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Hello from my Son and I

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Hi Everyone. My Son and I are just starting out in the world of Airsoft. We've done a few CQBs at MPA Hockley, our local site, and will be looking to try outdoors soon, probably at Plantation.

My Son loves the skirmishes but I'm quite happy on the shooting range so will likely give Practical Pistol a try.

This forum has been a great help so far, but is there a guide to Pistols anywhere? Specifically what model is a copy of which gun. The glocks and 1911s are pretty straight forward but then I see HK45s and others and can't always tell what model they are when made by someone other than TM. If that makes sense?

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  On 21/10/2019 at 16:54, rocketdogbert said:

Yes, come to PP, @Dan1712 and I are there most Tuesday’s


Come along, introduce yourself, borrow a pistol, have a shoot. Be beaten by Dan lol.


Outdoor, try Airsoft Plantation in Billericay




Will be down in a couple of weeks, looking forward to it.

The great thing about the shooting range over there is option to try different weapons. I already know that I prefer a glock over a baretta. :)

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  On 21/10/2019 at 18:33, Nunfa1 said:

Will be down in a couple of weeks, looking forward to it.

The great thing about the shooting range over there is option to try different weapons. I already know that I prefer a glock over a baretta. :)


Wait until you try an FNX or FPG lol.


I’m John, Dan is Dan, we’ll be fixing something I’ve broken lol

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  On 21/10/2019 at 18:33, Nunfa1 said:

I already know that I prefer a glock over a baretta



When I search for "all airsoft guns are basically the same", this image comes up.




How peculiar.  Anyway, enjoy your, uh, Glock over a... Beretta.

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Welcome :).

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  On 22/10/2019 at 09:43, L3wisD said:


What the heck! πŸ˜‚





Had to scroll down a few pages, but there you be.

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@L3wisDwait you run fb super mega tactical Airsoft news? That is a troller and fun account...

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