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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. I do like what the Americans do though, assigning leaders, platoon and squad level commanders - bad decisions can keep things interesting as much as good. For one thing, there's more narrative to things going awry. But only if it is part of the gametype.
  2. Indeed, they might be real steel colours, but is it necessary to have so many shades.
  3. It's bad enough sounding big headed, without looking the part too.
  4. That's the only thing I don't like about wearing a helmet, it makes the head physically bigger.
  5. From waterloo it's either arrive late or 1-2 hrs early.
  6. I can't see a problem with rank (patches), but nor can I see a point, unit (patches) on the other hand I cant see any distinction between airsoft and cosplay.
  7. I would expect every page to be "stand very still". I thought you meant some other acronym meaning in pdf.
  8. ? Added that camera to my, shopping list, right to the bottom.
  9. That's not what it is, despite advertising. They built it, but the local council blocked them from using it as such.
  10. Is there plenty of space in the safe area for stashing ye kit etc?
  11. Was ridiculous of me to say it like that. Still, the issue is finding somewhere you can use an airsoft gun outside of skirmishes.
  12. Because airsoft guns are more dangerous?
  13. Don't get me wrong, I want to shoot my airsoft gun (which I have not bought yet), toy or no, it still need zeroing and it I need to learn to recognise target ranges etc. Of course I also want to learn some gun safety from qualified pros too. Looking for outdoor ideally.
  14. That's down to retailers, not the players, we use the tools they give us.
  15. That's all I had tried, I was not aware there was a distinction between powder ammunition and air powered guns for ranges. Theres two within walking distance of my parents house... I will give them a look in sometime.
  16. Hi, are there any buzzwords to get in with gun ranges? I've emailed four and had no replies. Is it airsoft or just normal? Is airsoft the wrong buzzword, is there something else better, do they think airsofters are some how less serious about shooting?
  17. I was going to mount my 2nd gopro on my gun barrel.... I thought the cheapo Picatinny mounts on amazon were overpriced... Anyone know of a quality gopro to picatinny that is actually worth the cost?
  18. Not sure what you mean by 'dictatorship' - I did presume we were both excluding shopping elsewhere as your analogy might imply. However, I can't be bothered to continue this discussion. (This is not a sleight, I just cant see the point in arguing when in principle we agree).
  19. Can't fault your capitalist free market leaning, just thought your analogy was (very) 'off'.
  20. Except in your example, they've told you what they did, and you know what it is that they got cheaper and added value to. What would you think if they only sold Shredded Iceberg Lettuce and the other was not an option?
  21. A real one? I had some difficulty finding one.
  22. Ye, just noticed the headings are different, one is "Abolish need for a defence(eg. UKARA) when purchasing an air soft toy", which is laughable (showing a distinct lack of research), and the other is "Make under 18's able to obtain vrca defence/UKARA" Surprised no-one on zero in has asked the OP what vrca is? Someone go do that! Stopped having headings [longer than a tab] on my browser years ago, amazing how many site's still rely on it.
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