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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/01/14 in all areas

  1. And now .. for something completely different.. Don't worry. The blood isn't real but the picture was taken during a game. Guns are painted because this picture was taken back in Portugal, where the law demands replicas to be painted in those colours.
    2 points
  2. Whenever this thread comes to the top now, I get a feeling of impending (financial) Doom
    2 points
  3. Daniel Defense RIS II in FDE for my Block 2 M4 build
    1 point
  4. sorry, the kwa tokarev is not up to the usual kwa standards or am I reading that wrong? well, that's good for my wallet because I was very tempted.
    1 point
  5. Kit is as follows: Mich 2000 with a paint job. NV is a prop but the strobe in the back works (not the original thing though). PCU Level 5 jacket ACU AT Trousers Tan Magnum Amazon 5 PACA body armor in tan (should be in green but I only have this one ) RRV Vest in Ranger Green and a MBSS pack in the back. ACU is the type of the cut of the uniform. ACU stands for Army Combat Uniform. Hope that helps. You can get most of these in ebairsoft
    1 point
  6. the one that gets me is this desertfox fella, some of his videos are alright and he does decent gameplay commentary but jesus he gets everywhere! oh, and his direct action mission video is just pure (unintentional) lolz the whole way through, considering that it's probably the most intense short scenario milsim you can get anywhere in the world they weren't half shit!
    1 point
  7. Mate, I burned my bridges with credit cards when i was @uni - my attitude was "If you're daft enough to lend it to me, i'll spend it... oh, you want it back? Yeah, sure, the thing is you didn't read the small print*". Although... I have recently finally got around to spanking £300 on a new washer/dryer through an entirely new source of credit - thank you very.co.uk - which does give my monster overdraft a slight amount of wiggle room - but i dunno about a oner's worth... If it's still going by the 21st, that'll be a different story *i. I don't give a flying fuck. ii. You cannot intimidate me with threats of court action A. I've been there before & B. but not limited to, I've worked in auctions so I know it'll cost you more to send the bailiffs in than you'll get for the stuff. iii. I am not ashamed of being in debt. iv. Even if (iii) were the case, it's not my fault that the economy is built on the idea that a debt is an asset and therefore he who has least actually has most, but not really. Obviously this will all come to a sticky end soon, so I'll have my slice of the emperor's new cake and spunk it however I see fit: just call it A. my bonus, B. my golden parachute, C. my birthday present. v. With particular reference to (i), no seriously, I really don't give a flying fuck.
    1 point
  8. I'm getting there lol, I really need a better computer to be able to do a lot more than I am doing currently though. Sometimes my laptop auto shuts down because it overheats because the editing takes so much out of it. I do appreciate the compliments though I have to admit it annoys me when you see videos like this though, which was just posted on Reddit and somehow shot straight to the top of the list due to upvotes: Is it just me, or is that one of the most "meh" airsoft videos ever? The guy has more than twice as many subs as me, how does that even happen? It's so off putting finding stuff that's crap yet people seem to like it so much more, when I've clearly put so much more effort into my videos than he has his. YouTube is a bitch =[
    1 point
  9. Karl Pilkington is my fave super hero
    1 point
  10. I fucking hate Nottingham. Two reasons; 1, as you stated, the busses don't give change. Nor do they tell you that until you drop 2 bastard quid into one and then stand there looking expectant for a good 40 seconds or more before the driver thinks to say, "Oh, yeah, you don't get change" Well thanks for that, you massive cock. 2, last time I went there, I got dumped, after spending £19 to get there on the train Shit place, full of nobs and gay bendy busses. All 100% factual information, obviously.
    1 point
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