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Posts posted by Mtemprell

  1. Or if your experienced enough. Go for a we gbb. I love mine, but only if your willing to put the time into them as your do have to clean them after every skirmish. Plus they do work very well out tge box no mods required to work. Only need to change the valve in nozzle for a npas system. But if you are not confident in haveing a gbb I'd go for the ics aeg.

  2. I know when I first started playing I us to use plce Webbing system as it was easy to use had plenty enough storage space with 4 double mag pouches a water bottle pouch and 2 utility pouches. Soon thinned it down as I realised I didn't need the space. Plus was a pain during a day of cqb found my self going through gaps sideways. I now use a osprey vest and it's the best investment I've had to date for airsofting.

  3. Hi my local area is doing a 10k run and I was thinking on doing in kit as I'd be running for help for hero's. I was wondering is it possible to contact the police and the organisers to get permission to carry a rif. If not it will just be wearing kit for me.

  4. What would people say the value of a king arms m4 gbb with ra tech internals is worth. It's hardly been skirmished and I ghought 300 wasn't too high. But I'm trying to sell it and no one seems bothered. Just wondered if it was my price or the riffle doesn't appeal to people. Thank you.


    You need to clarify weapon a somewhat, many airsoft guns are not even classified as lethal.



    www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/19 (Carrying Firearms in a Public Place)


    www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/schedule/6 (Table of punishments)


    www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/section/41 Not accurate - sentence is 6 months.


    It would depend on whether the available defences apply to non adults: www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/section/37

    I cannot see why they would not = you can carry it.


    I think airsofting is the "or of illustrating conduct from a particular time or period in the past" So no scifi weapons, they're illegal :P

    Thank you for correcting me. I was just going off what I know about air riffles. And thought it would be the same ruleing I believe the 5 years is if your caught with it on display.

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