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Aunty Pasty

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Everything posted by Aunty Pasty

  1. I do like the look of black multicam. And thanks you all for your feedback. It's quite interesting. At the moment I'm probably 75% woodland 25% indoors so maybe I should go for some of the green based patterns instead.
  2. Lol. I think I know now why I don't see it around very much.
  3. I'm considering migrating from my random/black stuff look to a ACU digital look (which I like the look of). However looking around, it doesn't seem that popular. I'm wondering if I'll be shooting myself in the foot as it would seem to limit my equipment options. I was thinking of starting with a shirt and trousers and then decide on my load carrying gear a little later even though I'll end up with some sort of miss-mash look for awhile. Any thoughts on the look/pattern?
  4. I settled for an SRC hard case too after using a cheap chinese soft case for a few months. The SRC cases are usually about £60 depending on where you look. I wasn't too happy with the soft case. Although it did do it's job there wasn't that much padding and the rifle tended to move around a bit inside which I believe lead to a little paint being worn away on the fire selector switch. I've been quite happy with my SRC case so far. It only JUST fits into the boot of my Golf so if you look at other cases, bear in mind the width of the case.
  5. Welcome to the forums. Best thing to do would be to find a site near you and try it out a few times to see if it's your thing. Don't be afraid to ask questions either here or at the site to play at. It's game day for a lot of people so the forums will be a bit quiet for awhile.
  6. Welcome to the forum rosco. Being in Berkshire there are a few sites within reach depending on how mobile you are. There's the Mall in Reading town centre which is a favourite amongst some forum members here. I've booked to go on the 30th myself. There's also Absolute in Reading or Maidenhead as well. If you're near London there are a few in London if you can get in on a Sunday morning. Have fun shopping for stuff.
  7. Just add an accompanying note saying you're about to buy a gun from them soon and you need to get yourself onto the database. I did mine at ZeroOneAirsoft. You get an email when you're entered onto the database and I put my order in straight afterwards.
  8. If you're after visual effects for film/photo purposes it's not necessarily the hardest kicking gas you're after but how much gas you're venting per shot. I guess this would be more to do with adjusting the gas mechanism internals so it vents more gas per shot. Alternatively you could try adding some talcum powder into the flash hider/silencer so it puffs out when you shoot.
  9. Try bigger tweaks to the adjustments. They are not as sensitive as you'd think. Some of the cheaper clones actually have it moving in the opposite way that they're marked. Set up your iron sights and holographic sight and give it a big adjustment until you actually see it change alignment with the iron sight, then fine tune it.
  10. I have a replica 551 sight as well, not the one you linked but close enough. I zeroed my sight with the iron sights up as well so they both line up. Mine clamps onto the rail but there is a little back and forth movement as the pin running across the rail is slightly thinner than the rail gap. I suppose you can pad out the gap with paper if it bothers you but it shouldn't affect your sighting.
  11. I was banded. I was the guy in the grey top and black vest with the G5 or G36k who developed a bad knee by the end of the day.
  12. Hey Welcome Randy. I guess you're pretty close to where I am (Woking). I was down at UCAP GreenOps weekend just gone actually. Big turnout that day. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Mall in Reading yet which should be reachable for you. Have fun shopping for stuff!
  13. I didn't even know airsoft existed until last year. When I was on holiday in Newquay I saw this toy gun in a shop window and I I thought "How on earth can a toy gun cost £80?" So I started looking stuff up online and came across airsoft. After being sucked into the whole gun thing I thought I'd see what the guns were like so I bought a WE M92 2 tone pistol. I thought it'll be ok for garden plinking. I was blown away from the first few shots just from the noise and the kick it gave as I fired. I immediately felt I needed to do more with the gun than just shoot cans in the garden so I went to a site on my own and started renting until I got my UKARA. I remember my first day well. I immediately started chatting with this guy and 2 kids who were more than happy to show off their guns to me. There was another new guy there as well as he was trying to jam his (magazine shaped) bb loader into his magwell until somebody helped him out.
  14. Perhaps your mags are leaking. Do you lube the o-ring seals on the mags?
  15. A group of us airsofters were walking to a game zone and passed a group of paintballers coming back the other way. I overhear one kid in the paintball group say to his friend: "These guys must be experts." Bless.
  16. Maintenance-wise I don't believe it's any harder than a GBB pistol. If you have a pistol that you maintain you use the same lubes and maintenance routine. Thin silicone oil spray for the O ring seals and thicker silicone oil for the moving parts that touch each other. Internal modification is possible but I don't think there are as many options available as an AEG. I'm not really the person to ask about this. External furniture would be the same. FPS would vary a bit by temperature so on my G5 I need to check/adjust the hop up at the start of the day. It can shoot 350 which is probably a bit hot for CQB. Accuracy is as good as AEGs. It costs a bit of gas to run but that's offset by shooting more accurately and lass spraying. You should give it a try. Every time I pull my G5 out and use it in the field somebody always comments on the noise or the range or just the way it sounds and looks, especially if I switch it to full auto.
  17. Would you consider going GBBR? The GHK M4 is in a similar price bracket.
  18. I was speaking to some guy who was kitted out with all sorts of pouches and carrying all sorts of stuff. He said he was like a mobile quartermaster as he ended up carrying all his friends stuff as well. So they're all off running around light and free and he was left lumbering around like a pack mule.
  19. Actually I might give XSite a try myself at some point. Not quite as far as I thought it would be.
  20. I've heard a few stories too. The marshals are decent people and the guy who runs it is friendly enough but I wouldn't buy from his store or get him to fix my gun if there was a problem.
  21. Absolute in Reading is pretty newbie friendly. You can rent there and see if you like it. You can sign up for a particular day on their website too. Zed Adventures has the Mall in Reading which is a very good CQB site. You'll need to book via email but they do respond and there is a site limit so try to book a week or 2 in advance. Also a bit more expensive. Parking is free. Haven't tried the Ambush sites myself but from what I can ascertain, the chobham site is for young people and the Aldershot site is Longmoor where they seem to have special events every few weeks. I get the impression they're a bit more hardcore but I'd like to hear from others whether this is the case.
  22. It sounds sexy but it could just mean you're throwing more bbs to the wrong place. On an LMG I see their point. On a rifle, not so much.
  23. AEG = Automatic Electric Gun UKARA = UK Airsoft Retailers Association. You need to be UKARA registered in order to buy a realistic looking gun instead of a bright 2-tone coloured gun. To get UKARA registered you need to play at least 3 games over a period of 2 months with a club and they can register you. You also need to be 18+. * I'm way too slow.
  24. Bolle glasses are worth a try and they're cheap too. They have an anti fog coating. It is possible for them to fog but usually if it gets hot, a film of moisture forms instead which you can still see through.
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