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F**king Weather In 2024, Will I Ever Get To Play Again?


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finally pushed myself to go to an outdoors game despite the relatively poor weather last weekend.  but at least the weather seems to be improving, if only incrementally.  the going was a bit tougher than usual due to the recent heavy rainfall turning many paths to mud


On 20/02/2024 at 23:47, Tommikka said:

I do / did like a good game in foul weather.


A couple of memorable ones...



i have played a few games in less than ideal weather, but my most memorable one was the first AI500 game at the Citatel in Dover. the saturday afternoon saw a severe rainstorm (almost a monsoon) blow in with high winds,  everyone turned into drowned rats almost instantly, the high winds making it impossible to shoot between buildings as the wind simply blew everyones BBs for miles.  game was eventually called early after the winds began blowing roof tiles off one of the cell block buildings.

lots of people called it early and went home due to the poor weather, especially as the high winds caused havoc with the camp site, ripping many tents to shreds and soaking everyones kit,  one poor group even had their tent blow away and land in the channel. fortunately i avoided that fate as i had got to site early enough that myself and a few others were able to set up tents in the lee of several buildings at a lower level, though the heavy rainfall was turning the grass area to mud.

the site owners opened up some buildings near the campsite so everyone who wanted to stay could move inside and a group of us all set up our tents as an indoor camp and everyone hung their gear up to dry as best they were going to, given there was no heating in the building, and we all sat around in groups singing, cracking jokes, drinking whiskey, playing cards against humanity etc until well into the night

sunday was a little uncomfortable due to having to wear still-wet kit, but those of us that stayed managed to soldier through until end-ex and i could switch into some dry civvy kit to drive home in.

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I would love to not be put off by foul weather - but it's not the lack of kit stopping me...


It's Neg Air/Luke waving my AEG at me saying "there is RUST in the barrel!"

- and 5 minutes later -

"the sector gear is also rusted! What have you been doing?!". I sheepishly responded something about rain and trees and running about holding the damn thing one handed.


This less than a year after the gun in question was overhauled.


I don't care about being cold and wet, bring it on! But I can't bear the thought of my lovely AEGs suffering the inclement weather and getting damaged. What can I do? Am I overreacting?

Edited by Herrgh
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36 minutes ago, Herrgh said:

I would love to not be put off by foul weather - but it's not the lack of kit stopping me...


It's Neg Air/Luke waving my AEG at me saying "there is RUST in the barrel!"

- and 5 minutes later -

"the sector gear is also rusted! What have you been doing?!". I sheepishly responded something about rain and trees and running about holding the damn thing one handed.


This less than a year after the gun in question was overhauled.


I don't care about being cold and wet, bring it on! But I can't bear the thought of my lovely AEGs suffering the inclement weather and getting damaged. What can I do? Am I overreacting?

No one, me included, knows what's "round the corner", so if you wanna play, then fuck the weather & a little bit of rust & play, & fuck Lukes ocd, if we all hung them on the wall, he'd make no money lol

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It does feel like it hasnt stopped raining for the past few months, something on the news about it being the wettest February since records began. Everything around here in the East of England is a boggy flooded mess, every field you see is underwater. Ive got better things to do on a Sunday morning than get up early and go out in freezing cold rain, very much a fairweathersofter :P Been doing it for long enough now to not need to suffer miserable days playing it. Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying. 

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45 minutes ago, Tackle said:

No one, me included, knows what's "round the corner", so if you wanna play, then fuck the weather & a little bit of rust & play, & fuck Lukes ocd, if we all hung them on the wall, he'd make no money lol


In fairness to Luke and myself, this was after a whole litany of issues getting this bloody gun to work because G&P can't drill their receivers right. And if I'm remembering right, this was after only ONE instance of using it in inclement weather, so I was horrified that "a little bit of rain" did so much damage. This is mentally what I'm dealing with.


Maybe I was just unlucky. I would love to better seal my AEGs against the rain, if there was a way to do it. Or have a specific AEG for use in the wet weather.

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1 hour ago, Herrgh said:

 Or have a specific AEG for use in the wet weather.

Plastic might be the way to go  ?

G36 family maybe  ?

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6 hours ago, Herrgh said:

I would love to not be put off by foul weather - but it's not the lack of kit stopping me...


It's Neg Air/Luke waving my AEG at me saying "there is RUST in the barrel!"

- and 5 minutes later -

"the sector gear is also rusted! What have you been doing?!". I sheepishly responded something about rain and trees and running about holding the damn thing one handed.


This less than a year after the gun in question was overhauled.


I don't care about being cold and wet, bring it on! But I can't bear the thought of my lovely AEGs suffering the inclement weather and getting damaged. What can I do? Am I overreacting?


5 hours ago, Tiercel said:

It does feel like it hasnt stopped raining for the past few months, something on the news about it being the wettest February since records began. Everything around here in the East of England is a boggy flooded mess, every field you see is underwater. Ive got better things to do on a Sunday morning than get up early and go out in freezing cold rain, very much a fairweathersofter :P Been doing it for long enough now to not need to suffer miserable days playing it. Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying. 

You two need the good work of GT85 and silicone grease (and surplus waterproofs on the bike).


I took this pic after a run into town on my old winter hack.  I'd stopped off at the common for a play on my way back. I use the lad's SR125 for really shit weather these days.  


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Any ferrous metal can and will start corroding the moment it gets the chance and any moisture from anywhere can exacerbate that.  Almost all airsoft guns use the lowest quality metals the manufacturer can possibly get away with, with very low grade (if any) surface finishes - especially with regards to steel.  The one saving grace we actually have is that almost the entire construction of a budget AR/G36 AEG (which make up most guns at any given game) is plastic and zamac, which means said gun is mostly pretty impervious to rust.


Parts which are prone could get a coat of grease/thick oil (if appropriate) which will solve a lot of the issue for a long time if not touched.  Otherwise, as with a real gun, just dry it off as far as possible at the earliest opportunity.  Luckily in an airsoft we have the luxury of going back to a warm, dry dwelling usually after less than 1 day and access to clean and dry kitchen roll.


Same with any kit, if you shove it in a bag while damp and muddy then leave it for a week it'll go to the dogs in one way or another (just speaking to the ether here); basic maintenance is one of the best possible ways to save money in this game and I'm pretty sure that's a high priority for literally everyone.

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13 hours ago, Tiercel said:

Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying.


'king right - I remember in my yoof riding from Eastbourne to Gloucester in freezing, driving rain that froze on my chest.  3 very miserable hours on the back of a CB250N (which I still have 28 years later).


Still have the old Belstaff jacket, although it doesn't fit as well.



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37 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


'king right - I remember in my yoof riding from Eastbourne to Gloucester in freezing, driving rain that froze on my chest.  3 very miserable hours on the back of a CB250N (which I still have 28 years later).


Still have the old Belstaff jacket, although it doesn't fit as well.



can i have the jacket then??

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Been there, done that, had 3 years of only having a bike as transport whilst at uni. All year round & winter commuting. Including riding from Cambridge to Cornwall to go see family for Christmas. Doesn’t matter how good your kit is, sooner or later the 70+ mph wind blast will force water in and you’ll be cold wet miserable and end up hating something you’re supposed to enjoy. Same goes for airsofting 😛 

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On 25/03/2024 at 10:52, Tiercel said:

Been there, done that, had 3 years of only having a bike as transport whilst at uni. All year round & winter commuting. Including riding from Cambridge to Cornwall to go see family for Christmas. Doesn’t matter how good your kit is, sooner or later the 70+ mph wind blast will force water in and you’ll be cold wet miserable and end up hating something you’re supposed to enjoy. Same goes for airsofting 😛 

I suppose that riding for a living a few years allowed me to perfect things a bit.  Barn door fairing, hand waxed leggings, Seyntex over jacket, beer towel scarves (with spares), heated grips, handlebar muffs, Sealskin socks, reams of gaffer tape over vulnerable bits and daily kit care kept me dry on all but a few occasions. 


I drowned a few radios mind... 

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