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GBB only events

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Hi guys,

We're trying to organise a GBB only event at The Gaol Events. It is truly an amazing site. 


Minimum players required 30, We're trying to get as many players we can. 


Provisional date is the 21st June. 


This is a private event only and will require a password to book on. Details will be ironed out as we gather numbers. 👌🏻👍🏻


Feel free to pm me







Rules for the events.

GBB and NBB only (gas shotguns and MK23s)

Extended mags are fine but no drum mags

HPA tapped mags are ok, as long as they are the standard capacity for the mag

Additionally HPA tapped rifles (such as the VFC M249) will be allowed

NO HPA ADAPTORS (just the mags intended for the gun)

Spring shotgun allowed as back up.

Snipers allowed gas preferred but spring allowed. (Site dependant)

To keep to the spirit and nature of owning a GBB were trying to keep this a somewhat tactical game day, so please no speedsoft.

Keep in mind if you turn up with nothing but an AEG or any other rif that does not conform to the rules. You will be turned away.

If you have any questions feel free to message me.

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Way too far for me, but I wish you luck with it. Defiant Events did one in the south a few months ago and everyone who went loved it, so hopefully you'll find similar success!


Personally, I'd make it gas snipers only so you don't get a bunch of people showing up with tac41s and VSRs, but I'm probably biased in that regard... *looks at 2x Tanaka m700s + 2x KJW m700s + PPS kar98k*



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Yup, sounds fun, good luck with it.


It seems that your rules could be boiled down to:


No AEGs of any sort.

Near-real capacity magazines, and none over 50 rounds.


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Sounds pretty good to me. I like the idea and it's only about 2h up the M1.

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Love the principle, but where I have seen people try before they often fail due to a lack of numbers. 


I'd suggest focusing more on real cap event, so rifs like TM NGRS can be used, but has to have the 30 round setting on the mags. 


Would also like add, Good luck! If these events were more common it'd make me want to get an MP7 again! 


Edited by Emergencychimps
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37 minutes ago, Emergencychimps said:

I'd suggest focusing more on real cap event,


That's what I was wondering, as it sounds like the real goal is to have people picking their shots.  I mean, if you welcome the glorious HPA master race, why not dirty AEG peasants?  Any mid-cap can be loaded with 30 rounds, it comes down to whether you trust the players to stick to the spirit of it.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


That's what I was wondering, as it sounds like the real goal is to have people picking their shots.  I mean, if you welcome the glorious HPA master race, why not dirty AEG peasants?  Any mid-cap can be loaded with 30 rounds, it comes down to whether you trust the players to stick to the spirit of it.


I always figured the solution to that was a hard ammo cap for the day.


Eg you get a bag of 500 bb's and its up to you if you want to partially fill a drum mag or a backpack full of gas mags but when its gone its gone.


Would be hell to police given how easy it'd be for players to sneak extra rounds onto the field, and many would take issue (with varying degrees of justification) if they had to run site ammo. But then what rule in airsoft doesnt fundamentally rely on the honesty of strangers in a competitive environment.

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If you can't trust players to play by the rules at a special event like this, where the whole point is the limited ammo, I am not sure you can trust them to take their hits or not be twats, so at that level of policing, I'd say just give up. 


I can see the argument for real cap mags only, all too easy for those 30 rounds to become 45 by an extra 3/4 pushes of the speedloader. I can also see the argument for gas only, they have a certain amount of noise to them that makes using them harder than a pretty darn quiet aeg, everyone is then level as far as ammo capacity, mag weight, noise made when engaging enemy etc.  


Personally I'd love to see a night game where you have to use one of those bifrost flash thingies from your barrel, you don't have to use tracer rounds, but the flash thing would be cool if everyone had to have them. 


I am  a fan of gunman's filmsim rules where you're only allowed a limited number of bbs out at a time, based on what type of weapon you have, but I think the op is striving for even more than that (and great that they are - more variety means more likelihood there will be the game types I like!). 



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4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

when its gone its gone.


Knife kills for the rest of the day?

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10 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Knife kills for the rest of the day?


Pretty much, or maybe theres a built in resupply system eg you get to top up if the team captures an objective, or if you're doing wave respawn mechanics you get topped up before being sent back out.

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On 19/03/2025 at 12:02, Chev Chelios said:

Thoughts on the the GDR15? uses a battery but is a trans GBB with 30 round mags and without a battery it technically is a springer. 

I have one myself pal, but it'll be getting left at home. Just GBB only.

On 19/03/2025 at 14:43, Rogerborg said:


That's what I was wondering, as it sounds like the real goal is to have people picking their shots.  I mean, if you welcome the glorious HPA master race, why not dirty AEG peasants?  Any mid-cap can be loaded with 30 rounds, it comes down to whether you trust the players to stick to the spirit of it.

Aeg and hpa has the glory for most of the year 🤣🤣. I'm tryna make this gbb only and seasonal from april/may-sept. It's drummed up alot of interest tbh. I really wouldn't be surprised if it sold out. Invites will be going live friday/Saturday. 

Edited by Condor
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15 minutes ago, enzo47 said:

Bit drive for me but I'm eger to travel for this gbb only match.  when would we have confrim my spot . mark my calendar. 


Also be intrested in gbb night game !!!

Join the discord server if you can pal, once it's available the link will be posted in there a long with the password. The venue is dealing with all the money side of things so there's no second guessing 


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1 hour ago, enzo47 said:

bdw are Co2 powered allowed along they fit the fps allowed. My regular site don't allow co2. Insurance reasons 

To be honest I've never heard of a site not allow it, what's it powering? As long as it's not like a wraith stock

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  • Jedi_Master changed the title to GBB only events

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