PLCE Chestrig arrived at my home.
This rig is simple, light ,(looks like)tough, and keeps 6 mags, so I think it is good for airsoft game(we call it "survival game").
seems to have changed a bit since we went there, seemed like 2hrs of briefing!!
loved the site but hope they have blanked out some of the windows and put some cover in the larger shops rather than big dust sheets!! found the marshaling let it down,
I love those odd-ball solutions to magazine capacities from back in the days before self loading firearms. There's a youtube channel called 'forgotten weapons' with some brilliant examples, particularly from the muzzle loading era. Not sure if anyone's played Metro 2033, but they definitely got the idea for the crazy rotating-belt fed shotgun in said game from a real life one-off/prototype black powder gun.
Just a few snaps of my PMC night ops load out. It's extremely light weight as I like to move in close for the kill. And the lighter/quieter it is the better.