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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Thanks for update. Pity that player numbers are that low, would have thought they would want to run games. Word of mouth would surely help spread the news about the site and could encourage others to attend. Of course their prices may be putting people off, and a better deal may be needed.
  2. PM sent. Thanks for thinking of the idea and co-ordinating it. We should have plenty of bang for our buck.
  3. Oh yes, because blue matches my eyes better than green
  4. Noted, and edited. Just need you to now remove his name from the quote of my post now Edit: He has been named in 6 previous threads from 2015, all positive.
  5. When you are at The Mall on Sunday it will be interesting to see which you think works better in the shops and basement, the black or the grey. Although they are block colours compared to A-TACS Law Enforcement camoflage (http://www.ur-tactical.com/index.php/component/virtuemart/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/1736/virtuemart_category_id/)
  6. Eyepro is an area that you should carefully consider and I think worth spending on quality. However, I do have a range of eyepro to suit the occasion and found using a full face mask works best for me. There is the debate over solid lens or mesh, yet again it is what works for you. I have mesh as back-up. Use the search button and try terms 'fogging, 'goggles', and 'mask' and you will find lots of previous threads with some good information and other players' experiences. I mainly use a clear lens due to playing indoors CQB and in being in areas of low/no light. I do also have a tinted lens for outdoors in sunlight to help cut down on glare.
  7. I like the raised worktops along the wall as it is easier to sort /prepare kit. However, I do find that using the wobbly chairs means you end up talking to more players. Advantage of getting their early is being able to park in a better spot in those extremely tight parking bays and able to open the car door. With a lead marshall away I did find the safety briefing so much quicker, and that could explain why chrono took longer.
  8. Grey is the new black Take a look at multi-cam black. Do not worry about too much about a load-out, just wear some comfortable clothing. Play some games first and see what other players are wearing and if there is anything you like the look of. It is all down to personal preference, budget, and site.
  9. FAST helmet cover in Typhon camo. It took a month to arrive but only cost £9.99 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351239634938?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&var=620428192357&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  10. Could try Google - http://www.combat-action-games.uk/ Combat Action Games is a woodland based airsoft site running games every other Sunday. The site is a large 120 acre woodland based just north of Norwich in Norfolk.
  11. Once committed I had to just see it through, luckily there was a water stall to help keep hydrated and I am sure it did burn off some of the beer and burger calories.
  12. Of course, being a Palestinian revolutionary the AK47 would be an obvious choice too.
  13. But at least your office has moving scenery and good views, and you get to eat high calorie food from all over the place I once spent two and a half hours in a queue at Universal Studios in Florida to get on their new Harry Potter ride, it was hellish for only a 5 minute entertainment experieince.
  14. I do not like queues, standing out in the rain waiting to get in is not my idea of fun. Same way I dislike long lines at chrono. Last time took ages and many did not make it in time. Never seen so many players having to go back after brieifing to get sorted. No idea why it took so long, and to be fair all previous occasions had been pretty slick having got there early. Hope it was just an isolated event.
  15. Agree that the Cold Steel ones have blunt ends and look much better. My M10 bayonet may be flexible rubber but it does have a sharp point. I purchased my bayonet after being at The Mall on one occasion where a game started with only melee weapons being allowed for a couple of minutes. No shooting just knives. After being knife killed a couple of times I thought it would be a good idea to get my own. Moving around with just a pistol and knife gives options and is quite good fun.
  16. I use the Dye i4 mask and find it to be very good. There are several threads worth having a look at, search on the term 'fogging' http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28885-dye-i4-mask/?hl=fogging
  17. All the sites I have been to allow a hand-held rubber knife/bayonet to be used for a knife kill but none can be attached to the gun.
  18. That should camo should be easier to locate, and will suit the dark areas well. Will see you at the briefing if not before. From personal experience, get to the chronograph early to beat the queue and then sort out your kit.
  19. Booking confirmed so I shall be there. I will be wearing grey jacket/top and trousers, a balaclava, and FAST helmet with Typhon cover and green "AFUK", "Jedi Master", and pirate patches. Dye i4 mask, dark blue. HK 416 and Mk23 pistol.
  20. Just had a look at the website and video for the Hex grenade. Looks pretty good and something else to add to this years kit list, unfortunately there are no orange ones in stock (a bright colour being easier to find). Let us all know how you get on with it.
  21. When I was there on 03 December, a player on the same team threw 3 BFGs into one of the shops to clear it and all 3 failed to detonate. Not sure of the make/type of BFG used but I think the carpet and below the knee throw meant they did not impact correctly, resulting in damp squib of an attack. At least with cardboard pyro it will detonate no matter how it is thrown and they can be lobbed anywhere.
  22. I found their website by chance and saw that Airsoft Action was going to be there but was working on that date so could not go. May have to get there in the late Spring / early Summer.
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