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    Jedi_Master reacted to Rogerborg in EBay. Some rules explained   
    I'd say "God damn California", but I'm convinced that She already has.
    Can't buy a toy silencer on eBay UK, but you can walk into a shop in California, steal $950 worth of them, and walk out with no consequences.
  2. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to 1967PF44 in EBay. Some rules explained   
    So for those of us that list “Airsoft”  items on eBay regularly you may be confused why some listings are removed yet other listings for identical or similar items are allowed to remain.
    tonight I finally managed to speak with one of their policy team managers, who gave me 40 minutes of his time and actually answered every question asked, without evasion (my previous experience of appealing a removed item, has just been met with evasive answers, and I promise someone from the policy or escalations team will call you back to explain- never happens! ) 
    Some of the answers made a lot of sense  , and I thought I’d share the information given.
    so here goes, and happy to answer any questions or clarify anything I’ve not explained well.
    Firstly Ebay worldwide are bound by California law, and are only licensed to sell certain items on their platform - it seems odd, but that licence affects their platform worldwide.   California law prevents the sale by e-commerce of any articles that can be attached to automatic rifles, or that replicate attachments for automatic rifles (where they chance or enhance their operation). So things like, Stocks, vertical foregrips, hand stops, suppressors. Etc are all regulated. 
    They have an Airsoft policy preventing the sale of Airsoft guns, receivers, and this includes BB guns and pellets guns.  The6 do allow ammunition but interestingly only up to 0.25 calibre is the term they used. The adviser was unsure what that meant but he assumed it was BB WEIGHT., it’s more likely to be air-pellet calibre (I would guess) 
    The next thing of interest is how they deal with an unauthorised item.   They often flag breaches of the firearms policy as breaches of the airsoft policy if Airsoft is specifically mentioned in the advert. They do that actually to help us UK (specifically UK) airsofters out. Because….3 firearms policy strikes and your account is suspended/removed from the platform if you’re in the US.  So the penalties for breaching Airsoft policy are much less serious - they amount to a “education warning”   Your account is then flagged and monitored for attempts to relist the item. 
    They removed over 1750 Airsoft suppressor listings (as an example, that’s what I had removed) in the last 28 days.  They had no reason to believe any of them were real, they simply are just not allowed by California E commerce laws. Which they claim they are working to change with a category amendment to the trading licence through the courts - however Airsoft is flagged as a tiny niche market for them and it’s not a priority.
    Finally how are your dodgy items detected, - some but actually very few are by keyword, and image algorithms that have them flagged and checked manually. mostly they are checked by batch sampling on item numbers (an invigilator or verifier will be sent 500 items to check every few days)  and they are flagged if it’s not right, then removed. 
    He provided a lot more information about the processes and the legal reasons behind the issue, and why they can’t easily change rules from country to country - but the post is already to long and quite boring for most. 
    this will be useful to ebayers who don’t understand why their items are removed when they don’t appear to breach the stated policy. 
  3. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from AirSniper in Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006   
    Under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (WT Act 2006), all use of radio must be either licensed or specifically exempted from licensing.
    Private Mobile Radio (PMR) is exempt from telegraphy licensing by Ofcom because use of PMR compliant equipment is not likely to involve any undue interference to other legitimate use of radio spectrum.
    It is a criminal offence to use or install wireless telegraphy apparatus, unless under and in accordance with the terms, provisions and limitations set out in a licence or licence exemption regulations, section 8 and 35 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006.
  4. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Rogerborg in Sucked back in by Games Workshop.   
    Epic was rightly named, and the best thing was that you could put together an entire army for not much more than one 40K hero mini - which is probably why GW killed it.  Doubly so if you played with folk who didn't mind you subbing in whatever else you had to hand.
    I won a tournament using a 100% cheese force consisting of nothing but spray-painted Marine Scout companies deployed directly onto objectives or into hand-to-hand via toy-shop Micro-Machine helicopters serving as Thunderhawks.  One bloke was on the verge of tears as his beautiful Titans and Baneblades went down under a swarm of suicidal stabby scouts, wailing "But all you're doing is swapping your cheap units for my expensive ones!"  
    Member when "elf" and "dwarf" were character classes?  I member.
    Mmm, I'd spotted that WoTC were doing their best to turn fans into foes by killing off the community licensed system.  Utterly tragic, given their history with being the David cease-and-desisted by TSR's Goliath, then after the success of MtG buying up most of what was left of TSR, and now becoming the worst of TSR.
    That said, both of my kids are playing whatever the 2nd-to-most-recent ruleset of D&D is, in separate groups, so there may be some life in it yet even as a gateway.  I'm gently suggesting to them that other systems and settings are available.
  5. CoolAF
    Jedi_Master reacted to Rogerborg in Sucked back in by Games Workshop.   
    That is my litany of faith every time I hear the seductive whispering of the Financially Ruinous Powers.
    It's their property, they can do as they like with it.  But it's our fandom, and our money, to spend or not as we please.
    I don't expect a visit from the Legal Inquisition, but then who does? 

  6. Sad
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    I see Prince William has been accused of not knowing when to stop playing knock down ginger....
    Seriously, at his age.
  7. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Shamal in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    The mother-in-law came round unexpectedly today.
    Tomorrow I'm gonna have to find some more reliable chloroform.
  8. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    Wife: 'I want another baby.'
    Me: 'Thank fuck for that, I can't stand this one!'
  9. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Rogerborg in Some Advice For a New Player Please   
    tl;dr version: if you decide to go down the bolt action route, just buy a Silverback TAC-41, or SRS.  They look expensive, but it's cheaper than finding out that trying to spend less means that you'll end up spending more.
    Also, ahoy and welcome to the wonderful world of airsoft "upgrading".  
  10. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from AirsoftEclipse in I have decided to run a poll   
    My TM Mk23 uses gas, but is Non-blowback. Sometimes that is all I run in CQB. Other times it is my secodary after my AEG.
    As a poll, very broad brush.
  11. Like
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Cannonfodder in I have decided to run a poll   
    My TM Mk23 uses gas, but is Non-blowback. Sometimes that is all I run in CQB. Other times it is my secodary after my AEG.
    As a poll, very broad brush.
  12. CoolAF
    Jedi_Master reacted to Shizbazki in Ex attempting to sell me back my RIF - Is this an offence under the VCRA?   
    Assuming the facts we have here:
    You were kicked out at 2am
    You grabbed what you can and left the house without said MWS
    Are now living elsewhere
    You have requested that said MWS is returned or arrangements be made for its return but have been stone walled
    You have all proof of purchase to back you up that you have purchased the MWS solely for your use only.
    You state that old bill where at scene but only to prevent a BOP (Breach of Peace).
    I will assume you lived with said girl and had your MWS at her home address that you shared.
    Now im not privy as to what the living arrangements were (owned, rented, council, who was main tenant holder etc)
    Nor do i know how long the relationship was, what stage it was at (just dating, girlfriend, partners, fiancée etc) 
    Nor the circumstances as to the falling out
    In order for your ex to steal it she will have to meet all the points to prove under S1 Theft Act 1968:
    Namely appropriates property
    Belonging to another
    With the intent 
    To permanently deprive the other of it
    So she will have to appropriate the property, well we know it is in her possession and (assume) civil means have been attempted in recovering the property either directly or indirectly (mutual friends or other third parties)
    We know that you have the proof of purchase for an item that solely belongs to you, was never shared between you such as TV, washing machine, microwave as such items are often seen as part of the household. I would put an MWS in the same line as a PS5 or PC that is solely owned by one party or another.
    Now comes the hard part, the intent.
    Why does she refuse to return?
    What excuses has she given?
    Has she stated or made claims that she paid part, some, or any of it? 
    Does she know its true value?
    Does she wish to gift it to somebody?
    Has she made attempts to dismantle or sell any part or parts of it
    Is she holding it to ransom for something else?
    The depravation part is essentially stopping you getting hold of it in its original form either not getting it back at all, breaking it, selling it etc
    My advice to you would be:
    a) stay calm and cool, keep any messages between you and her in the text world, do not resort to phone or video calls as they are harder to document
    b) stay civil, refrain from using any swear words in messages, as I often tell people you want to look the victim here, then act like one
    c) avoid making any threats, this includes direct ones and vague and open ones, believe it or not some people interpret "Watch!" as a threat to kill
    d) do not delete messages from you and any from hers
    Like i said keep yourself the victim with messages like
    "look, please I just want my Airsoft gun back"
    "ill leave it all and never message you again if you just give me my airsoft stuff back" etc
    If after all this she still refuses to hand back your property or attempts to sell or destroy the property or claims to have destroyed it.
    Then pop to you local station or fill out an online form to her local constabulary (I assume Norfolk), explain what has happened, keep it short but to the point. Explain ownership of the MWS, the value of it all and what steps you had taken to retrieve it.
    End of the day i know you just want your guns back, but if they ask if you want to provide an MG11 statement or assist police substantiating the allegation say "YES" otherwise it gets closed. It will be Domestic Related so you will probably have to answer a domestic questionnaire, just bare with it. GO FULL IN, otherwise you aint gonna get diddly squat.
  13. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to TheFull9 in Willpower, am I weak ?   
    Man.. the Nemesis was ridiculously good.  I think they've long stopped making it which is bonkers because for the money that's honestly a high contender for the best value bit of kit anyone could ever get and it's just the ideal size for skirmishing.  Makes the garand thumb chest rig people jizz their pants over look a bit shit to be honest.
    For me, when this comes up (which is obviously not uncommon in online discussions) it's not actually about airsoft or kit or whatever, the question is a bigger one.  If I had kids and a mortgage and bought everything I do then I'd have 0 savings and probably a good bit of debt, and getting debt for tacticool stuff is most definitely stupid.  But that's not the case, I've saved and invested more than I've spent on this malarkey.  Never having any savings and waiting for every pay cheque to come in to then immediately splurge on something you've been eyeing the past 3 weeks since last being paid is an almost sure fire sign you're shit with your money - speaking generally.  Like the financial version of a dog on a leash just absolutely frothing to go chase a rabbit it won't even catch.
    I do a very, very similar thing to alxndr, I've got a word doc list I started around 2006 or so where I type in both everything I have bought and the things I'm planning on getting.  Apart from anything I do do quite ambitious builds sometimes and I need to note it all down or I'd forget which parts are compatible with what etc.  But as above, if it's not 'in the plan' I don't generally just buy stuff on a whim that I happen to come across and the aforementioned plan is very long term.  I check the New Products pages at many big retailers frequently, but unless something crops up out of the blue that I've been really wanting for many years (usually 3-4+) then it's not going in the basket if it's not planned.
  14. Thanks
    Jedi_Master reacted to shivarussell in scammer   
    already done mate    o7
  15. Careful Now
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tackle in Any one interested in polsim?   
    What next ?...... PaedSim ? 😏
    I know, too much lol😬
  16. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Hatchet in Any one interested in polsim?   
    Kit looks good, although I am surprised that 13 posts in, nobody has yet commented on the lack of pens.
    "I won't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred adrenaline-fuelled thrill-ride, but there's no way that you could perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
  17. Careful Now
    Jedi_Master reacted to EvilMonkee in Any one interested in polsim?   
    And I say this as an ex Copper of some 20 years.....

  18. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Madhouse in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    I hear Blacks, Millets and Go Outdoors have started a price war.
    I think we're in for a winter of discount tents.
  19. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    Another wooden ball!
    Would it kill the makers of avocado to have other toys?
  20. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Cannonfodder in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My nan is really old, and she spends hours just staring through the lounge window.
    Sometimes, when it is really cold outside we let her into our house.
  21. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My nan is really old, and she spends hours just staring through the lounge window.
    Sometimes, when it is really cold outside we let her into our house.
  22. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Shamal in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My nan is really old, and she spends hours just staring through the lounge window.
    Sometimes, when it is really cold outside we let her into our house.
  23. Haha
    Jedi_Master got a reaction from Tackle in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My nan is really old, and she spends hours just staring through the lounge window.
    Sometimes, when it is really cold outside we let her into our house.
  24. Like
    Jedi_Master reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    A Yorkshireman goes into a vets.
    "It's me cat veterinary.  It's piss smells rotten"
    "Is it a tom?"
    "No, it's in this basket."
  25. Haha
    Jedi_Master reacted to Madhouse in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    on the current dick theme, mine was in the Guinness Book of World Records ... until the librarian told me to leave.
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