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Cheap upgrades


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/thread, basically.  And clean the barrel!


There's no point in throwing (much) money at any new gun until you've used it and seen how it performs. Stock Specnas are fine, although they do tend to come with an M90 spring that comes out a little low, and an M120 spring that's way too spicy for UK use, so after you've chronoed it, you might consider a spring change.

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1 hour ago, Biggie-Banana264 said:

When buying a edge 2.0 upgrades what are cheap upgrades that could be installed for accuracy 


Use it for a while and then decide what needs doing. Not before you buy the thing.

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As others have posted, use it for at least 1 full game day before looking at potential upgrades. This will give a better idea of what, if anything, needs changing.


That being said, the most likely things that'll need changing will be the hop rubber and spring. Fortunately these are both easily done 

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the issue with cheap, is what whilst it is possible, assuming your new to this there's going to be some avenues it's not worth risking.


the cheapest, "upgrade" is to get into the habit of cleaning your barrel, at least before every game day but bringing a cleaning rod with you is never a bad call. no need to get fancy, a clean strip of microfibre on the cheap plastic rods many guns come with is perfectly good enough. it's pretty much free and there is no real downside.


second upgrade isn't necessarily cheap, but it can at least be tailored to your pocket is to look at heavier/better quality ammo, how heavy is a balance between what the gun can lift, how heavy your trigger finger and how much you can stomach spending.


other cheap upgrades include the aforementioned bucking (in the name of lifting heavier ammo) and going after air seal, where the parts aren't strictly expensive (eg an o ring over a whole piston head) but dissassembling an aeg box is a clockwork nightmare and not the best idea to learn how to do it on your only pew, if you make a mistake it can mean the walk of shame and i can assure you it gets real old real fast.

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+1 for the use it before you upgrade it opinion


Any new rif, fresh out of the box will need “run in” for a good few hundred rounds before it settles to a median accuracy.

Hop rubber/barrel etc will all (I’d anticipate) need a good clean with isopropyl before its first shots to be confident 👍

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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