction and has the connections to actually get it their AND to the right people and is more than happy to pass it on for free if people want or the other idea we had was he sells the kit and the money (100%) will go to Ukrainian aid charities . Their absolutely desperate for anything that can hold armor and mags(he said their making their own armor in country) , helmets , tac vests basically load carrying kit , any pouches need to be able to take AK mags(he said M4 pouches aren’t much use as the ones that need the kit are being issued near 100% AK’s only) so either actual AK mag pouches or big utility pouches/dump pouches and the like , color wise the kit needs to be OG/DPM/OD or desert pattern . what I’m looking to do is some time in the next wk gather up what I can to get to him and then drive to his warehouse just outside Bristol to give him what I’ve collected . I’ll be driving up the M4 from Swansea so can stop off at the services to meet and collect and I’m also willing to go up the M5 as far as Gloucester’ish to collect from their as well before heading back down to Bristol . Going to be a few days before I set a date (only started organizing an hr ago!) but from what Mike said they are absolutely desperate for plate carriers real helmets etc etc . Cheers Druid .
  11. Can we have some details of how you’ve done it ? 👍
  12. Can’t believe I’m saying this as I do genuinely think DCA should have their own Shakespearian play it’s run by that big a bunch of shyster con artists BUT I can all most say yes I can see this one going for that price ! 😱
  13. Outstanding here’s hoping for the yr to come then 👍
  14. Sorry that would cause my OCD to go in to overdrive and absolutely bug the living crap out of me !😱 so I found this for you .😉
  15. You want to tell him if he can do these for an affordable price he could make an absolute mint out of us geardo’s wanting bespoke patches .
  16. Of course Cartman has a sniper , the fat kid ALWAYS has a sniper ! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣
  17. Been making kit for 20yrs so can guarantee it’ll fail I’m afraid . Any load bearing connections that aren’t either stitched or riveted together on fabric will separate sooner or later , keep an eye on it and check regularly or you will leave the safezone with a dangler pouch one day AND comeback without it ! 🤬👍
  18. Do have to ask mate , why ? Honestly looks like a 3yr old did , can’t think of any good reason to paint them like that ..
  19. Playing devils advocate you have to accept 90% of airsofters are absolutely clueless about the proper care and function of their kit and think you can treat it like the dreaded ‘real kit’ used by action man and Rambo !😱 I think even if you had a mahoosive warning sticker on the box most would still miss it ! 😳 People these days just don’t listen or pay attention to following instructions or directions anymore this isn’t just Airsoft mind but across the board to every facet of life , society on the whole is thick as pigshit and needs to be spoon fed EVERYTHING and the manufacturer’s know this but if something breaks and has to be replaced ? more dosh for them ! 😉
  20. If in doubt Red Cross , simples .👍
  21. @MGMGrand your intentions may be good but your attitude sucks , if you want people to help the Ukraine defend its self against the Russian invasion insulting and belittling them certainly won’t help you . Wind the attitude in and you ‘may’ get a better response off the members on here . the comments about none AK guns in use are rather puerile at best , the people who would need kit are the ones joining the territorial defence forces , if anyone can show me a picture of a single one of these patriots NOT armed with an AK I’ll happily say “sorry I’m wrong your right” . Yes it is being done with the best intentions but sending your Chinese knock-off ‘glow in the dark’ multi-sham M4 plate carrier isn’t going to help neither is your Airsoft helmet(I’ve seen it happen for real , people send stuff to an emergency situation with the best intentions but the kit was just no use and ended up clogged up the logistics areas) . Good intentions are just that but these people are fighting for their very existence so if you’ve got quality multi-platform gear(good condition surplus gear/Blackhawk !/Eagle/crye/etc etc) to send then yes send it it certainly will help but if the kit you have and want to donate isn’t what they need then don’t send it and donate some money to the red cross instead . simple as that really .
  22. Then grow stronger arms ya pussy ! 😉
  23. Twins separated at birth FINALLY reunited ! 🤣🤣🤣👍
  24. Don’t hold your breath , I think @andrey won’t be responding soon seeing as he’s been on-line multiple times since this pile of shite reared it bolloxed head ? 🤔
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