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How to Determine Range in Long Range Shooting?

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Hi guys, Can anybody tell me how to determine the range using a MIL or MOA scope in long range shooting. I'm on the beginning stage of long range shooting. So please try to help me by explaining this or give any authentic resource to study more.   

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If you can hit them there not as far away as you thought they were .

if you can’t hit them then there further away than you thought they were . 

Glad to help .👍

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24 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

Tbh it's airsoft, it's 99% kentucky windage anyway.

Kentucky windage ? More chance of hitting them with a Kentucky fried chicken bucket than with an aimed shot in Airsoft ! 😳


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24 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Kentucky windage ? More chance of hitting them with a Kentucky fried chicken bucket than with an aimed shot in Airsoft ! 😳



Hmmm, i wonder if a pot of kfc gravy would fit in a 40mm :P

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21 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


Hmmm, i wonder if a pot of kfc gravy would fit in a 40mm :P


It won’t, neither will a corn on the cob 

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9 minutes ago, sonofsammo said:

Do they fit in tag launchers?


No, that’s what I tried them in. 

1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


Damn, :(need to find something other than creme eggs


FYI, mashed potato is a bad idea 


Poker chips/ pogs are quite funny, not too many though 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 23/05/2019 at 10:12, Steve Coffman said:

Hi guys, Can anybody tell me how to determine the range using a MIL or MOA scope in long range shooting. I'm on the beginning stage of long range shooting. So please try to help me by explaining this or give any authentic resource to study more.   

I use one of these. Mounts on to scope. One button press and you're there. Have a look on the tube of you for a review.


BOBLOV 700m Mini Tactical Outdoor... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07436ZN9X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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2 hours ago, AgentofEvil said:

I use one of these. Mounts on to scope. One button press and you're there. Have a look on the tube of you for a review.


BOBLOV 700m Mini Tactical Outdoor... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07436ZN9X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Bollox to that ! 120 beer tokens for something that’s really not needed for Airsoft ! 😳

Now I know MOST things in Airsoft aren’t ‘needed’ but a rangefinder, seriously ? if you can’t guesstimate the relatively short distances we shoot at the you need to give your self a swift kick up the arse and get it sorted ! You need accurate ranges for when your setting your scope to shoot at Extreme ranges , as in 1000’s of ft NOT 200ft with a ‘phutt’ gun ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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6 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Bollox to that ! 120 beer tokens for something that’s really not needed for Airsoft ! 😳

Now I know MOST things in Airsoft aren’t ‘needed’ but a rangefinder, seriously ? if you can’t guesstimate the relatively short distances we shoot at the you need to give your self a swift kick up the arse and get it sorted ! You need accurate ranges for when your setting your scope to shoot at Extreme ranges , as in 1000’s of ft NOT 200ft with a ‘phutt’ gun ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I confess, I'm rubbish at estimating ranges. Sue me. 😉


One thing I've noticed though, so is everyone else. Next time you run a sniper/DMR try standing at the back of the line out in the open, you'll see players rattling away at you on full auto and their ammo hitting the ground 20m before it reaches you. Seriously, try it. 


This device albeit expensive allows me to do 2 things - get the exact effective range of any gun I use (not only airsoft) and see exactly how far other players are away from me (I lase a nearby tree or whatever not the actual player) meaning I can adjust accordingly and hit them 1st time. 


A lot of players think nothing of dropping up to £1000 on a posh RIF, IMO if you're doing that you may as well squeeze every drop of effective range out of it.. 


You're quite right though, simply practicing will allow more effective range guestimation. Horses for courses. 😉

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4 hours ago, AgentofEvil said:

I confess, I'm rubbish at estimating ranges. Sue me. 😉


One thing I've noticed though, so is everyone else. Next time you run a sniper/DMR try standing at the back of the line out in the open, you'll see players rattling away at you on full auto and their ammo hitting the ground 20m before it reaches you. Seriously, try it. 


This device albeit expensive allows me to do 2 things - get the exact effective range of any gun I use (not only airsoft) and see exactly how far other players are away from me (I lase a nearby tree or whatever not the actual player) meaning I can adjust accordingly and hit them 1st time. 


A lot of players think nothing of dropping up to £1000 on a posh RIF, IMO if you're doing that you may as well squeeze every drop of effective range out of it.. 


You're quite right though, simply practicing will allow more effective range guestimation. Horses for courses. 😉

All fair points bud , I’m not too bad at ‘guessdamating’ distances so not a problem for me but to help a couple of mates set there’s up , what we did to find there sniper’s optimum range (we decided on where you know you can hit a 1ft square box pretty much every time) we measured it with a tape measure.

lunch break at our home site the boys grabbed there bolt’s and we simply went out on to the site and shot and measured the distances until they reached that point , we then had whoever was measuring stand by the target point so you could get a good idea of there scale to there surroundings at this range .They all said it made hell of a difference to there sniping afterwards. 👍

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3 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

All fair points bud , I’m not too bad at ‘guessdamating’ distances so not a problem for me but to help a couple of mates set there’s up , what we did to find there sniper’s optimum range (we decided on where you know you can hit a 1ft square box pretty much every time) we measured it with a tape measure.

lunch break at our home site the boys grabbed there bolt’s and we simply went out on to the site and shot and measured the distances until they reached that point , we then had whoever was measuring stand by the target point so you could get a good idea of there scale to there surroundings at this range .They all said it made hell of a difference to there sniping afterwards. 👍


it's a good way of doing it, especially if you can count a reference point on a scope like if a person standing is x dots tall then he's x meters away.


the pso scopes had the right idea, although granted finding one with a reticle calibrated for airsoft is unlikely.


tbh i just run 90% kentucky windage. it's all well and good zeroing your scope/dot for that first hit kill but there's a point when you just can't rely on the bb to fly the same way the previous shot did. it's why i don't mind mid-caps as a stand-in for real-caps as you end up having to use more ammo to compensate for poor long range performance.

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Get a friend to walk out to 100yards (100 paces) put into your mind where he's standing and imagine you could get 7 double decker busses in that gap, use something you know the length of and just add them together eventually you'll be able to guesstimate distance rather well. Then effectively do what Druid mentioned above.


The way myself and a friend zero our scopes is by firstly removing the scope from the rifle and set your hop correctly. (as far as you can make that BB travel in a straight line/ very slight over hop then back it off enough so it doesn't curve up at the end of your shot) once that is done zero your scope to the point in which the BB begins to drop; whether that's 150ft or 300ft depends on your rifle, I believe we zeroed mine at 250ft this is your accurate "effective" range, wherein your "real" effective range is the point where a BB becomes unnoticeable if you've been hit.

As your hop is straight no matter what distance the target is at closer than your accurate effective range you will hit them first shot *dependant on environmental conditions* also another thing we've noticed a lot is people don't level their scopes: Make sure you've correctly levelled your scope using a spirit level, this will cause veering laterally due to you inadvertently tilting the rifle to line your reticle upright.

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^this. After using mine for a while I’m pretty good as judging distances. If I’m being super sneaky I use it to decided if the other team are in range before I start firing with a loud GBBR

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