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Police Officer in the Czech Republic drops real sidearm during a game - Another player picks it up and shoots his brother with it.

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  • Gepard changed the title to Police Officer in the Czech Republic drops real sidearm during a game - Another player picks it up and shoots his brother with it.
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  On 08/10/2018 at 03:43, Albiscuit said:

Dont know whats funnier, the thought it happened or reading the translated page?!



Bad Czech translations aside.. I couldn't believe it when I saw the headline. Had to check another source before posting. 


I assume the officer couldn't leave it in the car and so his brilliant mind decided that the best place to keep it would be on his person.



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I imagine his line manager probably isn’t best pleased...

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Well, another upside to the hand-gun laws in this country I guess.

Our Police wouldn't be allowed to play whilst carrying a real steel, loaded firearm - as they can only sign them out for going on duty.




I hope the injured player is alright though - never nice to hear about one of our mob getting injured.

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  On 08/10/2018 at 04:41, Gepard said:

I assume the officer couldn't leave it in the car and so his brilliant mind decided that the best place to keep it would be on his person.



But... with a loaded magazine in it?   I can only imagine that he was running around with a raging hard-on being the Big Man by carrying a live firearm.


Fecker needs shot with his own gun, with the idiot that picked it up and used it standing behind him in case it penetrates.

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  On 08/10/2018 at 07:51, Rogerborg said:


But... with a loaded magazine in it?   I can only imagine that he was running around with a raging hard-on being the Big Man by carrying a live firearm.



No clue mate. I know that by law you can't leave weapons in areas where it can be stolen or misused. A car probably isn't the safest place. Shouldn't have brought it in the first place anyway. I doubt he was on duty..


The officer is currently suspended. He should get a 5+ year jail time (if going by similar sentences) and gun licence revoked.


  On 08/10/2018 at 07:51, Rogerborg said:


Fecker needs shot with his own gun, with the idiot that picked it up and used it standing behind him in case it penetrates.



Very dumb that the guy would pick up an unknown gun and shoot it at somebody without even checking the magazine first. Still how could he have known? 

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as much as i think lifting someone's gun without their permission and using it is a dick move, we can't exactly blame the guy who did the shooting when he was in an environment that included realistic replica's of firearms in a game that the objective is to shoot other people.


i'd be laying blame both at the officer and at the police department itself for allowing such free and easy use of firearms by it's off duty officers, there should have been a procedure in place for storage of firearms when off duty and the officer should have used a bit more common sense.

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I don't know about anyone else but the first thing I do if I come across an unfamiliar weapon would be drop/check the mag and chamber.

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  On 08/10/2018 at 08:35, heroshark said:

I don't know about anyone else but the first thing I do if I come across an unfamiliar weapon would be drop/check the mag and chamber.



certainly in airsoft it would make sense, for all you know the gun could have been abandoned because it was out of bb's or broken.

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And even then regardless of what I found it to be. I wouldn't use it, just make it safe and give it to the first marshal I saw or take it back to the safe zone after the game and find out who's it is.


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  On 08/10/2018 at 08:06, Gepard said:

I know that by law you can't leave weapons in areas where it can be stolen or misused.



That's fair enough, and there's nothing inherently dangerous about having an unloaded gun, or a magazine, or a bunch of shells.  It's putting the combination together, and carrying in an environment where it's not only possible but likely for it to be lost and picked up that's (literally) weaponised idiocy.




  On 08/10/2018 at 08:23, Adolf Hamster said:

as much as i think lifting someone's gun without their permission and using it is a dick move, we can't exactly blame the guy who did the shooting



We can and I do.  You do not touch other people's gear.  If you do, it's only to hand it in.  That's basic common courtesy, let alone common sense.  Still, it's the lesser of two idiocies, which is why I'd graciously let him use the gun owner as a meatshield.


I'm grumpy about it because this is how you get repressive gun laws.  Worse, you get repressive gun laws that ensure that only criminals have guns, and then you have to rely on the police to protect you from them.  Police like this.  That doesn't end well for anyone.

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  On 08/10/2018 at 08:44, heroshark said:

And even then regardless of what I found it to be. I wouldn't use it, just make it safe and give it to the first marshal I saw or take it back to the safe zone after the game and find out who's it is.




as would i, and although some might not like the idea of lifting it at all, i'd rather i lifted it and gave it to a marshall than risk it potentially being lifted by someone with other motivations (ie theivin buggers)


  On 08/10/2018 at 09:53, Rogerborg said:

We can and I do.  You do not touch other people's gear.  If you do, it's only to hand it in.  That's basic common courtesy, let alone common sense.  Still, it's the lesser of two idiocies, which is why I'd graciously let him use the gun owner as a meatshield.


I'm grumpy about it because this is how you get repressive gun laws.  Worse, you get repressive gun laws that ensure that only criminals have guns, and then you have to rely on the police to protect you from them.  Police like this.  That doesn't end well for anyone.



oh i agree very much that using it was a dick move, and absolutely you shouldn't be using it.


however that's a much smaller transgression in my book than the criminal level idiocy portrayed by the policeman and the procedures that let him even contemplate having a firearm on him instead of stored in a safe place when he's off duty at an airsoft game.

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  On 08/10/2018 at 11:13, EDcase said:

Safe to assume he called his 'hit' :D



you've not played some of the places i have, some folk could ignore a brace of HEDP grenades to the face, "it was a gun hit mate, only bounced up and hit my face after"

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