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Hi can someone help me. My husband was a active Airsoft player some years ago with our son but unfortunately I lost him to covid. I have been hanging on to some of the remaking equipment we have but it’s just to many memories and painful as I finally have to let go 

I am not sure where to go or how much to ask. Can someone advice I do know that this one Vegaforce company cal 6mm V110026 had all the upgrades then there is a H&K  G36C Kal 5.56mmx46 VE000171 and a hand gun 

WE Tactical XD Series compact 3.8 


any advice or how much to ask would be appreciated 








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Hi mummybear, firstly so very sorry to hear of your extremely sad loss to you & your son, I wish I could say I can't imagine your pain right now, but unfortunately many of us have experienced similar loss over the last few years, but that knowledge doesn't help with your suffering 😢

Regarding the values, there'll be more knowledgeable members along shortly to give better advice than I could. 

But I have a request to ask of you, as per the forum rules could you please take a couple of new pics of the items you need prices on, & include a piece of paper in the pictures that has your username & the current date handwritten on. 

Thank you. 

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Hi my user name is mummybear and today is 12th February. I can’t hand write these as I don’t have a printer to print out and write on but I took all these this morning. I understand if you have to remove because of this managed to sort of write from editing. Sorry again just trying to save my son the stress . Used to know as we used to 10 years ago or more have YTA armouries in Rotherham and we had the original Yta Airsoft but I never understood much about it then,and I’m to poorly myself after also barely surviving covid but that’s not your problem and once again thank you got at least reply. I can see I will finish up giving them away as do t have a clue just yet which is a shame 




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Handwritten on a piece of paper would have been sufficient, unfortunately what you've done by "overwriting" the pics just makes things look worse. 


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Hi @Mummybear ,This is what’s normally done

it shows the users name with a non digital timestamp 

it shows that the person putting up the picture actually has it in their possession 

ie, a piece of card with the days date of photo with username

hope this helps



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7 hours ago, Mummybear said:

Ok. In the mean time can someone just advice what I should sell for as haven’t a clue 

Generally, if they are in good condition, around 60-70% of the current lowest retail price you can find

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Be prepared to post the items, as this will open up your sale to anyone who sees your listing.

The safest way I have experienced is using Parcel Force 48 - DONT use PF24!
The larger replicas will cost circa £10 to post, the pistol, slightly less


I can’t help with the Lancer, as the pics don’t give much away

The G36, I shall assume is a Cyma (due to its popularity ), you haven’t said how many magazines are with it….. so let’s say it’s worth in the region of £90 + postage


The pistol is a reasonable mid entry level brand, looks boxed with what should be there, I’d say £80 posted


Some decent pics with a time stamp in the correct classifieds section will soon see these on their way to their next user.

Have a look there for how we do it.

I believe you will need a 10 post count to allow you to see the classifieds

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Just a reminder to all members, this is an appraisal thread only, don't be tempted to chuck cash offers at the op in the hope of getting a cynical bargain, or at least wait until she has provided some up to date pics with a proper username notation within them. 

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Thank you Enid . the Vegaforcecompany cal 6mm V110026 had all the upgrades and can’t find any other markings on it . I do know it was my husbands and he spent a lot of money on this at the time is this the one you called the lancer. I know he used to buy some from was it patrol base . But this one I can’t find anywhere 740245FF-7C58-492B-B8F9-4A2995B8421A.thumb.jpeg.b82cfeed18636555b6e12eb486bcd759.jpeg

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Vega Force is usually written/described as VFC.  If you Google VFC airsoft rifles you will find something similar.  70% of the new price as a starting point is rule of thumb. 


Here are a few:  https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/vfc-en-gb/


I've had to deal with going through a loved ones things after we've lost them too.  Wish you all the best there is.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
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All very suspicious, hope nobody bit & tried to help "her" out of her predicament by sending money to take the guns off "her" hands. 

If anyone thinks I'm being cynical, just a reminder that a certain Stephen Glennie allegedly buried his mum & gran at least a dozen times over the years😏, they had more comebacks than George Foreman 🤣

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I think that's a bit cynical, even for my motto.  The Glennies of this hobby-sport tend to list their fraudulent wares accurately, in order to attract more mugs.

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6 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

I think that's a bit cynical, even for my motto.  The Glennies of this hobby-sport tend to list their fraudulent wares accurately, in order to attract more mugs.

Mate, usually I'd be inclined to agree but all we asked for was a couple of pictures to ascertain provenance (something we ask of every member), op seemed determined to avoid that one point, lots of grammatically incorrect pitiful excuses added to the repeated poor quality copy & pasting reiterate my point. 

As to how potential "Glennie's" approach their target audience, nothing is off-limits when it comes to separating a fool from his money, when the "too good to be true" approach runs out of steam, why not go for tugging at heartstrings instead, with the added incentive of grabbing a bargain from an alleged grieving widow apparently naive to stuffs true value. 

I'm happy enough to be "that guy" if it means it might stop fellow players being turned over, God knows I've seen it happen enough times in 22 years of playing. 

EDIT, Nowadays I only tend to surf here & Zin when comes to s/h rif sales, anybody noticed "her" kit come up on any of the other selling sites ?, or able to search the pics to find where they originally came from, which I think is the case here ? 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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