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Everything posted by Tad

  1. Tad

    HK417 Upgrades

    There are two parts to this. Firstly, Demon worded his OP incorrectly. His gun needs to Chrono @350 with .2s. However it still needs to be able to lift .25's as that is his primary weight of Ammo. Second, you've jumped to conclusions and made yourself look like an asshat. There are no MED for AEGs, however most people would prefer you don't Auto them from 2 foot. Also, since when can you use a 400FPS in epsom tunnels!!? He clearly stated its a DMR conversion for a 20" barrel.
  2. Damn Calais Strike means I won't get my VSR till next week.. GAME DAY IS SUNDAY!!!

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Yeah I didn't order much but had a TaiwanGun order coming as well :(

    2. two_zero


      oh bother... guess thats why I aint got my boots yet.

    3. Tad


      It's a PITA, I've got quite a bit of needed kit coming (My old gloves are failing and BBs) yet I won't receive them until tommorow or wednesday now!

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X bSp64ETglc
  4. Please bear in mind I said it cannot use full auto on 11.1, because of the way my gearbox is setup. But in the case of better cycles, with the MOSFET the only power that goes through when the cycle is complete is that which is required. Turning it to full auto effectively fills a capacitor in the FET which then turns the motor. You then get to a point where a cycle is only as quick as the discharge of the capacitor. Which is where the ROF drops / becomes a standard rate. This happens with all MOSFETS afaik, but the reason is simply that the way you wire a Fet in, reduces the chance of burning out the contacts for the trigger. Now i'm not entirely sure if creating a contact myself that quickly is more damaging, but i've found that mine works better when I cleanly cycle it (Through Semi)
  5. Well when i'm using a 11.1 LiPo, I can't actually use auto otherwise i'll shred the piston (Yes i know that I can POE and replace it). In seriousness however, I pull the trigger faster than the motor cycles on auto with a 7.4. No idea why, but I actually just prefer Semi to any other. Thinking of getting a MOSFET with a FCU in it for a 3 round burst.
  6. See, I use Med caps (80Rnd) and I will still happily empty the clip into someone if they don't take it. Actually, Semi only doesn't really work for me as i can fire my M4 faster on semi than I can on full. Back on topic, just ordered 6k from gunfire.pl. In a 2 hour game, I can either get through 5 x MedCaps and a 300Rnd Hi, or I'll use a couple of Meds. It depends on the other team, what game we're playing and such.
  7. More for civilian injuries occuring from the game if they walk onto it and such actually.
  8. To run a site, you also need to have Third party insurance i believe.
  9. Skirmish in Billericay has a game day each weekend (Varies which actual day however). The Plantation is also in Billericay, don't know much on that one. The CQB in southend has a very low FPS for AEG's. Although I have heard the site itself is fairly decent.
  10. Well the word of Jesus has spread far and wide... Not sure of the accuracy however.
  11. I mean that the newer VSR clones are using a crimped cylinder head, which means you can't get to the internals..
  12. Apparently ~480fps with .2 - I cannot be certain until I get the rifle next week. Hmm, seems a bit strange that there is variance then. I'll take a look when it comes out and possibly stick a 6.03 TBB in there.
  13. Hey All, So i'm soon to get my hands on a new CYMA CM.701b / VSR-10 Replica. First thing i will probably do is change out the cylinder for a threaded one, then do the tape mods for airseal. But my question is, does anyone know what the STOCK inner barrel type is? I've read that in some places it's a 6.23mm barrel and others that it comes at 6.08. Obviously I'm going for range / accuracy with this, so what other items should I look for? I already have some parts from ASPUK, such as the Metal spring guide / spring and i'm willing to do the work on this to make it strong.
  14. Cheers for the tips guys, i'll look into getting the gear sorted in the next few months!...
  15. Just bought: CM.701b (Fully VSR compatible) GTPA606D - LiPo / NiCad Charging unit from Taiwangun. See them next week!
  16. There is an inside venue just outside of Southend, however their FPS limit is 280 i think. So it's a little silly. As for the site itself, i've not actually been there. I think Bunker51 is the closest indoor CQB for South Essex, Although Epsom tunnels are only 2 hours away!
  17. Pretty much what i was thinking of doing tbh. However, can you link anywhere with this BatteryPac? It looks interesting to say the least, and it also means i can keep my phone charged! Also, For 1080p @60, what will run out first battery (standard) or the Memory (64Gb)?
  18. Did it yesterday at Apocalypse, some guy threw a grenade next to my head (was laying down protecting the stairs) as the fuse was going all I could think was "NOPE" and smacked it back at them straight through the open window. I think It went off on a teammate.. Some of the guys on my team were impressed at my quick reactions. The other team deffinately were.
  19. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00W8UI124?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00 -- Get it in XL. This is comfy for a 60cm head, and the padding will adjust itself once setup decently!
  20. 100 times this... G&G are great starting guns and will last you a long time, plus they will treat you well if you learn how to trea them! I know it's not a straight up answer but there is reasoning behind it Plus as others have now said, that cheaper gun will give you more value as you start getting into the sport. Hope you stick around so we can see how it goes!
  21. You will buy that, then get bored because it will be everything you want. Yes TM are good for the brand, however there are more then a few who have pointed out issues with their internals. I am going to be the voice of reason here.. Since you are newer to airsoft, why not get a decent entry level (£120) or Amateur (£240) and then learn about the sport. Put that extra money aside for things like gear / holsters, a side arm / Uprgades.. Heck you can get all of that for less then that gun, and then you can start learning the internals and upgrading them. If it all goes badly you've not spent £££ on something that you may not want.
  22. Group of 5 guys defending the central hallway in epsom tunnels... Group of 4 trying to breach from the left. Because of the angle, they couldn't get us but we could get them when they popped out. The one guy, literally crawls round this corner with a pistol, and takes out the 4 guys that were stacked up discussing how to breach us. None of the enemy expected us to come round the corner, so when a pistol muzzle appeared around the corner, they were not expecting it. The sound of shock and awe from them was enough to highlight the game..
  23. Not wound up at all, merely letting people know as i've just purchased from there and that is the rate...
  24. I had to pay £20 import tax on a steel tube that i ordered from Airsoft Atlanta.... It weighed less then 200g... From now on, all my orders are coming from the East...
  25. Just a heads up. £10.62 UPS Carrier charge for orders under £~300
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