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Hef Legend

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Posts posted by Hef Legend

  1. A suppressor will reduce/muffle/change the muzzle report on AEG's/GBBR's and HPA guns.


    On a GBBR (in my case a GHK M4) the suppressor changes the muzzle report and reduces sound but only from a distance, most of the sound is the action of the gun.


    On an AEG (G&G for me) it just changes the sharp crack into a slightly duller tone. Again most of the sound is the internal action.


    On my HPA rifle (Tanaka converted to C02/HPA), from about 15" away it almost entirely eliminates the sound, similar effect on SMP's and Polarstar's. Utterly useless on my Tippmann though as it stupidly loud lol

  2. You should look to Europe rather than Asia/US.


    The item I found was in Europe, 4 day delivery and no tax. I'm aware that they also do trade accounts with UK companies.


    On a side note, you may of seen on here, but someone called "EipCLlama" has joined this forum (now banned) and another forum (probably going to be banned soon). He has advised people that he is in partnership with your company, offering up a discount code etc.


    Sadly he has been abusive to people on the forum and generally rude, hence being banned. It may be a good idea moving forward to avoid having children promote your company as he has done a bad job and most people will now think of him and his attitude when your name comes up.

  3. Where to start:


    1. I was jesting, if you knew much about airsoft you'd know that 99% of what you write is going to end up in banter, it's half the fun of the sport.

    2. If you're under 18, you shouldn't even have RIF's. as backed up by good old UK law.

    3. I doubt you have entered into a proper partnership, as anyone under the age of 18 isn't allowed to sign a legally binding contract, once again UK law. So it's probably a mate as opposed to a legitimate business partnership.

    4. You spam the forum with this spray the mag site, there was already a thread open, you clearly just didn't like the comments as pointed out by proffink

    5. Joining up to a forum to literally abuse people is childish, especially when no one said anything offensive, just facts with evidence, once again pointed out by proffink.

    6. Looking at your profile, none of this even looks true, so you've literally joined the spam us and be an ass. You claim to be 15, yet you were born January 16th, 1921? You claim to have RIFS which you legally shouldn't and to top if off insult me for asking a legitimate question? Some of us enjoy airsoft and don't want it ruined by minors with guns they shouldn't have an attitudes that stink.



    Community Stats
    • GroupMembers
    • Active Posts26
    • Profile Views111
    • Member TitleAF-UK Starter
    • Age94 years old
    • BirthdayJanuary 16, 1921
    • Gender
      female.png Female
    • Location
      London, England
  4. I'm always up for hearing of new retailers, the only problem you have is that most people recognize that customer service in the UK for airsoft is terrible, bar a few well established retailers.


    Consider how poor customer service is in the UK, most people will be more than happy to make purchases outside of the UK. Plus 80% it a lot cheaper.


    I immediately looked on your site, found a gun, then checked an non UK company and found it for 30% less and thought. Either way customer service is likely to be poor, I may as well save the 30% and then spend it on upgrades once I get it.


    just to clarify I'm not saying your customer service is bad, just pointing out a common trail of thought. You can blame p$$$ poor UK companies for it, no names mentioned.

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