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The UNPOPULAR Airsoft Awards (Comedy Video)

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I thought I'd share it here as I know a few forum members watched it and enjoyed the show.

As a last Christmas Live show, I teamed up with 2 other Airsoft Podcasters and we hosted the Unpopular Airsoft Awards. A comedy spin with plenty of laughs and light hearted banter. If you fancy a laugh and want to shrug off all the politics and drama - this is the show for you.




An evening dedicated to sharing the success....well, unsuccesses of the airsoft scene in 2018!


It's the #UNPopularAirsoftAwards; The awards ceremony that the Airsoft Community didn't know it wanted or needed, but we went ahead and did it anyway. Get ready for plenty of laughs as we share some light hearted entertainment ahead of our Christmas break.


We're also GIVING AWAY an Airsoft Innovations Blast XL to one lucky winner. 🤞

PREPARE yourself for some great award categories, a rigged nomination process, and a guest appearance or two from some of the biggest names/egos in the business!


Plus, an absolutely EPIC trailer from RandomGuyKev Airsoft.

Please remember, it's all for fun, no getting salty! Oh and let us know if you agree with our nominees for the evening!


The Christmas Special , Unpopular Airsoft Awards - Hosted By:
🙈 Graham Hoffman of Airsoft Nation
🙊 Carlo Cappalonga of the Floperator Podcast
🙉 Andy Self of The Chairsofter Show






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I thought the last winner could have been retitled from 'Most Controversial' to 'Biggest Bellend'

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Didn't realise one of them was you listened to the previous podcast. Not got round to this one yet but looking forward to it. 

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1 hour ago, Keldon said:

Didn't realise one of them was you listened to the previous podcast. Not got round to this one yet but looking forward to it. 


haha yeah, I'm the one with no hair and run Airsoft Nation :D 

Andy (bearded guy - TheChairsofterShow Podcast) and Carlo (Blue Suit - The FloperatorPodcast) both have their audio versions up and running, I think you'd get most the jokes on audio - there might be a few bits that go off key without video but we tried to ensure it's transferred as well as we could.

It was a good laugh and an extremely fun way to end the year, you've got to be able to laugh at yourself as well as others in the good and bad situations - after all it is just a game.


There's already talks from companies who want to jump in and get more US/EU input, so we could have a fun one planning 2019's Awards.



1 hour ago, EvilMonkee said:

I thought the last winner could have been retitled from 'Most Controversial' to 'Biggest Bellend'


Arrrhhh, don't be mean to Mr Mustang :D I was just gutted we didn't get him in an acceptance speech - maybe next year. 

It's been weird watching how much hate he gathered this year, I've known him before YouTube so I see a different side than most players. But, love him or hate him he's numbers are going up stupidly fast so it's clearly entertainment for enough players.


YouTube is an odd one!



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Putting people safety at risk for hits on YT is never acceptable.


Spreading lies about other sites and their rules for hits on YT is never acceptable.

Remember the #1 Rule of Airsoft - Don't be a c*nt.....currently hes failing massively and the window lickers off of the sunshine bus in Internet land are lapping it up.

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23 minutes ago, Gtech said:

It's been weird watching how much hate he gathered this year


I don't think it's at all weird given the content - and the Sheriff of Airsoft persona - that he's chosen to present.




But, love him or hate him he's numbers are going up stupidly fast


This is not necessarily a good thing.  I want someone to join the hobby because they've enjoyed the laughs and sportsmanship in a Will Greenwood video, rather than being inspired to emulate any out-of-bounds, spawn-killing, inside-MED, punishment-shot, mock-operator shenanigans.


I wouldn't even burn his patch.

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19 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Spreading lies about other sites and their rules for hits on YT is never acceptable.



Oh completely agree there, considering the whole legion rule was something me and Mike had spoke about long before KM even attended an event. 🤔


The safety stuff is a bit of the drama/social monster that works - even if it looks bad. Having played against him a lot of times, I don't think he gets any more headshots than most - it's just he edits out the other shots. Likewise, the fact of scope overlays means you can make shots look a lot more like a purposely aimed headshots.


But meh, I'm the other side of the Thames now so it's not something I'm overly updated on. I do think there is more Airsoft drama on YouTube than needs to be, but unfortunately like you say - people seem to lap it up and if your goal is to grow, it's whats required right now. 

But, a conversation for another time for sure. Glad to enjoyed the show :) 


10 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

This is not necessarily a good thing.  I want someone to join the hobby because they've enjoyed the laughs and sportsmanship in a Will Greenwood video, rather than being inspired to emulate any out-of-bounds, spawn-killing, inside-MED, punishment-shot, mock-operator shenanigans.


Yeah, I fully understand - but there is a reason Will's channel hasn't grown more than 3000 subs in 2 years. This is where those discussions about what is YouTube for different creators. It's not just Kicking Mustang doing these type of videos, which is what I meant by weird he's targeted more than most.

Silo, Novritch, Cleanshot, House Gamers, Dutch, Fabi. All of them have put cheating videos out in the last 2 weeks...


Maybe it's because KM is closer to home than them. Maybe he's more socially active and 'feeds the trolls' by commenting more than any of the others (all combined)

For another conversation for sure! But you're right - bringing players in for the right reasons, with the right mindset,  playing with honour and integrity.

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I wasn't referring to Legion but a post he put up recently referring to an Airsoft Action video that he claimed was trying to implement a rule NATIONWIDE (my emphasis) designed to curtail Ghillie snipers by making lone wolfing impossible at Mil-sims as you had to be in a minimum squad size of 3. 


Now, this is a Gunman Airsoft rule implemented at several of their games but primarily for Cold War games where the nature of the period we are trying to recreate would have been massed infantry and armoured formations fighting across the German plains.  As such the rule makes sense given the context of the game.  At no point was it recommended that this rule be forced on other Mil-sim (Gunman rules aren't even Mil-sim but sold as Filmsim - very different) 


Its his purposeful twisting of context and discussion that makes him so loathsome, creating controversy and stirring the pot so he can earn a few more bob is frankly pathetic.


On a related subject I had an epiphany about airsoft players whilst listening to an old Jordan Peterson lecture about crime.  


Do you think that airsoft cheats do so to attain 'status' that has been denied to them in other normal sociological bounds?  ie according to Jordan Peterson its this lack of pathways to attainment for young men in modern society that leads to them to serious crime.  Same thing but to a lesser degree for airsofters?  Slightly rhetorical statement but worth pondering.

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36 minutes ago, Gtech said:

Silo, Novritch, Cleanshot, House Gamers, Dutch, Fabi. All of them have put cheating videos out in the last 2 weeks...


And I've sodded them all off because of it.


I realise this puts me in a grumpy minority, and that posting clickbait drama demonstrably works.  However, showcasing poor behaviour without also showing any real negative consequences for it just normalises it.

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48 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


And I've sodded them all off because of it.


I realise this puts me in a grumpy minority, and that posting clickbait drama demonstrably works.  However, showcasing poor behaviour without also showing any real negative consequences for it just normalises it.


Roger, think we really need to get hitched or something as we seem to share the same views on a lot of stuff LOL 

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3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


And I've sodded them all off because of it.


I realise this puts me in a grumpy minority, and that posting clickbait drama demonstrably works.  However, showcasing poor behaviour without also showing any real negative consequences for it just normalises it.


The future is in multi-camera setups and I mean that in the professional sense, but that requires a lot of editing.

The average airsofter can't do that, even Novi couldn't.


Whoever cracks that flips the style of content around and in turn away from such behaviour.


But what do I know...

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5 hours ago, Seth_K said:

The future is in multi-camera setups and I mean that in the professional sense, but that requires a lot of editing.


Good job there's a few of us here who have the experience for kind of stuff (it's a lot less effort in some ways than other gigs I have done..)

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5 minutes ago, skintrade said:


Good job there's a few of us here who have the experience for kind of stuff (it's a lot less effort in some ways than other gigs I have done..)


You do video editing? Nice

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12 hours ago, Immortal said:

lol :lol: I went to the worst event of the year!


We had a laugh though and the 30 or so players that did turn up were a good bunch of players from all over the UK.


Yeah, it was good fun - just not quite what Steve had planned!  Did allow for some fun, smaller battles and was the first time I played at DogTag.

I went back again recently because the site itself looked great (Had the camera at the UKvUSA event so wasn't playing).

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