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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Might have just walked in a bad day but I am not very forgiving.To be honest best service I have ever had from a uk store was patrolbase.
  2. Had a similar thing at socom tactical. Went there about 18 months ago to get a back up gun for friends to use and a new tac light. Asked to try out a gun to see how it shot lad behind the counter just shrugged and said cant do as on his own in the shop and carried on chatting to the other lad in the shop he obviously knew. Didnt offer to lock up for a few minutes or anything. So I thought whatever went to look at lights and they had the element foregrip light combo but was way above the price of any where else. I asked if they could do anything about the price got a curt no while he rolled his eyes at the lad he was talking to. Walked out and will never go back which is a shame as normally I try and support local businesses.
  3. Agreed if you really wanted to sue then maybe you could but when I first played I was shown around and all the known problem areas were barriered off. Everybody has signed off that they are familiar with the restrictions of the site and the no go areas. Its the same as doing a job that has an element of risk all the restrictions and precautions in the world dont entirely prevent accidents but the jobs still allowed to be done and the person doing it does it knowing the risks. There is a certain element of gentlemans handshake involved as well obviously with any venture like this. At the end of the day its a group of people meeting up and having a laugh not an organised event. If you put a football match on then you need medics and officials and all the health and safety but you dont need that when you go for a kick around in the park. There are still lots of ways round a lot of health and safety things at the moment but it does get harder all the time so I am sure that at some point it will be impossible to do this sort of thing but at the moment loopholes obviously still exist.
  4. I know what a risk assessment is and anything in the play area is made safe. The sort of things that you agree to are that if you cross a barrier into an area that is not deemed safe then you are at putting yourself in harms way and that none of the electricals are used that sort of crap. We dont play anywhere that is deemed unsafe. As I said I am not 100% percent on all the legalities as I didnt organise it. What I do know is that it is possible to be done. If someone did get injured and try and sue then maybe they could nothing is bulletproof, but you would still have to prove it was the site owners fault after you signed a waiver removing them from responsibility. As I said earlier as well it did affect the building insurance in case of damage and that had to be covered, not sure who forked out for it though.
  5. Then you need some professional advice and deep pockets to start. The shear amount of health and safety crap you would to deal with would be huge.
  6. There are some grey areas to it that I dont fully know about. The people I play with have been doing this for a while. I got involved just by being in the right place at the the right time. The guy who organised it initially works for a property management firm and hes always present when we play as he plays as well and has to unlock the building. Its invite only and all of us who play have signed multiple waivers. No one can play without permission. As regards trespassers we had to drop a game in the summer as the building was broken into and the site wasnt secure. Edit; Not sure about whether the presence of non players is required. A few of the guys take it in turns stepping out and marshalling but its more like a group of mates having a kick around in the park than a proper event. It gets pretty rough on occasion, the only downside is no pyro.
  7. Actually when the risk assessment is done any issues are high lighted and added to the waiver. You then sign off that the owner can in no way be held liable for any injuries as you play at own risk. The risk assessment would need redoing after 12 months. As I said if you pay a fee to play or a fee to rent the site then its different as thats a business transaction and comes under a whole different set of rules. I know this as I have been playing a derelict site for the last 9 months. It was also there that I injured myself in November. The biggest hurdle is finding a place that will let you use the site for free.
  8. I reckon you will see a new famas before too long. The updated G2 to work with the felin system is a nice looking bit of kit. Would be surprised if none of the airsoft manufacturers are looking at doing one. Would like to see an airsoft version of the Radon bullpup as well.
  9. There is a lot of legislation and red tape if setting up a proper skirmish site but hes talking about using a derelict site with permission for a private skirmish thats a different thing altogether. You need agreement from the owner. Agreement from the insurance company. A risk assessment will need doing as its a business site so even with players signing a waiver there has to be some health and safety. Forget pyro as using them comes with a hefty premium on insurance. Because all players are playing at own risk and its voluntary and signing waivers you dont need insurance for injury but it can affect building insurance in case of damage to property expect to pay for that. You will need to inform emergency services just in case someone reports seeing a gun. Best idea is to find a site thats on a private business park with security. If you charge anybody a fee to play it becomes a business and all of the above means nothing. If its free then its just for fun and on private premises you dont need the same coverage. Just keep it indoors because even if playing a game its not a registered site so rifs cannot be in public view.
  10. Lol.I was going for the top part or Wikipedia once I see ask yahoo or the words my friend said I steer clear completely.
  11. Thats kind of it but not entirely what I am aiming at.You state that gear is just as important as playing which is exactly as it should be. When you play you play to the full and I completely respect your choice on what gear you use because you use it to enhance your enjoyment of the game. You have a balance which is a good thing and is how it should be. My issue is purely the people who put the dressing up way ahead of the game. As I stated in a previous post there is nothing wrong with enjoying the kit but if you turn up at a game turn up to play and give it your all. Edit; As for whether its a sport or a game https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&ei=uiiRVv-mNIf6PunqoIgO&q=is+airsoft+a+sport&oq=is+airsoft+&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.3.0l5.2021.5306.0.7236.
  12. Protective or load carrying gear isnt dress up. All the uniforms and other things that are not really necessary are dress up.Dressing up to play airsoft is not a bad thing whether its military, cosplay or even a crocodile onesy its all part of the fun. My issue is those people who forget that the game is still the main point. Only thing that should never be worn is a morph suit because that bloody hurts.
  13. 100% completely disagree.Yes they are linked but playing is by far the most important. Airsoft is a sport that uses bb guns as a tool but the core of airsoft is the player. Being able to play as part of a team and test yourself personally against others in a non harmful but combative way and to have the outcome based on everyones ability to show honour and play fair is what airsoft is all about. Dressing up is just an add on.
  14. Think your going a little bit off track there pal.This thread is about what sort of player are you and how annoying it is when you get people who turn up to a skirmish who are more interested in how they look than playing properly. At the end of the day if people want to just dress up then maybe re-enactment is where they should be not an airsoft field. Nothing wrong with getting your enjoyment out of the toys more than playing but thats not airsoft. Comparing it to car clubs is completely irrelevant. A car meet is not a competitive sport/activity its like minded individuals who have an interest in a particular item meeting up to look at said item. If playing airsoft after the terrorism incident bothers you then dont play, its a perfectly understandable moral choice. But if anyone connects airsoft with real war then its time to look at their own head more than airsoft because maybe they are getting too caught up in the fantasy. Airsoft is just tag with projectile weapons. I never even think in terms of real military or real guns because its not even close to the real thing. The best airsofters are those that can balance all aspects and those who play for the love of playing. Those that turn up just to dress up should stay at home.
  15. Very nice, they do feel very different in the hand to a pot metal aeg. Any plans for it or just leaving it as is?
  16. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh hate this crap lipos are batteries not bombs. Use a smart charger and dont pierce them and they are fine. Your phone battery is more dangerous if it goes bang and you are more likely to burn your house down cooking toast than you are charging a lipo.
  17. This threads got nothing to do with snobbery or other people looking down on those that dont have nice gear. Its about how for some the thrill is more in the clothes and toys and for others its all about the game itself. The only people to look down on are those who have all the kit but dont really go for it on game day. The all show and no go crowd. Someone who turns up with 5 grand of gear but really throws themselves in is no different to someone who turns up in jeans and tshirt and throws themselves in. Both are there to play and both deserve respect.
  18. If you honestly want a good m4 to upgrade get a G&P war rifle. Over time shove in a prebuilt krytac box which is easy. Then a lonex/ultimate high torque motor. Final thing is Pdi 6.08 or 6.05 barrel and a new bucking and nub combo. All easy things to do yourself and a good performing and nice looking m4 at the end.
  19. Compared to some I havent been playing that long but I am definitely getting to the point of giving up. I play small private games where we all just mess around and have a laugh and really go for it and they are great I really look forward to them but havent been to a normal skirmish since October because of an injury and starting to realise I dont miss it.Think it only takes a couple of years to start to get really jaded and then it just gets worse and worse.
  20. Ares gearboxes are garbage. Ares motors are garbage. Ares hop unit is garbage. Internals are put together by a blind person with comedown shakes. Some of their externals are nice. Fires well at first but rarely lasts. 009 has a really ugly stock and a horrible looking front end but is a super model compared to to the honey badger. Honey badger is the weapon of choice for 12yr olds and chavs. Just plain and simply f*cking horrible.
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