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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. That's absolutely brilliant. When he says the clothes are too big I nearly choked up my spleen and tactical t-shirt haha. Whats with the toothbrushes and the can of custard? That video just confirms my theories on what some airsofters are like. Cheers needed that
  2. That just shows how little you understand me. I don't take it serious I am the first person to shout its just a game and piss about. I just understand that the only thing that matters is the game, which is why I am so good at it
  3. I am serenely chilled I just think naming your toy gun is pointless but at the same time I don't have any issues with it just doesn't need a what should I call it post.
  4. No I am not missing out because I am too busy playing and shooting people to waste time on naming my gun. Trust me my gun has had way more work put into it than just a few bolt on baubles but it doesn't need a name other than "gun" The only thing I own in airsoft that matters to me is space. This is my space until I shoot you and take your space and then take everybody's elses space etc. The gun is just something to use to get that space. I appreciate a really nice gun and by nice I don't mean a generic M4 with fake fagpul bits I mean a really nice thought out one of a kind but "gun" will do. But if makes you happy I vote for Forrest Whitacker because with the red dot on the side it looks like its got a wonky eye
  5. More than most I reckon. It's a tool nothing more I don't name my spanners, I like them to be clean and shiny but name them erm no. I reckon most airsofters give their guns girls names because its the closest they get to having a woman in their life
  6. Err Toy gun, airsoft gun take your pick.
  7. Pew pew time.

    5 weeks without a game need to let loose, somebodys going to get it.

    1. Albiscuit


      Were you at The Mall?

  8. Who f*cked up the mobile ui? Wheres the new posts button?

    Dont like having to search every sub forum individually to see whats going on.

    Plain yuck

  9. Airsoft Buddhism at its finest lol. But he has a point you just have to become one with the dark. Or just aim at the stupid people walking round with their torches on. I never use a torch unless it's as a decoy or I am on my way back to regen. Thats why I love people saying the brighter the better because they are easier to track. The sensible people only use dim red navigation torches.
  10. I have decided my new years resolution is to stop being nice to multiglam wearing delusional geardo freaks. Everytime I hear somone giving the geardo speel or shouting sh*t like tango or contact rear I am shooting them even if they are on my own team. Time to take airsoft back for the normal balanced people.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Loz you mean barsteward.

      You would have to wonder round the safe zone telling everybody how you are no1 operator as well though. I could get you some team patches made up with a suitable geardo team name.

      "The Whiskey Alpha Tango Squad" sound about right?

    3. Lozart


      Everyone knows I am l33t oper8or tho.

    4. ImTriggerHappy
  11. Merry Xmas everybody.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. djben9


      Ditto the above guys

    3. SeniorSpaz87
    4. Jedi_Master


      Merry Winter Festival and a happy Boxing Day.

  12. Its the only way us down south get any of our money back from you benefit scrounging northerners.
  13. Slightly more but the best you will get unless you want to drop silly money. https://www.amazon.co.uk/UTG-Green-Riser-Adaptor-Flip-Open/dp/B004HICPHW
  14. You've actually made a vector look pretty😮 Very well done. It goes to prove you can polish a turd.
  15. Well that was a crap days airsofting.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sico


      :))) No hard feelings but I was thinking for tge good of my team :)) and I did aimed at your vest. Still I would trust you behind me when your a personality that can go rogue.
    3. Sico


      *Wouldn't, *you're

      Few pint made me forget my English

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Sorry maybe many or lots is a better term. I do need to dust off the high cap.

  16. Some people are idiots 11.1v is fine. No other gun matches it out the box they are basically perfect, nice choice.
  17. Most probably bucking has died.Ics bucking is garbage, its too soft and either the nub tears or the sealing lip distorts pretty quickly. Buy a prommy purple and fit that.
  18. Is it silly sales week?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Now Goldilocks is the one who needs a real spanking. Breaking and entering, theft of food, damage to property, and not making the beds.

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      I agree but spanking little girls is a bit Jimmy Saville so we will drop that one.

  19. This is why I stay away from zero in. http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?280221-Tokyo-Marui-M4-SOPMOD-Recoil-(Full-Upgraded) People really need to learn you can't add the cost of every part you add to a gun to the price. Especially when most upgrades are not really upgrades.
  20. http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=DYST19BK
  21. If you say so🤔 Seriously though your voice is normal and a voice over wouldn't hurt.
  22. No hes right, think Hillbilly smurf on speed 😂
  23. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

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