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Andy Kelsey
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Eye protection is the first thing if you want to stop renting you NEED it. 


Gloves are the second thing but can be used as a rental so I'd pick them up sooner than later.


Boots a close 3rd indoor or outdoor saves you rolling over an ankle or getting shot in the ankle which isn't nice. 


If you have money to burn before you have UKARA you can get a sling,optic and grenade and still use it all while renting. 




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I would agree that the two most important items in Airsoft are eye protection and properly fitting boots with good ankle support. These are things that will stop you getting a potentially serious injury and are much more important than the RIF you use. They also don’t need to be mega expensive.


Gloves are also a good call as getting shot in the knuckle hurts and they can be had relatively cheaply, but you can man it out if you want to be a tough guy or just like pain....


Everything else is just toy guns and dress-up. Get whatever you want when you can afford it.

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DEFO 100% get some decent eye protection as the first thing you do, most rentals have a terrible habit of fogging up which can spoil your game a little, I would also get gloves second or at the same time, knuckle shots can be a little painful when playing close range cqb and can bleed.


These are the first 2 things I bought when I joined my club and didn't regret it one little bit :) 

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As a rental you'll be given a full face mesh mask I guess and look like a robot... going forward get a lower face protection too so that if you do get hit in the lower face or cheeks it won't hurt. Trust me a bb in the cheek f'in hurts! A good eye pro is essential. The question is which brand? I use ESS and Bolle X800i googles. Yeah you look as though you're skiing or snow boarding but so what...:)

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  On 28/02/2020 at 15:09, Musica said:


*autistic speedsoft screams*  who needs a lower when you have ears, eyes and face covered.





Ohhhhhhh like like like... I want one! Seriously when I first started playing I was told to get a paintball mask similar to the above design... I wore it a few times and then I realised what a right div I looked like and also how easy it was for people to shoot you as for one you couldn't hear Jack and secondly my head size increased like 2 fold lol


But still for newbies, a lower mesh face protection is recommended. A viper mask will do for about £15 if that....

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  On 28/02/2020 at 15:15, AlphaBear said:

I wore it a few times and then I realised what a right div I looked like and also how easy it was for people to shoot you as for one you couldn't hear Jack and secondly my head size increased like 2 fold lol.



All false well maybe looking like a div but has that changed since you stopped wearing the mask? 😉  Head shots aren't allowed at almost all sites unless it's the only part visible and a dye mask is smaller target than a guy with his comtacs let alone a bloody helmet. I don't know about the i4 or any other mask but the i5 is great for hearing things and if I wasn't wearing it I would be wearing ear protection as getting shot in the ear is not a fun time. 



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  On 28/02/2020 at 16:56, Musica said:


All false well maybe looking like a div but has that changed since you stopped wearing the mask? 😉  Head shots aren't allowed at almost all sites unless it's the only part visible and a dye mask is smaller target than a guy with his comtacs let alone a bloody helmet. I don't know about the i4 or any other mask but the i5 is great for hearing things and if I wasn't wearing it I would be wearing ear protection as getting shot in the ear is not a fun time. 




I've got a bit of Clooney going on... so yeah still a div... 🤣 

I've just googled that I5... Damn it's not cheap but a small price to pay for full pearly white protection...

I've a custom-made carbon fibre face mask... It's bit scary looking but hell it will stop almost anything... 


So going back to the op, definitely invest in a proper face mask until you're confident to roll in shooting glasses and a shemagh....


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  On 28/02/2020 at 16:56, Musica said:

All false



Sorry to say, but it's true: you do *autistic speedsoft screams* all the time.  I didn't know how to bring it up, but I guess now is as good a time as any.


You screaming this Sunday?

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I will wear a mesh mask for cqb where the engagement ranges are very short, but otherwise I don’t bother as I hate them.


The one I have clips to my fast helmet so I can just pull it down if the engagement ranges get close, I will take it off to fit NVG, but then they cover most of my face.

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  On 28/02/2020 at 19:11, Cyberlawyer said:

The one I have clips to my fast helmet so I can just pull it down if the engagement ranges get close


There was a guy who was big into WW2 kit at a woodland site and didn't wear a mesh mask because it didn't really fit. We were getting shot at from a fair way off, he said something then went "oh" and turned round missing half of one of his teeth. The odds of it happening are lower, obviously, but still within the realms of possibility. 


Buy mouth/lower face protection OP, and wear it all the time. 


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  On 28/02/2020 at 19:11, Cyberlawyer said:

I will wear a mesh mask for cqb where the engagement ranges are very short, but otherwise I don’t bother as I hate them



I've recently received a Delta Mike Snood and it's fantastic.


In the words of Ned Flanders:




I'll still keep the mesh lower for CQB as otherwise there's a lot of soft face flesh on show.


But the DM Snood is going to be great for woodland.

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