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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. ASG Blasters (0.25g). Never experienced any problems using them and they are not expensive.
  2. No aiming involved, so bound to hit something in the general direction by sheer luck
  3. Just be careful, I tend to aim at any red lights I see in the dark. Mind you, a compilation of any epic fails could be a laugh.
  4. Just follow me RMP, I have been there a few times. I will no doubt take a few wrong turns so you may not end up exactly where you are planning to go but it will still be interesting along the way.
  5. Yes you are in that forum junkie category. Apart for aking for or giving advice, it is easy to get chatting socially on here especially when we derail threads or go a bit off topic. And we all have an opinion to voice. Now if they also had a counter for how many hours we have been using the forum for that could be quite shocking, realising how many accumulated weeks have been spent here.
  6. OK I will bite. The one over your picture on the left of your post, apparently you are a AF-UK Addict. I think it is the equivilent of Zero In using dumb ranks to mark a member's status on the forum, or a way to spot new members / low posters.
  7. Welcome The Mall in Reading is always a good site to meet up with some of the forum members, and offers great indoor CQB. Good transport links there. http://www.zedadventures.co.uk/locations/zedadventureszedevents-co-uk/
  8. So did you call that hit or not? If that is your right arm, then could possibly have been whilst trying to take the bunker next to the C&A basement. On one occasion there was a green standing flat against the wall to your right who shot you close up as you were in the doorway, that allowed me to aquire and shoot him, unfortunately no one else went forward with me into the room where I was shot in the back and followed you back to regen (again). Of course it was more likely to have been the terminator on full auto in the last game.
  9. Maybe they need two different methods for deciding titles, time and post count. I would consider a veteran to be someone who has been part of the forum for years whereas an addict is someone who justs posts a lot. Some long term or early joiners have very low post counts as infrequent contributers and some newer members are very prolific in posts. None of the titles are really indictive of quality; some members cannot be bothered to use the edit button and just keep posting, others can have a long stream of chat in a thread bumping up their post count, and for some it is just care in the airsoft community Think that Regular is given at 100 posts. I have only just realised that (at 839) I am now a vet! And do not forget to Like this post, need to get my count up some more to win the fluffy pink unicorn prize at 2000 likes
  10. As a general rule I would not go for the deliberate head shot (face - eyes, ears, nose, mouth) because I would prefer not to be shot there myself and it is a sensitive place. However, I would aim for the helmet because it is protective and makes a loud sound when hit (or at least I hear shots to my helmet). One of the reasons that I wear a full face mask, Dye i4, is due to being shot in the face and I like the protection it offers when in CQB. Today I took a couple of painful hits to my forehead when not wearing my helmet in one game but that is the nature of playing CQB and being in dark/low light areas. I tend to kneel down so get shot in the head a lot as that is where people expect my body to be, or is the only bit of me visible as I lean out behind my rifle or pistol. Sometimes it will be a snap shot, shooting by instinct as opposed to slower deliberation of where to aim. I will always try to aim for centre of mass, as more chance of hitting target, but you shoot what is visible to you. Yet again because I am low down kneeling or prone I aim for players legs because they know when they have been hit there as no plate carrier protection to absorb the impact. As an aside, using a TM Mk23 pistol which is fairly quiet I do see players get hit (they flinch) but look then around to see where it came from. Distance is another thing, if close to someone then aim low to avoid the head. If further away the BB can change from flat trajectory and raise its flight towards the head, unintentional cause of hop set up, etc. And when they are behind a barricade then only the head pops up for a look, it is what you will aim towards. Anyway my two pence worth.
  11. Some Google hits http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/snow-wolf-sw02-magazine-for-barrett-m82-aeg.html#.VrZ0pc-tMkk http://www.evike.com/products/35950/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Airsoft-500rd-Magazine-Barrett-Sniper/dp/B00GFG5AVC
  12. Not sure if I ever read up on it, no internet back in the day, but was taught importance of layering, hydration, symptoms of hyperthermia and hypothermia, keeping dry, etc. Much is based on experience; anyone can be cold and uncomfortable. Try these links: http://knowledge.cotswoldoutdoor.com/c/layering-system-guide http://www.mountainwarehouse.com/expert-advice/the-layering-system http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/expert-advice/layering-system-guide
  13. Yes, it has been one of those evenings. Need a backlit keyboard, the log fire and TV are not bright enough and nothing to do with the bottle of merlot.
  14. That sucks, defeats the whole point of the game. Pity the stag party could not just have had a private game and then could do what they like without ruining it for the normal player.
  15. A sniper rifle is a specific and specialist weapon platform. A semi-auto Dedicated Marksman Rifle (DMR) has a different role. The increased fps limits of both these guns incur a Minimum Engagement Distance (MED) for player safety. Site fps limits are the maximum permitted limit for weapon types, all based on 0.20g weight BB. You do not load heavier BB into your magazine at chrono to lower your fps to the site limit, that is called using a 'Hot Gun' and is against the ethics of airsoft sportsmanship and would break the site fps rules. CQB sites are generally sub 330 fps for automatic weapons, other sites will have 350 fps limit. Sniper rifles can by up to 500 fps for bolt or locked single shot guns and will have a set MED of 30m. Pistols are used close up, generally no minimum distance but it is not sporting or safe to shoot a player in the head when other parts of their body are available. Basically check individual site rules for what they will allow.
  16. Play your 3 games, get membership (pay membership fee and and get your number) and if you want send off UKARA paperwork [should be no cost involved] to get added to the database. Membership is generally for 12 months, then you can renew it if you have played 3 more games throughout the year or change membership to different site having fulfilled their requirements. Let UKARA know your new details. Once you have your RIF then it is yours without issue, the retailer selling it has to ensure you are legal to buy it, i.e. site membership. Similarly if you swap or sell it, you (as seller) have to do due dilligence on the buyer to ensure that they are 18+ and legally entitled to a RIF.
  17. It would be worth reading all the pinned threads, lots of useful information contained therein. This link is a good place to start - http://www.airsoft-f...ide-to-airsoft/ Strongly suggest that you do research on this forum, many of your questions have been answered. Use the search function, need to use 4 characters or more for search term. Hire guns for your three games to get site membership, then just buy a RIF. You do not need to be on the UKARA register to buy a RIF, just a member of a an airsoft site. A valid defence can be achieved in 2 months (no less than 56 days), so game 1 is day 1, then play game 2, with game 3 not being earlier than day 56 from game 1. Check your local sites for specific membership requirements. This 2 months period gives you time to reseach, ask questions, change your mind, research more, and then hopefully get a decent gun that suits your budget and needs. However, it is recommended being on UKARA database if buying guns from abroad.
  18. Another Emerson FAST helmet cover, this time in the A-TACS FG scheme to go under my scrim net. Yet again it took a month to arrive but only cost £9.99 from eBay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351239634938?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&var=620428192357&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. Well I did start this one back in August 2015 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27828-combat-south/?hl=portsmouth I would also highly recommend them, an interesting shop to visit just to see all the TM and ICS stock (not all are shown on their website), and agree it is worth giving them a call to see what they have. Website could be a bit better but is useable http://www.combatsouth.co.uk/ . Great customer service, very helpful and friendly.
  20. Second that. It was one of my first airsoft purchases, liked it and then bought another smaller one. I find the smaller size better; they are easy to squeeze into pockets and pouches. The desert cam is a good choice so that it stands out against woodland floor or indoors if dropped. Only improvement would be a small funnel on a cord as well so that the BBs can be even more easily poured into mag or speedloader.
  21. Do not get me started on 'dump' pouches, ratle ratle rattle scratch. Or maybe that is just me with metal mags. Edit: Actually have never bothered using the dump pouch, tend to just put my mag back into a mag pouch or pocket.
  22. I rarely use full auto, prefer a few aimed shots. If I have not hit them with a couple of shots then another 40 are not going to do much. I dislike those stand-offs in a corridor and stairs where players just spank rounds at each other without much success. I prefer to try flanking or find a different route, or get bored and go forward to see how far I can get. Using a TM the rate of fire is fairly low as well.
  23. I have tried looking all over for these Maraca magazines that people keep mentioning but cannot find any for sale in the UK Keeping the hi-cap full is a good idea to reduce noise but then the bottle of spare BBs will rattle badly like one of those shakey stick instrument things when you refil the hi-cap to keep it quiet But if a hi-cap can fire same number of BB as a mid-cap, then using a hi-cap wins as there is no need for doing all those milsim magazine reloads, if I wanted to go full retard I would wear MTP as well Plus when camping on a stairway I am not moving or rattling either Just having one hi-cap fitted and no other kit for an hours game is nice and uncomplicated. Gets me back to airsoft basics like a novice rental player Jokes aside, I use both hi-cap and low-cap depending on the site, location of where I want to play, and how I feel. For example, I do tend to favour a single hi-cap when down in dark basements or tunnels for pure convenience and not wanting to wear a battle belt or vest. Outside, I prefer low-cap mags in chest rig and battle belt, and enjoy the reloads and seeking cover to quickly re-bomb a mag with the speedloader.
  24. How many are staying over on the Saturday night? i3666 and myself are booked into the Novotel. Thinking of getting an early meal before going pew pew pew.
  25. As you can see from my earlier post, I love Alestorm and the song 'Drink'. And funny enough that led me onto Turisas. I quite like the folk / ballad sound, also reminds me of Thin Lizzy.
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