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Eotechs and AN/PEQ 15s

Guest Marauder211
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Guest Marauder211

Quick question:

What brand Eotech replicas (for 552 model) do you all recommend? I'm not willing to go above 50.


Also i've looked at PEQ 15s lately and i am wondering, is the g&g version better than FMA's? I'm hoping that somebody with experience can help me out here.

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I can't say much about the eotech clones as I've not had much success there, and I'm sure that others have a better idea on that.


with regards to the peq 15 box, it really depends on what you are looking for? The g&g version is really a battery box and laser designator. the FMA has both a light and laser but no battery storage, a bit like the real thing.


Other brands to look at that are similar to the FMA are the g&p and nuprol units and the element version.

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Guest Marauder211
2 hours ago, Crazy_Crystal said:

I can't say much about the eotech clones as I've not had much success there, and I'm sure that others have a better idea on that.


with regards to the peq 15 box, it really depends on what you are looking for? The g&g version is really a battery box and laser designator. the FMA has both a light and laser but no battery storage, a bit like the real thing.


Other brands to look at that are similar to the FMA are the g&p and nuprol units and the element version.

Thank you, dude. I'll be getting the FMA version since i've seen more (goodl reviews on it. I tend to avoid Nuprol wherever possible sice i don't trust them.

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For 552 i recommend JJ Airsoft or Aim-O. Other cheap brand have ghosts reticle and other problems...


And the Element AN/PEQ15 are better than FMA one. 

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Guest Marauder211
Just now, Kim Softair said:



For 552 i recommend JJ Airsoft or Aim-O. Other cheap brand have ghosts reticle and other problems...


And the Element AN/PEQ15 are better than FMA one. 

Okay, i'll look at the 552 models you suggested.


Can i ask what your reasons on why the Element is better than the FMA?

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FMA PEQ selector switch doesn't work like the real one. For example, " O " on L3 is OFF but FMA is for flashlight and Element have IR function not FMA.


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As Kim said, look for the Aim-O series, they're Element (so if you find the Element branded ones they'll be somewhat cheaper) and they appear to be decently made.

I have an Aim-O T1 and it's by far the best dot I ever had for airsoft. Crystal clear glass and the dot is an actual round dot, not the result of a falcon punch on a fetus. A bit more expensive than the average T1 replica (around €70 vs 30-35) but the quality is bonkers..

EOTechs should be on the same line, high quality reticles and bodies..


As far as PEQs go, G&Ps are the best replicas, followed by Element/Aim-O.

Lemme ask you something: what do you need it for? Looks? An actual torch? IR laser?

Because if it's for the looks or just a torch I'd just get a nice torch and call it a day, a PEQ won't beat a good light and it'll be much more expensive.. Some torches come with IR filters so that you can use them with NVGs.

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Guest Marauder211

To be honest i don't quite know myself, my guess is all of the above, i'm looking to do milsim events in the near future and i also want to make my Ares M4 look more like what the US army use as standard issue (with the Eotech). I also prefer the look of a PEQ to a torch. I'm a long way from NVGs, but you're right, at the moment i think i need to look at practical usage more than looks right now. Are you able to point me towards torches that can use pressure switches? I want to be able to use said torch without taking my hand off my grip.

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If you're after a comparison between FMA / Element it's already been done:  



Personally I had a couple of the FMA ones before I got a real one and the IR laser was perfectly servicable.  The flashlights on them are dogshit though, and the lasers aren't co-aligned so you can have either the red or the IR laser on target, not both. 


If you're just after one for looks, VFC is the way to go, but the torch is even dimmer than the FMA/Element ones and there's no IR laser.

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Guest Marauder211

I saw that video, lots of complaints about bias, but the thing is there is no such thing as an objective comparison/review... Anyway, i've looked at the VFC one, i'm not too sold on that one either, i'm more torn between the Element one or the FMA one. If ypu think the PEQ box is a waste of my money, do you have any other suggestions in mind that would help me get decent illumination? Preferably if it's a torch you suggest, do you know any that comes with a pressure switch? I don't mean to sound like i'm being dismissive, i just don't have much disposable income lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Didn’t see point in starting a new topic. 


I bought the Nuprol PEQ box and it’s a waste of time - the light doesn’t come on half of the time like it has faulty connection and the red laser doesn’t line up with the sight whatsoever and I’m not convinced the dials move it one iota. 


Does anyone one have any more specific information on PEQ boxes, perhaps specifically the FMA ones?


- Are the lasers adjustable?

- light useable and bright enough? 

- any service problems? Such as the connection issue I’ve had with the Nuprol one or similar? 

- Whether can have light and laser on at same time?



- Also can anyone tell me if it’s green or red lasers that can often be banned at certain sites? 


For me, the IR isn’t an issue as I’ll never have NV or anything to make any use of it. 


Thanks in advance and regards, 

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Guest Marauder211
2 minutes ago, Jimbodini42 said:



Didn’t see point in starting a new topic. 


I bought the Nuprol PEQ box and it’s a waste of time - the light doesn’t come on half of the time like it has faulty connection and the red laser doesn’t line up with the sight whatsoever and I’m not convinced the dials move it one iota. 


Does anyone one have any more specific information on PEQ boxes, perhaps specifically the FMA ones?


- Are the lasers adjustable?

- light useable and bright enough? 

- any service problems? Such as the connection issue I’ve had with the Nuprol one or similar? 

- Whether can have light and laser on at same time?



- Also can anyone tell me if it’s green or red lasers that can often be banned at certain sites? 


For me, the IR isn’t an issue as I’ll never have NV or anything to make any use of it. 


Thanks in advance and regards, 

I actually decided not to buy a PEQ since i wouldn't be using a laser. my Eotech and torch is from Element Airsoft and my torch is from Night Evolution. Airsoft Mike did a review on the FMA PEQ box. Neither are banned as far as i'm aware, just be wary of strobes and where you point the laser. 



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On 05/01/2019 at 16:47, Marauder211 said:

What brand Eotech replicas (for 552 model) do you all recommend?

On 06/01/2019 at 11:20, Marauder211 said:

but the thing is there is no such thing as an objective comparison/review..

Make your mind up !  Do you want opinions or not ! 🤦‍♂️


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Guest Marauder211
10 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Make your mind up !  Do you want opinions or not ! 🤦‍♂️


Give me all your bias! XD i actually went with what people recommended to me on this thread (the Aim-o/Element Airsoft Eotech). The point is that all opinion/review contains some level of bias, and if you bias towards it then there must be something that works for you.

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I have an element peq15 and i really like it. I can't remember why i chose it over the FMA so won't comment on that. But i'm very happy with the element one:


- torch is good but nothing amazing. Quite a 'wide' focus and will illuminate a long-ish corridor

- laser fine for airsoft ranges and zeroing is easy. It has held zero... so far!

- i havnt attempted to zero the IR laser but it does work and goes atleast as far as airsoft ranges when i tested it. Puts a fairly large blob of light on whatever you are pointing it at

- feels good in the hand


Imo you should buy one cause you want a cool looking laser. I have a seperate torch on my gun (also an element) which is pretty powerful. 


Im inclined to think get whatever is easiest + cheapest to get,doubt you will have much buyers remorse.


Airsoft is best when you have lots of lasers pointing down a corridor with lots of bangs going off - fact. Get one asap!



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On 04/02/2019 at 15:50, GeorgePlaysAirsoft said:

I have an element peq15 and i really like it. I can't remember why i chose it over the FMA so won't comment on that. But i'm very happy with the element one:


- torch is good but nothing amazing. Quite a 'wide' focus and will illuminate a long-ish corridor

- laser fine for airsoft ranges and zeroing is easy. It has held zero... so far!

- i havnt attempted to zero the IR laser but it does work and goes atleast as far as airsoft ranges when i tested it. Puts a fairly large blob of light on whatever you are pointing it at

- feels good in the hand


Imo you should buy one cause you want a cool looking laser. I have a seperate torch on my gun (also an element) which is pretty powerful. 


Im inclined to think get whatever is easiest + cheapest to get,doubt you will have much buyers remorse.


Airsoft is best when you have lots of lasers pointing down a corridor with lots of bangs going off - fact. Get one asap!



Thank you. 


So dials actually move the laser on the element version? 


Can anyone categorically tell me that the Nuprol ones do or don’t? I’ve got a feeling, due to light also being faulty, that maybe I just have a duff one. 



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On 11/02/2019 at 10:03, Marauder211 said:

My best guess is for looks.

How are you finding the Element Eotech 552? Would you recommend? There seems to be a lot of issues with the tinting on the rear lens and with ghosting/reflections on Eotech clones.


Also where did get yours from? I've only managed to find them through bullseye country sport.

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Guest Marauder211
1 minute ago, MidnightBarber said:

How are you finding the Element Eotech 552? Would you recommend? There seems to be a lot of issues with the tinting on the rear lens and with ghosting/reflections on Eotech clones.


Also where did get yours from? I've only managed to find them through bullseye country sport.

It does ghost slightly but it isn't unplayable. Tinting issues aren't a real issue either. There is the problem of light shining at it will cause your forehead to reflect onto it. I got mine through bullseye, the service they give is good. Paralax is an issue just to warn you.

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10 minutes ago, Marauder211 said:

It does ghost slightly but it isn't unplayable. Tinting issues aren't a real issue either. There is the problem of light shining at it will cause your forehead to reflect onto it. I got mine through bullseye, the service they give is good. Paralax is an issue just to warn you.

Great, thanks for the info. I reckon I'll either end up with an Eotech or T1 clone from Element / Aim-o

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