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Old skool. Really, really old skool


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Ah man, I had the stainless version! Wonder if that's still kicking around in a dusty corner of my parents' loft.

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22 hours ago, sonofsammo said:

Original 1991 Tokyo Mario springer Desert Eagle.

Oh the fun me and my bruv had with this! 

I also had a Beretta 92f that ran off a compression tank/pump which was rather fun. But that was sold at uni for beer.

Things are somewhat different now....








I had the non blowback gas one of those!


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It actually shoots pretty well and has adjustable hop. Reasonable power for a springer too. I might have reviewed it I can't remember.



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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