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Only the Dankest Memes - Airsoft Anonymous Youtube Channel

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Hey guys, I made a youtube channel showcasing some dank airsoft gameplay. 


Below is my most recent video. I have other videos on my channel as well with some cool editing and good footage. A couple things to note:


  • I mostly play in Massachusetts. I play in an outdoor CQB field called Allstarr Action Sports which sponsors our team. I also travel and play in other states.
  • All of the people I play with are friends or acquaintances and I always apologize after the game if I ever overshoot them or if I unknowingly don't call a hit etc. so the clips are just done for fun with no hard feelings at the end of the day. 
  • I try to make fast paced high action gameplay. If you prefer slower gameplay let me know!
  • I stay away from clickbait titles and cheater videos. They rack up views like no other but they are the cancer of airsoft media.
  • I play with AEGs and gas blowback rifles (primarily the Cybergun VFC SIG MCX AEG and the Tokyo Marui MTR-16 and the GHK AKS-74U GBBR).
  • I respond to most comments and I upload videos as often as I can. 


Let me know what you think!




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Decent editing skills in the 40 second intro, didn't really get around to watching any airsoft that may or may not have followed, so unable to judge, uh... "dankness"... of any memes therein.



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  • Head Moderator

Two nations divided by one language

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My honest opinion? Please don't make any more. It looks like it was made by a 10 year old jacked up on monster

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I actually watched the whole thing, albeit with the sound off. Definitely fast paced - did you somehow start right behind the enemy team without them knowing or did you just sugar rush all the way round behind them?


I think the forum crowd are generally older than your target audience, so I would personally prefer fewer graphics but even I can appreciate the fact it wasn't a clickbait 40 minute video. I think there's a balance though, so maybe make the next the one with a bit more depth as this was just a < 2 min kill streak.


All the best.

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2 words - amazingly annoying.  Music, graphics, playstyle.  Too much CoD.  Not really your target market here fella....

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