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Cellphone IED Project

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Ok, so we throw plenty of MK5s around the place, but their range and accuracy is only as good as we can throw them, the fuses are a tiny bit unpredictable, and the enemy know when you use them.

But there's a weapon that terrorises NATO forces, and has been responsible for more British deaths than guns have recently. The IED.

So I thought, why not build an airsoft IED? People use claymores and mines with fancy CO2 noise generating systems, and BB, water and talcum powder launchers, but could it be done more simply?


I've come up with a £20 design, using a cellphone detonator from Youtube/Google and the Spectum Maroons sold by Land Warrior


Design removed




Maroon MK5 details:

Like a standard MK5, without a time fuse and with two wires coming out. To my knowledge, it makes no difference which way round they're connected. Designed to be set off by some special detonators that were made (but are severely lacking in cool factor and cost a lot more than a Nokia 3310), or by a 9V battery. In tests, the maroons exploded the instant the battery was touched to the wires with a rather satisfactory bang.







Disclaimer - I'm a student and an airsofter, not a terrorist. I promise. You'll find me at Phoenix Airsoft games at least once a month, up till now, using AK74 variants and wearing a black molle vest and a desert camelbak somewhere. Plus, I wouldn't give up bacon for the world.

I have the greatest respect for soldiers etc, and have no desire, and have never desired, to do anything other than play airsoft. Well... you know what I mean there.


Post edited regarding certain comments about the law and terrorists etc. and since I don't want anyone nasty using my design for bad things. Not that it was a good design anyway, as usual, 't was overcomplicated.

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Pretty good idea! I've seen a video of using a mobile phone as a detonator before.. I think they took the case off the phone and used the vibrate instead of headphone wires. I'll try and find the video.

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Here's the video; http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2358935/make...hone_detonator/

He has some pretty cool videos on there..

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This is wrong on so many levels.


Is it really nesisary to take it this far, I mean surely you can do without it and use a normall one as it is just plain distrispecful to familes of people who may of been killed.

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Pay £60-£80 to buy a big black box of a radio detonator? Instead of just building something with a battery and a £10 Nokia 3310? (and having some fun with basic electronics and a creative challenge at the same time)


And how is it disrespectful? How? Surely it's no more disrespectful than airsoft itself? Both are immitations of something real where people die, created for the purposes of having fun. If anything, building a little airsoft IED will educate people I use it on as to the effectiveness, danger, and fear factor of the real thing, and give them just a tiny hint as to what real soldiers have to go through. I'm not seriously selling this as educational material, I'm just saying, it's airsoft.






On the subject of Liam's vid, I did see that, but I lack the right kind of screwdriver to get into the right part of the phone. It seems I need one with some kind of strange head, shaped like a 6 pointed star with slightly rounded points, and a rounded dimple of a tip on the end. Does anyone know what kind of screwdriver this is, and where I can get one?

EDIT: with the Nokia, I examined the video, and took to it with a penknife. After 5 minutes of careful carving, there is now a hole the phone revealing the vibrator. Same problem still exists with the Motorola V220 however. Odd screws holding it all together, and this time, I don't have a video showing me how to cut through to the vibrator, if there is a vibrator that'll do the job. I will post pics about cutting through Nokia 3310s for other budding OPFORists later. You may be able to buy a more humorous alternative to a cellphone for a vibrator detonator from a certain shop in your local area, but they allow kids at my local site, so I'm not going out to buy one. No, not even buy one, before anyone gets and funny ideas :P




And don't worry about me burning peoples eyes out BaggyPants. The pipe's going to be designed so the explosion can only exit out one end, and it'll be placed with the position and direction of this end in mind, away from where prone, crouching and standing people's eyes are likely to be, and in full line of sight of me. And I definitely won't be handing out O2's free sim cards' numbers, or giving anybody else my phone. Plus, I'll be running it by my site before use, and keeping marshals in the loop.

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For the 'funny' screws in the phones, I know what you mean but can't remember what they're called. I can normally use a small flat head screw driver on them though, if you put it in two of the star's points and have the middle of the head against the pin in the middle and be careful they should unscrew using it, although sometimes the pin will snap off. In which case, use a slightly larger flat head screw driver and put each end of the head in opposite points of the star, or you could use a regular Allen key, but I find it tends to round them off a bit.


I shall have to have a go at making one myself sometime.. would be nice to scare the sh*t out of my brother in the middle of the night.

You could also try one that runs on a timer that starts when you make the call, although that'd difficult.

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Wrong on so many levels.


Not to mention the potential for getting arrested under terror charges...


You're making a device which will simulate a variety of equipment used in terror attacks and attrocities around the world, techniques taught by Al Qaeda, the IRA, ETA and all manner of other terrorist cells whom use it for evil.


No normal civilian could be seen as needing this expertise; you're essentially making something that could be adapted to blow up a building, people or anything, quite easily once you have the detonator. Knowing how alone is enough to get you arrested. Let alone documenting the procedure on a public forum and then stating you intend to use it.


It's so massively risky for you that I can't even be bothered to give you an explanation in full. Just don't do it. Make a remote detonator sure, but not using a cellphone...

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Maybe I won't have a go at making one myself.. I'll make a remote detonator one to use to scare my brother :).

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Seriously? This stuff's on Youtube though... And surely the argument that it can be adapted for anything once you have the detonator is true of any detonator? E.g. the ones marketed for the maroons? It's just a cellphone 9V switch when you boil it down. The dangerous bit is the Spectrum Maroon, which I'm guessing could be adapted the same way as a party popper could be?

It is a little worrying that this stuff is so easy to find on the internet, but terrorists will get it to their minions anyway. I think there's a tiny bit of paranoia in the law, then again, when I think about it, it makes more sense than the laws on 2 toning (though it hurts free speech more), but if it's the law then I'll abide by it, and not post any instructions or anything like that.


Actually, Finius' point is really good. Don't post designs and such on the internet people! There are real bad guys (granted it's just the amateurs that don't get given manuals) out there that would like to know how to build detonators and such like, and while it's fun to discuss and cool to think about, someone else (even if it is "just" rioters") could come up with a much worse use for your design, and hopefully that's the last thing you'd want.


If there's a law against discussing this, can we get this thread deleted so terrorists can't plagiarise my ideas and will have to chairman_mao_rtfm_little_red_book_postcard-p239816119722449084trah_210.jpg

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I think there's a tiny bit of paranoia in the law, but, if it's the law then I'll abide by it, and not post any instructions or anything like that.


Tiny? Really? You're going to go with tiny? :P


British counter terror law is ridiculous. Ever tried taking a hair comb with hard-plastic bristles onto a plane leaving Heathrow?


It's one of those touch and go things really, you have your right to free speech, and I'm not saying you're going to prison for it, because in essence, you're right, but by taking an interest, you're going to set off all the alarm signals as soon as some bobby trolling the internet for naughty people finds it all, and from that point, you can be arrested purely on a "just in case" basis.


I'd just not want to risk it for the sake of saving a few hundred quid (if you're anything like me, you're too pretty for prison life)....

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I'd just not want to risk it for the sake of saving a few hundred quid (if you're anything like me, you're too pretty for prison life)....

A few hundred quid should never be put in the same sentence as the word "just" :lol:

I like being able to go to the kebab shop whenever I like though, and I'm faaaar too picky an eater for prison.


Still gonna use Maroons in an inventive variety of ways at airsoft. Missed out on a triple kill on Saturday because I didn't have enough wire to get behind decent cover with my battery. But 40m for £12 on bitsbox? That's not happening again.

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Haha, that triple kill miss was a shame, but you could have run for cover and sprinted back to the detonator afterwards, instead of sitting there and getting shot to pieces within the first 30 seconds of the game. There wasn't a hope in hell of a medic getting you xD


It was funny though.

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I think the screw driver you're after is called a hex key, bicycle shops will sell them.

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an IED? yeah why not it would be interesting


one bag of flour £1

cheap walkie talkie set £5-10

the inner of an airsoft grenade or two £5

some wire £0.50

watching it go up priceless

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  • 4 months later...
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Just to clarify an area of law which people seem to find murky here:


it is not an offence to discuss the existence or composition of items that can be/are only used for illegal activities. Not at all. Not ever. Not in any context whatsoever. Not using any medium whatsoever. No matter who may overhear/read it. It is however an offence to incite another (even if that 2nd or 3rd party is unknown and/or unknowable/able to be proven to not exist) to commit an offence.


This has particular relevance for hosting forums where illegal activities are discussed, because a person admitting to having done something illegal and enjoying it not only doubly incriminates themself, but opens the host and potentially also the forum owner up to being prosecuted for conspiracy to incite a criminal offence. This is the origin of the term 'Someone Who Isn't Me': a ubiquitous ne'erdowell whose activities are hearsay. SWIM can be as naughty as the forum owners' sense of aesthetics/morals allow and boast about the joys of doing so too, but the moment another member says something like "Yeah, right on!", is the moment the line has been crossed.


Re: hard to tamper with screws - Maplin is the easiest place to get the right bits/drivers. Most consumer electronics use some kind of funky screws/bolts so you need the tools to fix 'em and you can take the thing with you to check in store that a tool does fit.


Re: what will work to set off Maroons - as a rule of thumb you want to check that the output impedance isn't wildly different to the input impedance and that the voltages roughly match. So, if the headphone socket on a phone has an output impedance of say 16 ohms, and you connect it to a device that you want it to activate with an input impedance of 4 ohms, you will burn out the output and in this case there may not be a fuse between the amp and socket.


Something way cheaper that you may consider in place of maroons is the igniters used for toy rockets - they're a tiny loop of wire with a blob of some kind of phosphor mixture that catches fire when you put a voltage across it. I expect you'd need a solenoid or transistor circuit for the radio receiver to activate allowing the main battery to connect to the igniter, but this would only need to be built sturdily once. Afterwards you would just replace the igniter each time. The igniter would be stuck to the strike tab of any ordinary flashbang or smoke bomb. This may also be a bit more palatable to airsoft site marshals as they are insured for such pyros, but maybe not improvised pyros made from maroons...

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  • 1 month later...

If I was to create a homemade remote detonation device for pyrotechnics for use at a registered and insured airsoft site, I would probably just use a door bell and mosfet.


I'm not sure I'd be comfortable ensuring the saftey of other players with such a device though, and certainly not without the consent and aid of the owners of the site/marshalls.


Also I suspect that you might need some pyrotechnics license or qualification IF it would require you to tamper with the pyro. However the electricly fired maroons you spoke of sound pretty interesting.





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