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Aunty Pasty

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Everything posted by Aunty Pasty

  1. If you buy today from Military1st they have a 15% discount code for today only which will bring the item down to under your budget. The code is EASTER. See their home page.
  2. If you're able to buy a proper automatic air pistol from a firearms dealer then surely you have sufficient defence to buy a non 2 tone airsoft pistol already?
  3. Just ordered a GHK AK74. I've been wanting one for ages and just saw it for a good price on Milspec Solutions.
  4. Some sites have banned them saying they sometimes shatter on impact thus going through mesh. Aren't Nuprol a WE brand? i.e. part of the same company?
  5. I number my gas mags so I know to use them all evenly. Also if one develops a small leak I can easily identify it for maintenance later. I use these little round stickers which I put on the bottom, colour coded for each type (there is no real purpose to this. I have several hundred stickers I need to use up.)
  6. I drive a '10 Golf 2.0 diesel which has been caught up in the VW emissions scandal. I love it though. I commute a fair distance so it's good for my motorway runs and has the pull when I want to overtake.
  7. I do wear Mesh goggles myself after getting a bit of fogging/sweating even with my Bolles. I've got the Nuprol mesh goggles which IMO are a bit better quality than the ultra cheap Ebay ones which are cranked out from some sweatshop in China. Even if the mesh was to get dented it would have don it's job and it would be time to get a new pair. I've seen the quality control on cheap unbranded chinese knock-offs and the variance between even two items from the same production run is quite eye-opening (no pun intended.) You may get a good pair, you may not. For something such as a sling or a fore-grip, the consequences of failure are minimal. You can't say the same about protection and safety gear.
  8. Welcome. I'm 43 too and usually play in the same area. May bump into you sometime.
  9. Do you want a hard case or a soft case? I started off with a cheap soft case which did the job of holding 1 rifle but the gun tended to move around a bit even with the straps so I looked into getting a hard case. I looked into Plano cases but in the end I just ended up getting a SRC hard case which just about fits my 2 rifles and has foam which holds it secure. My other stuff and pistols I carry in a duffle bag. Think how you plan on transporting the case as very long cases may not fit into the boot of your car.
  10. I don't really wear camo or uniform as such. I usually wear black or khaki green outdoor trousers, a green Craighopper shirt and hiking boots. However my chest rig and baseball cap is ATACs FG.
  11. You rent from the site that you chose to play at. They'll rent a gun to you, face protection and probably throw in some bbs as well although it may not be enough to last the whole day.
  12. Hi and welcome. I had to look up Wageningen. I thought it was welsh....
  13. Glad to see you're ok and no permanent damage hopefully. I always wear full seal and even so I've had a bb squeeze in between the seal and the skin underneath my eye. I felt something touch my eye although it wasn't painful. Then my vision was messed up until I realised it a the bb rolling around behind the lens inside my eye pro. That was a bit surreal.
  14. Link doesn't work. Also for the sake of consistency it's probably better to merge all your GBB pistol related threads together.
  15. I own both. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. My M92 has a metal slide. It have a really great sound when you rack the slide. It shoots well with a decent kick (not very accurate though.) It's a heavy gun with a realistic weight(about 1kg.) It's not as gas efficient compared to a plastic slide. The metal isn't that great. WE tend to have crap paint jobs so it wears exposing cast metal. My TM M&P 9 has a plastic slide. It actually looks more realistic but the lack of weight gives it away as being plastic. It still has a an ok kick. The slide racking sound isn't that good compared to metal.
  16. Hi, Any outdoor style boot with ankle support and capable of handling rough terrain should be ok. They don't need to be mil spec or have a particular look.
  17. Bear in mind that most people measure their range like they measure their knob size.
  18. Interesting. I have a similar trip planned to Hong Kong in March and want to buy a RIF there so I'll keep tabs on this.
  19. Hi, As Jedi says, Gas guns are less powerful with lower temperatures. They still work but will be a bit more temperamental. They're great fun though. They're also more expensive to run and require more maintenance. Although I have one myself I'd still recommend an AEG as a first gun. To start, go to your local site and rent for 3 games over a period of at least 2 months. Assuming you're over 18 then you're eligible to be added to the Ukara database by becoming a member of that airsoft club. Get yourself a rifle, decent eye-pro that you're happy with and some outdoor boots. Everything else can come along in slow time as you discover what your want and what you don't want.
  20. If they bring in drones there should be a rule that states that anybody shouting "Enemy UAV!" should immediately be cock punched.
  21. http://www.socomtactical.net/airsoft-accessories/ammo-and-gas/0-20g-airsoft-bbs/box-of-12-asg-blaster-020g-3000-bottle.html £68 £75 if you want 0.25g bbs.
  22. I can envisage use of drones in milsim operations by established teams who know how to communicate with one another. There is no point in the drone operator finding some enemies and then not being capable of passing this information to the rest of his team. If you're going to allow drones to be shot at you will need to defend against possible damage to the flight mechanism/rotors. Potential H&S issue if it loses control and falls out of the sky.
  23. Welcome. A lot of people wear a combination of goggles + face mash mask. There is a lot of choice in these areas. I started off with Bolle goggles and they usually do a good job of not steaming up. However they do get wet on the inside if you sweat a lot so vision can be blurred in hot situations. I currently wear mesh goggles. Try not to go for the cheap ass £5.99 chinese ones you find on Ebay as quality can be variable. There are goggles with fan ventilation but they're a bit more pricey. I wear a mesh mask as well now since somebody decided to full-auto into my face from quite close range and cut my lip. These can vary quite a lot as well in shape and comfort. Some will need to be bent a little bit to fit your face better. If yo have a big nose try to find one with more nose room. Personally I'm not a fan of full face masks as I think they restrict breathing laving a dead air zone in the area between your mask and your mouth.
  24. IMO ICS are a decent brand but you need to be aware that ICS (and other manufacturers) may have 2-3 lines of the same weapon. That is there may be a budget range, a medium range and premium range which vary a lot in cost, quality and materials. The budget line may be called something like Sport-Line and the premium may be called the Pro-Line or something similar. So have a look at how a manufacturer structures their product range. For me it gave a better idea of quality levels and what makes a good gun or a bad gun.
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