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Opinions on this face protection please?

Leader Bee
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Lmao don't bother..

The eye piece would probably not be strong enough to sustain a bb impact from close distance, also visibility would be utterly impaired by all the useless mesh around your face.. Hell, I'd be surprised if you could even look at the ground in front of your feet with all that stuff..


You'd better be off with a decent combo of eyepro + lower face mesh..


Also, £83 for that piece of junk?

Just about the price of a good set of goggles + mesh + helmet..

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A friend has one, used it for 1 game and never touched it again. 


Crap peripheral vision, hot and sweaty despite mesh, still fogs up, not safety rated etc. etc.


That and it looks total gash. 

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I had one I used in CQB (now my sons nicked it !) and yes peripheral vision was poor so I sorted that problem , I took out the old lense (did shoot the shit out of it first for research purposes of course, I fired a couple from my Dragunov that’s doing 445fps with .2’s and a couple of long bursts from an M4 that’s doing 315fps with .25’s apart from ‘smudges’ all over it the lense held up) trimmed the mesh back a further inch , inch & half all the way around and then replaced it with a cut down to the correct shape  motorbike helmet visor works fine now . 

PS I didn’t spend near that much on mine , mine was something like £50’ish of fleabay.😉

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12 hours ago, Leader Bee said:

I know lots of people go for Dye i4 and other paintball masks but part of the draw of airsoft for me is the dressing up part.




Safe or not?

I'm sorry, whenever I see that I am reminded of Monty Python. :D.

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Well, this doesn't directly answer your question, however I've figured I will show you my simple solution instead as I was in similar situation.


Got myself copies of Bolle X800 (seem to be safe enough for British fields although keep in mind that quality of all these products may vary as they're cheap Chinese knockoffs where quality control is nowhere near the original product - good thing however is that originals are the same shape and size so you can either buy them and build similar setup yourself or just buy replacement Bolle lenses and will snap right into the frame would you desire to upgrade your goggles down the line).


I've took some strong black thread and using sewing needle I've ran it through tip of the face mask and ran it multiple times between goggle frame and the mask for rigid, strong connection. Then I've removed mask straps, sewed in mask sides to goggle's strap and voila - my face protection is ready.




Here's the final result with helmet:






These are products I've used in this setup (however I higly recommend using original Bolle goggles if safety is utmost concern, they're only about 3x the price and lenses are 15 quid as well if I recall correctly):






Pros of this setup? Aiming down sights is a non issue and I run AKSU without optics.


Why did I connect goggles to facemask? Because I have very angular face with pronounced cheekbones and large nose which leads me to the point where either mask is squeezing my nose really hard and is very uncomfortable, mask pushes up my goggles creating gap between my cheek bones and the goggle's seal which is a BIG NO NO or I have to wear mask on top of goggles which obscured my vision. This solution seemed like the best be it safety (if I used original Bolle's I suppose), comfort or aesthetics. Just a fair warning - there's a lot of fiddling and bending the mask to both fit goggles neatly and also be comfortable (out of the box mask is super bad comfort-wise, at least for my long nose)


Why those specific goggles (design, not this knock-off brand)? They're the only goggles I've found that simply do not fog up - simply because there's a gap between frame and lens (but not big enough to let BB squeeze through) and are super comfortable in the long run.

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I can confirm that with the description including paintball that those goggles do not meet international standards for paintball face protection let alone the eye requirements.


There is no ‘protection zone’ around the eyes, in Paintball it is necessary to have the lens cover the eyes with a sealed area around them (hence the goggle type with foam seal, plus face and ear protection around)


They claim it can withstand impact up to 420fps

But impact of what up to 420fps?

What standard is the lens tested to?


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I’d say simple question to ask your self safety rating aside (there’s that many counterfeits of everything these days I think it’s safe to say your still taking a risk even with ‘branded goods) would Patrolbase one of the biggest retailers in the uk risk there reputation selling goggles that they wern't confident were safe ?  

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