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TM AA12, Worth having ?

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hey guys, was just reading swingledingle's shotgun thread & having owned tri shot springers myself on & off for years, I'm more than aware of their limitations, but we put up with them because:

1. They're cheap


2. They're extremely satisfying when you "own" the other team with themšŸ˜


thinking about splurging on something next gen now, not gas though (I'm not mentalšŸ˜œ), gotta be electric so I'm considering an AA12, I know there's plenty of youtube reviews out there but I'm a sceptical old b#stard & would rather hear from peeps I "know".

any of you regulars on here had or used one in game, worth the extra pound notes ?



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I got one last april and have used it every game since -i love it so much when it went down (gearbox lockup i think, off to a tech) i bought another one.


In no particular order:


- its an automatic tri shot - nothing more nothing less!

- 260fps with .2 - you will need a drum mag for outside...

-... but the drum mag does have some problems feeding -its cost me some 'kills' but there we go

- it excels indoors,espicially when its semi auto only!

- bottom 2 barrels have horizontal hop - id prefer if they were just normal vertical tbh

- its really fun


Is it worth the money? Imo yes absolutely. Just don't expect a 'meta' killing machine - its a shotgun first and foremost. Edit: if you play cqb get one, if you play outdoors and have an occassional grumble about getting outranged,maybe not.






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Theyā€™re fun, but they make a weird ā€œspwoingā€ noise. Get a drum mag, worth every penny.


And you have no rails.


If I bought another electric shotgun, it would either be an SGR-12, or wait for the Krytac FosTech OriginĀ 12

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Part of me wishes I went with the AA12 instead of the KSG. Though that's because of the problems I had the with the KSG when I first got it!Ā 


I would love an AA12. Really lays down the plastic, people are shit scared of being on the end of it. The SGR is even heavier, would rather the AA12 myself.Ā 


Heres the cheapest I have found one for new.Ā 



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Team mate has one (Iā€™d love one) have used it a fair few times and Iā€™d agree itā€™s a cracking gatt !

dont remember him ever saying he was having any problems with theĀ drum feeding and I certainly didnā€™t either . I quite like the different hop set up (as does he) means you can vary the bb spread so if your firing on auto you can absolutely drown an area with fire ! šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ

1 minute ago, L3wisD said:

@Jedi_MasterĀ has the (much cooler) SGR12.


I believe it's his main gun now..

Now see Iā€™m not that keen on SGRĀ as itā€™s not ā€˜shotgunā€™ enough looking for me , but on the flip side of that dislike youĀ do have to admit the AA12 looks mad as amonkeys wedding ! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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@L3wisD Yes, I do love the SGR-12Ā shotgun. Either 3 shot semi or full auto.Ā  With a 3000 BB drum magazine (same as AA12), it does make CQB easier.Ā  Downside is it is more expensive and weighs a ton.


The SGR-12 looks better; to me the AA12 looks more like a cricket bat and plastic.

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