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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Nope the joke is; Reinventing the wheel. Sorry got the literalism turned up a bit high tonight, its Monday.
  2. I personally would just get rid of the hop rubber, hop nub and the barrel. Bot sure what the hop up is made of sniper rifles are something I am not overly familiar with, but if its plastic or has plastic parts I would dump that as well. Never clean your gun with anything containing acetone its like acid for plastics. At least its only a madbull barrel they are crap anyway.
  3. Impressive video you can see why its being adopted by special forces all over the world. But do need to point out that an airsoft hk is just a copy and has nothing in common with a real one other than it looks similar. Real Hk engineering great, built by skilled craftsman. Airsoft Hk pot metal replica built in far east by unskilled low paid workforce.
  4. If you have £300 and want an M4 this is your best choice; http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/krytac-trident-crb-black.htm#.VjYjpC8Ybfs
  5. How can something so wrong also be so right?
  6. Why not thats what everyone else does ☺
  7. Use a proper barrel extension inside then you can have a M249 dmr. Just dont lock it to semi. Full auto sniper with a box mag.
  8. It does but only by about 2 to 5 fps I found which isnt going to make a difference.Checked it before by using the Xcortech x3300w and a normal chrono. Fired through as normal to check the difference between the two and then started moving back so I knew the difference was distance not different chronos. When I get a new stand alone chrono will try it at different distances and post results.
  9. The ebb doesnt need any extra maintenance.Its not a recoil system like the Tm its just a bit that goes backwards and forwards and makes a bit of a pathetic noise. Basically its a pointless gimmick that I would disable to be honest. The gun itself is very solid however and not a bad buy but there are others that I would probably pick over it in that price range if it was my money. At the end of the day its a solid and reliable gun that has good range and accuracy so if its the one you like it wont disappoint.
  10. Reach in draw pull out first pair I lay my hands on. Put on then go play. If was going to do a weekender in bog land I might give it a bit more thought but doubt it.
  11. Even funnier http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BpqNvskS_kM
  12. Like this you mean http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eHCyaJS4Cbs
  13. Budget? Cqb or woodland or both? Defence?
  14. Bbs sting but reckon you could crack a skull with a action man travelling at 350fps.
  15. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=newb Newb= friendly banter. Noob= 12 year old or dickhead on call of duty.
  16. Sorry but playing with toy guns is definitely more your age group than mine.You fit in just fine dont worry about a thing. Always happy to help a youngster.
  17. Loving the tm ak recoil dont see enough of them about.
  18. Easiest answer is just have a fall back word for when your unsure.Which is why I use the word tw*t far more on a Sunday than any other day of the week.
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