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  1. But next you open a gun bag expecting it to be empty and find a dozen pair of her shoes... The game is up - hang on where did she get the money.... More important - where the f*ck have my other guns got to ???
    2 points
  2. Something something... joke about taking everything and the kitchen sink
    1 point
  3. Just do what I do, take an empty gun bag to Firesupport or other retailer, say your getting it looked at, come back with new one in bag....done that twice now and she still thinks I have 2!!! my AEGs are £180 and the other 3 between £280 and £320, only had rubber replaced on all 4 and spring on 2, one firing low on a M90 the other a DMR upgrade doubt I will do anything else unless broken as they are all firing fine
    1 point
  4. And guns. Dont forget guns.
    1 point
  5. Murican and smart is an oxymoron. Its nothing to do with brains anyway just the hillbilly dna throwback. Large heads six toes unnatural attraction to your female relatives etc etc.
    1 point
  6. Sorry, just part of being 'Murican. Means we are smarter than you.
    1 point
  7. I remember my early games with my raider. I felt out ranged, out gunned and useless compared to most other players. Reading things online (here included) didnt always help. There is lots of misinformation around. Longer barrel, better hop = more range and super fast bbs change battery for better ROF etc.. I had a complex about my gun compared to everyone else as I knew it was entry level and el cheapo it was frustrating watching bbs float off at the end of their range or dropping at peoples feet whilst I was getting hit. But actually playing for a while and playing to my personal style and using the gun in different scenarios allowed me to learn my limits, just because I could see someone did not mean I could shoot them!!! I learnt to play sneaky where needed to get closer, aggressive where needed to keep people in my range on my terms not stand behind a tree 100m away looking through a scope wondering why I couldn't hit anyone!!! Maybe it was a combination of me expecting more from a cheaper gun / or me not being as super snipey ninja as I thought I was personally I wouldn't have got a raider if I started again, I would go with something a bit better/faster/accurate but by starting with a cheap gun it has molded the way I play and made me realise range is not everything as I can get closer to most players even in woodland than they are comfortable with anyway Sometimes people need cheaper guns to learn how to play and how things work. How many times have we seen people admit buying a AA12 or sniper rifle as their first gun is a mistake? Better to buy cheap, learn and upgrade to a decent standard if you decide to keep it than buying a £400 quid gun and regretting it.
    1 point
  8. I think sometimes people just get comfortable with what they use. My main gun is still my faithful Sig and that gets worked on all the time. Admittedly it wasn't exactly a cheapo when I bought it sort of upper mid tier but yeah you could just buy better but it wouldn't be the same. I have owned all sorts in the last few years Recoils, G&P, Krytac but none have lasted more than a few months and very few have ever made game days except the Sig because it's the one I feel most comfortable using. Sometimes just buying more expensive doesn't get you what you need and familiarity is more important. No gun I have ever used shoots better than it anyway. Can't see me ever changing from it now, I will still buy new guns but they will always be back ups or stand ins.
    1 point
  9. For me, it's because it's easier to say to the wife: "I've just ordered a new part for my rifle" Instead of "I've just bought a new gun" She'd go livid if I kept buying guns. Upgrading the existing gun is good for keeping her sweet. Plus I'm well happy with my rifle since ditching the standard barrel and hop unit for a Prometheus/Prowin combo, so I don't need a new rifle just yet (saving my pennies for a TM Recoil mind...). Just could do with a better spring in the Specna and it'd be perfect.
    1 point
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