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no NAF discussion??


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My mates reported it wasn't particularly well organised and they got drunk!

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3 hours ago, leadly said:

My mates reported it wasn't particularly well organised and they got drunk!

Every year, yet people still go....

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4 hours ago, DaktariT said:

Nothing to report apart from a wasted weekend.

Sorry to hear that mate, obviously based on previous naf's it was the expected outcome, but I think many players, yourself included, hope that the organisers learn from every previous clusterfuck & work hard to improve it.

Thing is, I've been playing for years but never been there, nor am I considering going so my comments are based on what others have reported, but it does make me wonder where the blame lies ?..........

Is the issue the percentage of players that that go mainly for the social piss up, but don't wholeheartedly take the skirmish aspect seriously, then vice versa there's the players who hope for an epic ground war given the numbers, only to be disappointed by the lacklustre attitude of some/lots (?) of the players.

AND finally there's the organisers, are they crap or out of their depth trying to stage manage such a large event, do they even care less, or is it literally like trying to herd 2000+ cats, every one who has their own agenda or expectations ?????????????

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Why would they, when it's packed to capacity every year?


I'm very much of the opinion that everyone should know (or be able to find out) what to expect, and if that's not what they're after, just find something else to do that weekend and let those who enjoy it enjoy it.  There would have to be some sort of monumental life-altering cock-up to surprise me now.

Obviously this isn't the owner of zero one the day after the naf 😏


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12 hours ago, DaktariT said:

Nothing to report apart from a wasted weekend.

Sorry to hear that you felt that the nae/naf was a wasted weekend.

What would you have been doing that you gave up in favour of the event?


I only ask as a means of gauging how disappointed you were by forgoing an alternative activity.


I guess it depends how you expect the weekend to go or if you have preconceived ideas that don't quite pan out.


We have been going for seven years now and I have never failed to have a great time and to come away smiling and looking forward,god willing lol,to the next one.


Ok so some people like to have a drink get loud but I've never seen any nastyness unlike any weekend in a large town after the pubs turn out.


The game play is as good as you want it to be. Missions and objectives are well thought out and fully explained in your game pack and it's your choice how you want to play them.


Hit taking is no worse than many sites around the UK.I can say that anybody I hit over the weekend called it and verbally acknowledged a good kill.


Another plus point for me is the vast amount of items for sale at great prices. I love a good haggle lol.








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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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