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501st Airsoft, Tunbridge Wells

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The question I usually ask myself when there are two conflicting reports is about who benefits from being economical with the truth.  

The person who wrote the review and whose identical email to the site was met with a thumbs up rather than an explanation or a rebuttal had nothing to gain from his original complaint to the site owner.

On the other hand, a fan of the site might feel inclined to give a version of events that favours the site.


Also note that this was not just one person; two of the group left after the pyro incident and the other six left early.  


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10 minutes ago, Joe Caliandro said:

@Colin Allen please do not base the site off of that review. I was there on that exact game day and have receipts to prove. Some people had struggled to understand the idea of it being a new site on a budget with ongoing development. Moreover, the frequent vandalism to the site had resulted in the safe zone being trashed the night before the game day. It was explained to me that the site had been vandalised before and the Marshalls were on site the day before game day to build up the play area. However, on their arrival at 5 o’clock that Sunday morning, they had realised the safe zone had been vandalised again and rushed to fix what they could before people started to arrive on site. I don’t actually know where that review got the loaded mags in guns story from as to my recollection nobody had magazines in their guns at any point in the day. The chrono station was set up and run well and I went through it no issue at all. The main issue of that review was the thunderflash remark. I was a witness to the thunderflash going off having being metres from it when it was safely thrown away from the netting out into the play area before going off. Upon my second visit to this site yesterday, the Chrono station and panneling to wall off the chrome to prevent accidents has been heavily developed upon. Overall it’s a great site that takes people on a journey of an attack/ defence style of airsoft with strategy developing throughout gameplay, instead of the run and gun that is seen most days.


Welcome Joe, everyone's entitled to an opinion,  that's what makes this place great, Colin shared somebody elses review, someone he knows personally so he has no reason to disbelieve what he was told.

He & I had discussed this a little a week ago & he was reluctant to disclose too much info until the site had been given the opportunity to respond.

I'm guessing they chose not to, or their response was inadequate, hence why this is now in the public domain.

I'm gonna make an assumption that the reviewer, & his family, aren't first time players, & that the issues they've highlighted,  particularly safety,  aren't what they've seen elsewhere, which would explain why they felt the need to share their gameday experience. 

Thing is, I've played some atrocious sites, issues at every level from safety, to marshaling, to the game scenarios that are set in place, I've come away horrified, I've spoken to marshals & owners, & on a rare occasion shared my thoughts online, but the latter is usually after I've gone back & given them a second, or even third chance.

And throughout this, I'll hear players extolling the virtues of the site, either on the gamedays I attended, or just in general, & the only conclusion I can come to in order to explain the disparity between my opinion & theirs, is that they don't know any better, they haven't experienced a top quality well run site, so to them, it's literally the adrenaline fueled dogs bollocks. 


Any failings are on the site & it's staff, that includes how players behave, anybody can cheat or act like a cnut, but if that behaviour is not nipped in the bud, it speaks volumes about those supposedly in charge.

& if word gets around it gets worse, decent players stay away, but the cheats & arsehole arrive in droves, before you know it, it's akin to twa Croydon, & nobody wants that lol🤣


PS. I will be attending the site personally at some point, it's not far from me, & if I experience anything similar, I will be very vocal about it😏

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8 minutes ago, Tackle said:

before you know it, it's akin to twa Croydon

Why did you have to mention that cesspit?  I had managed to forget about it until I read that!

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15 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Welcome Joe, everyone's entitled to an opinion,  that's what makes this place great, Colin shared somebody elses review, someone he knows personally so he has no reason to disbelieve what he was told.

He & I had discussed this a little a week ago & he was reluctant to disclose too much info until the site had been given the opportunity to respond.

I'm guessing they chose not to, or their response was inadequate, hence why this is now in the public domain.

I'm gonna make an assumption that the reviewer, & his family, aren't first time players, & that the issues they've highlighted,  particularly safety,  aren't what they've seen elsewhere, which would explain why they felt the need to share their gameday experience. 

Thing is, I've played some atrocious sites, issues at every level from safety, to marshaling, to the game scenarios that are set in place, I've come away horrified, I've spoken to marshals & owners, & on a rare occasion shared my thoughts online, but the latter is usually after I've gone back & given them a second, or even third chance.

And throughout this, I'll hear players extolling the virtues of the site, either on the gamedays I attended, or just in general, & the only conclusion I can come to in order to explain the disparity between my opinion & theirs, is that they don't know any better, they haven't experienced a top quality well run site, so to them, it's literally the adrenaline fueled dogs bollocks. 


Any failings are on the site & it's staff, that includes how players behave, anybody can cheat or act like a cnut, but if that behaviour is not nipped in the bud, it speaks volumes about those supposedly in charge.

& if word gets around it gets worse, decent players stay away, but the cheats & arsehole arrive in droves, before you know it, it's akin to twa Croydon, & nobody wants that lol🤣


PS. I will be attending the site personally at some point, it's not far from me, & if I experience anything similar, I will be very vocal about it😏

Let me know when you do mate and I'll swing by, it's literally a few miles away from me and I'd like to have a nose 

7 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

Why did you have to mention that cesspit?  I had managed to forget about it until I read that!

Don't 😂😂

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"Vandalism ate my homework"

Is this site insured?

Is Connor Collins the responsible person?

Is he a sole trader and operating an e-commerce without providing a business address?

Surely the postman cannot deliver a letter before claim to a woodland at TN3 9AQ?

Does he even own the woodland or have permission to use it?

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⁸Umm. Freshly signed up and their only post is to claim a negative review posted by a known and respected forum member is bullshit. I think I'll take what they post with a massive pinch of salt. I think this should be enough 360_F_243161577_aWy4DTdLcEDbguulgixdLVeisUnCwTCN.jpg.e654720a0cf3dcf4219637114aebefe7.jpg



While vandalism of a site is never good it's no excuse for a poorly run site, hell my go to site has suffered from vandalism repeatedly (even worse is that it appears to be done by another nearby site) and they're still able to run a decent gameday.

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6 hours ago, Tackle said:

Any failings are on the site & it's staff, that includes how players behave, anybody can cheat or act like a cnut, but if that behaviour is not nipped in the bud, it speaks volumes about those supposedly in charge.

This. To me a good measure of how well a site is run is how they act when things go wrong. The fact that the staff did fuck all to address any of the problems they were told about, and a lack of any real response to the review by the owners make me think once they've gotten your money they stop giving a shit

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2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

⁸Umm. Freshly signed up and their only post is to claim a negative review posted by a known and respected forum member is bullshit. I think I'll take what they post with a massive pinch of salt. I think this should be enough 360_F_243161577_aWy4DTdLcEDbguulgixdLVeisUnCwTCN.jpg.e654720a0cf3dcf4219637114aebefe7.jpg



While vandalism of a site is never good it's no excuse for a poorly run site, hell my go to site has suffered from vandalism repeatedly (even worse is that it appears to be done by another nearby site) and they're still able to run a decent gameday.

You mean the same guy who also left a 5 star review straight after the 1 star review was posted on Google? 


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I notice @501st Airsoft was on here last night, but chose not to comment ?.


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14 hours ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

Don't 😂😂

After our last experience there, I have no intention of going back.

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There’s a double-edged sword to everything. If you want to have your opinions feel free. But if you don’t take into account both sides of the picture. For instance, Luke Wilson shouting at younger players and rentals for silly mistakes until the point he left site feel free to decide who’s in the wrong. It AD804F6A-B371-4A61-801E-0FE7227E1B08.thumb.jpeg.9542dfc479fc7dd2bcb86f794ef6c689.jpegwas horrific to see Luke treating the younger generation of the sport in the way he did with multiple witnesses both Marshall’s and players witnessing him screaming at kids.6BCF329B-A6F5-488F-8797-36CA0BA30125.thumb.jpeg.ca1f5d8fcf8a00004e3b768332c70df0.jpegAC2BADC3-C6AE-474E-AD34-02756F860813.thumb.jpeg.046c37ab814b7ae46d4a6658538aec92.jpeg

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Hi guys. Well as I have been mentioned in this topic, I have felt compelled to reply.

As I have replied to Ollies post, not sure where he got his facts from about me being a famous site reviewer,as this is the first review of a site I have played at that i have left. That in its self should show you his angle. As it was mentioned, I don't know where they got shouting a little kids from. The only little kids there were 3 younguns with their dad. I'm sure if I had shouted at them, their dad would have had words with me, but of course people are free to believe who they want. 

My main concern is the safety aspect, and I can assure you there were mags in guns in the safe zone. My wife would not remove her eye pro, but even after this she still wanted to give it another go. As it has been mentioned there is no point in making stuff up, especially when I have no affiliation to this or any other site. I want there to be more sites not less, so we get more choice.

I agree with a post above about maybe giving it another go, but to be honest with the cost and how long it takes to get there and back, I'd rather try a different site, than go back and give them more of our money, especially after all they could be bothered to do was give me a thumbs up. 

Make of the review what you will and yes, maybe take it with a pinch of salt if you wish and give it a try. I just hope if you do, you have a better SAFER experience than we did. 

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50 minutes ago, Joe Caliandro said:

There’s a double-edged sword to everything. If you want to have your opinions feel free. But if you don’t take into account both sides of the picture. For instance, Luke Wilson shouting at younger players and rentals for silly mistakes until the point he left site feel free to decide who’s in the wrong. It AD804F6A-B371-4A61-801E-0FE7227E1B08.thumb.jpeg.9542dfc479fc7dd2bcb86f794ef6c689.jpegwas horrific to see Luke treating the younger generation of the sport in the way he did with multiple witnesses both Marshall’s and players witnessing him screaming at kids.6BCF329B-A6F5-488F-8797-36CA0BA30125.thumb.jpeg.ca1f5d8fcf8a00004e3b768332c70df0.jpegAC2BADC3-C6AE-474E-AD34-02756F860813.thumb.jpeg.046c37ab814b7ae46d4a6658538aec92.jpeg

Link to thread please, not just screenshots 

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Ahhh the age old, I made a motar tube that's unsafe but don't worry, it's on private land, we had permission and our marshals are first aid trained and it was fully tested and safe guarded 


I get it, we've all done stupid shit, but don't post it on Facebook, jesus christ can you imagine if someone had unfortunately got injured and that made the news? 

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@Joe Caliandro you mention "silly mistakes" by youngsters, care to elaborate on what they were ?


Also, the term "horrific" is surely overly dramatic on your part, it's the kinda word one uses if someone loses an eye, or suffers a life changing complicated fracture on site ?


End of the day, safety issues MUST be addressed when identified, failure to do so will damage more than just their reputation, a thumbs up just doesn't cut it.


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46 minutes ago, atacam said:

Hi guys. Well as I have been mentioned in this topic, I have felt compelled to reply.

As I have replied to Ollies post, not sure where he got his facts from about me being a famous site reviewer,as this is the first review of a site I have played at that i have left. That in its self should show you his angle. As it was mentioned, I don't know where they got shouting a little kids from. The only little kids there were 3 younguns with their dad. I'm sure if I had shouted at them, their dad would have had words with me, but of course people are free to believe who they want. 

My main concern is the safety aspect, and I can assure you there were mags in guns in the safe zone. My wife would not remove her eye pro, but even after this she still wanted to give it another go. As it has been mentioned there is no point in making stuff up, especially when I have no affiliation to this or any other site. I want there to be more sites not less, so we get more choice.

I agree with a post above about maybe giving it another go, but to be honest with the cost and how long it takes to get there and back, I'd rather try a different site, than go back and give them more of our money, especially after all they could be bothered to do was give me a thumbs up. 

Make of the review what you will and yes, maybe take it with a pinch of salt if you wish and give it a try. I just hope if you do, you have a better SAFER experience than we did. 

I read your review and saw your side of things we're yet to hear back from Connor (501), with the cost of travel and how far you went you seemed to have left an honest review of your day, how you could have benefited from the review I can't see, it's not like you're a local competeting site 


And like all negative reviews regarding airsoft sites, the locals always gang up and try to tell you that you are wrong 


It's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last 


All the community wants is the truth from what happened that day so I'll sit back and watch you all duke it out until the truth rears it's head 

Edited by Jez_Armstrong
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1 minute ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

Ahhh the age old, I made a motar tube that's unsafe but don't worry, it's on private land, we had permission and our marshals are first aid trained and it was fully tested and safe guarded 


I get it, we've all done stupid shit, but don't post it on Facebook, jesus christ can you imagine if someone had unfortunately got injured and that made the news? 

It would definitely put airsoft into scrutiny again, as a whole. It’s already a niche hobby that many people are put off by simply because of the replicas being… well, replicas of real pews. If that was me, I would test the “mortar” when the field is empty and with nobody around at all. The argument of “but nobody got hurt” is simply ridiculous, because nobody got hurt… this time. Mistakes happen, very easily. Then all of a sudden your little bit of “fun” becomes a big headache for the site owners and insurance. 

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5 minutes ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

I read your review and saw your side of things we're yet to hear back from Connor (501), with the cost of travel and how far you went you seemed to have left an honest review of your day, how you could have benefited from the review I can't see, it's not like you're a local competeting site 


And like all negative reviews regarding airsoft sites, the locals always gang up and try to tell you that you are wrong 


It's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last 


All the community wants is the truth from what happened that day so I'll sit back and watch you all duke it out until the truth rears it's head 

That is fair. Of course this is only our experience, and there are always two sides to a story. Which is why I kept it private first of all and wanted to see what 501st would say. 

I have been encouraged to report this day, but as yet have declined to do so. I really hope they take note of my review and step up their safety massively, before someone gets hurt. But, when I saw this mortar post it made me cringe.

I totally agree do it at a time when no other customers are there to do your testing, as to be real, there aren't many places where you can actually test this sort of thing.



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Yep, testing shit is definitely only to be done in an empty site, & no one signs a waiver expecting to be exposed to homemade crap, never mind that the already feeble public liability insurance (if they even have it ?), would be completely voided by using homemade launchers or pyro.

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If you have a genuine negative review of a site and something couldn't be resolved on the day by staff or you was simply laughed at I feel it must be voiced and the community needs to know about it 


What I can see from this is that one (3) out of towners came to a new site and didn't like it for the reasons you have pointed out and the guys that are local and have played since day 1 are defending it 


Both parties are within their right to do so, but if the complaint is a safety regard and that's being overlooked then there is a problem 

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1 hour ago, Joe Caliandro said:

multiple witnesses both Marshall’s and players witnessing him screaming at kids.

IF this did happen then why didn't the marshals step in? Stopping incidents like this is part of their job and if they witnessed it but did nothing then it's on them.


As for the mortar, that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. I just hope the owners see sense before it comes to that.

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It now appears that my accuser has removed his post containing all these accusations? 

Or can I just not see it anymore?

UK Airsoft Community 2.0 | D.I.Y Mortar Fail 😂 | Facebook

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5 minutes ago, atacam said:

It now appears that my accuser has removed his post containing all these accusations? 

Or can I just not see it anymore?

UK Airsoft Community 2.0 | D.I.Y Mortar Fail 😂 | Facebook

I can still see it, Ollie HD commented 1 hours ago 


"Pretty sure all Airsoft Mortars DIY 😂🤔



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Just now, Jez_Armstrong said:

I can still see it, Ollie HD commented 1 hours ago 


"Pretty sure all Airsoft Mortars DIY 😂🤔

Sorry I mean his long post about me shouting at kids and being a serial bad reviewer and getting others to do so to feed my ego? 

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