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New member - Leeds

Leader Bee
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Hello all - new here and actually haven't played a single game but I have done historical fencing before so I'm sure I'll enjoy another combat/action sport.


I'm from Leeds so my nearest locations will be kill house or the foundry cqb. I have a few questions though:


1) how much scope for tactics does cqb offer? I have this idea that it's going to be very similar to a game of laser quest with people running and shooting Willy nilly?


2) just a little clarification on grenade launcher grenades please; I have seen a few models which work essentially like a huge shotgun, which is clearly not what a grenade launcher is intended for...are there impact grenades which only explode after being fired so you can hit people behind cover? I.E, can I lob them through first floor windows into rooms I couldn't hit with a gun?


I'm looking to play enough games to get ukara registration then maybe play some games at the sandpit in Bradford. Has anyone played there before?


Finally just curious to know what camo people prefer. I'm kitting myself out with acu digital but I understand it's not very popular/effective...who cares it looks cool so just wondering about other people's opinions on camo?


I think that's it for now.

Cheers guys!



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Welcome! :)


Firstly, tactics in CQC are still very much relevant! For instance, if you know that there are players in a room with two entrances but are only holding one - flank them! For the most part it is fairly fast paced action, however there are many players who take a more cautious approach. Depends on the day. 


In regards to grenade launchers there are a few types of rounds. One is a foam "grenade" which when lands anybody within (x) distance is "dead". There are also rounds that spray a bunch of BBs but are pretty bad. Tag Innovation are highly rated. Some sites do not permit the use of these so best check in beforehand to make sure yours allow them. Doubtful they'd be permitted in a CQC environment. 


Personally I like MTP/Multicam, Flecktarn. There's a whole debate over it's effectiveness but honestly just go with what you like the look of best! 

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Welcome :).

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  On 31/08/2018 at 08:50, Leader Bee said:

1) how much scope for tactics does cqb offer? I have this idea that it's going to be very similar to a game of laser quest with people running and shooting Willy nilly?



Speedsoft looks like it might be a bit like that, but regular CQB is more measured and careful.  There's a higher cost for being hit, so you'll see actual pie-slicing and occasional stacking.  Choke points, doorways and stairwells can make for interesting challenges.  Last time out I found myself lying flat on my back in a stairwell poking out just my head and a pistol to engage defenders at the top while a teammate made a hero dive across the landing under fire to spin an objective marker.  You won't get that in laser tag.


The variety of guns in airsoft also lend themselves to slightly different tactics, and have their own strengths, weaknesses and mirthsome ways of killing and getting killed.  Grenades can be game changers especially when you friendly frag your team.


Plus the games aren't just slaughterfests.  VIP escorts, bomb disposal, domination (hold multiple points), king of the kill, capture the flag, find the McGuffins, infection; they all help to keep it fresh.  It'll depend on your local site, but at my CQB site there's always something new going on.




are there impact grenades which only explode after being fired so you can hit people behind cover? I.E, can I lob them through first floor windows into rooms I couldn't hit with a gun?



Site dependent, but putting any sort of pyro or round where you can't see where it will land is generally a no-no.  There might be more leniency for paper pyro, or lightweight pea grenades or stuff like the Burst XL banger.  But check with your local site before you buy anything and be aware that players can be genuinely unaware that pyro has gone off near them.  I only use flashy-bangy blank firing grenades, and even then you sometimes have to point out to folk that they've been fragged.


You should love airsoft. I get a similar rush from it as I used to get from historic reenactment combat, and there's the same prerequisite for self discipline and fair play.  The cost is about the same once you get hooked as well. ;)

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Cheers Roger, I was worried it might be more fast paced and less "thought out" than I was hoping but it sounds like even In close quarters people will be making methodical tactical judgement instead of just rambo-ing it.


Grenade launcher aren't something I was going to consider until I was out in an open air site but it's nice to know in advance how they work.


I guess I'm going to he poor from now on then huh? If it's a similar price to historical re-enactment I already have 30 or so mid price swords and a full 13th century suit of armour 😂

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Welcome to the forum. 


When you play look at the different types of camo and see what you like, and how it performs where you play, many turn up in civvies for their first few game.  MTP is more modern, but DPM is usually better for forests in the UK.  Flecktarn is also good in a forrest environment.


There are many more, CADPAT, MARPAT, BTP Black, .........................


For CQB camo is less important, but can help in dark / shadowy areas.


For CQB I prefer BTP Black and MTP for outdoors.





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  On 31/08/2018 at 13:14, Leader Bee said:





At least he won't be able to say he didn't feel his "hits", every burst will prob sound like church bells after a wedding😝.

dunno bout the blue miniskirt though 👌

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Im pretty new myself and play at the Killhouse every week.


Games can range from seriously stealthy tense affairs to manic all out shoot fests. Tactics are deff required, a well organised group that's communicating can be seriously challenging.


Grenade wise, it's all about flash bangs, TRMR is king, basically if you either jump, see the flash etc when it goes off your dead. Perfect tool for clearing rooms/choke points etc

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  On 02/09/2018 at 14:41, Leader Bee said:

Awesome, what days lokai? I'm thinking Friday or Saturday suit me best. What kind of turnout should I expect? Looking forward to teamplay more than a battle Royale affair


Changes every week for me, depending on my wife's on call. Always a decent amount of people play on an evening, lowest I've seen it (and later on in the evening) you still get a 4 v 4 in.

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  On 12/10/2018 at 13:30, Leader Bee said:

First game at kill house tomorrow from 12. Booked a 4 hour game to get the feel for it.


How did you find it? I enjoy the weekday evening gameplay with less people at Killhouse, I much prefer Foundry on a weekend.

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