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Viper Single point sling too long

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Hi all, 


I wonder if I can get some advice from experienced players here. I recently acquired a single point sling for use with my AGE (CM M4)either I am really short or the sling is just too long, I have tried to adjust it to the tightest and even then the barrel of my AEG is reaching my knees. Any fix for this i.e. using black nasty to secure excess webbing or is this just the curse of using cheap kit?


Any input would be highly welcome. 



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On 25/08/2018 at 18:18, Mathias33 said:

Single point slings will hang low, if you want it right to your body when not in use try a 3 point sling.


Or a 2 point sling. You can shorten the strap on the 1 point sling, subject to the shouldering issues mentioned above. Also check where you are attaching it to the rifle. Maybe a lower attachment point on the rifle will bring it up.

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May be a bit obvious but how about cut a bit off and sew the hook back on so it’s shorter ???

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5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Like his gun, OP's really keeping is us long suspense.

“He’s here till Thursday, Try the veal !” 🤦‍♂️


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