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What gun?

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First of all apologies if this has been covered before. I've had a read of a few posts but still have a few questions. 


I'm after getting my first weapon in a month or so (need to rack up some more games) but I'm unsure what to get. 


I'll need range as their's not much up close and personal. I've used a borrowed M16 when playing and for my style it lacked range and accuracy. 


I've seen a lot of people saying to stay away from snipers / DMRs to start with, and I can see the point, but what would be a good place to start that has the range but also the possibility of burst / full auto. 


I have a budget of around £200, and it would be good to be able to mod the gun eventually so something solid and reliable I can keep would be perfect. 



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It's something to consider based on the rental weapons you've used. I knew someone dead set on getting an M4 (and he probably still will in all fairness) however after using a few rental G36c's, he's now considering them.


However, as a suggestion - M4. Most widely available driving down price, and also means easier to fix + modify.

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InB4 "G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider."


1 hour ago, LokiV70R said:

I've used a borrowed M16 when playing and for my style it lacked range and accuracy. 


Don't write off an entire category of shell because one example of one unknown brand performed poorly.  What you were using wasn't an M16.  It was a piston producing puff, a hop unit producing backspin, and a barrel giving it direction.  The BB doesn't know or care what shell is wrapped around those, or what label is on that shell, and pretty much any style of airsoft gun can produce enough puff, spin and point to match any other shooting at ~350fps.


And now back to our scheduled brand name bonanza. ;)

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I'm guessing it's obvious in that you get what you pay for. Is around the £200 mark a decent place to look?


@Rogerborg I've not cancelled out an M16 or variant. Good looking gun. 


I've been looking at this.... 



Fps is a little high but I'm guessing that's just a spring change? 


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In my (limited) experience, each gun is different and guns that you would not expect to have range, do. While those you expect to have don't. 

My little G&G Wasp (£150 new) is completely stock, and shoots 348fps with .20's. I tend to use .25's in it and can easy shoot 50-60m accurately (enough to hit a person) with it. The Wasp is a small AEG, it's barrel is 223mm in length. Designed for CQB. So you wouldn't really expect range. 

Picture of how I measured the distance, using my local site...



In comparisons, my Falkor Recce (£Lots more...) with its much longer barrel length of 370mm shoots 350fps with .20's. Again, I use .25's in it, however it's range is only around 45-55m, before it drops like a stone. - The gun is still new to me, completely stock. I will probably end up fettling it as my goal is to make it DMR-like, but without the high FPS so I don't need to worry about MED's.


One of the guys at my local has gotten a Fire Hawk recently, that tiny little snappy thing out ranges my Wasp with ease. 


So in conclusion, don't judge a gun by it's looks. Internals are what matter most. Get them right and you'll get the range and accuracy you want. TM's tend to be sub 300fps, yet easily out range most other guns on the field in my experience. 

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

InB4 "G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider."



Don't write off an entire category of shell because one example of one unknown brand performed poorly.  What you were using wasn't an M16.  It was a piston producing puff, a hop unit producing backspin, and a barrel giving it direction.  The BB doesn't know or care what shell is wrapped around those, or what label is on that shell, and pretty much any style of airsoft gun can produce enough puff, spin and point to match any other shooting at ~350fps.


And now back to our scheduled brand name bonanza. ;)


This to be honest. While there are those branda which are better out of the box, in many cases it's simply down to what's going on inside.


On a side note, is your allotted budget entirely for your AEG? Or do you have to include mag's, battery(ies) and charger into the same budget?

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28 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

On a side note, is your allotted budget entirely for your AEG? Or do you have to include mag's, battery(ies) and charger into the same budget?


I'm classing them as extras. I've seen that the standard batteries are normally a bit crap, so I'll be looking at getting an upgraded one and possibly a red dot or similar at the same time and a spare mag or two. The rest I'll get as and when. 

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Look at the TM AEGs on Fire Support. 


If you can afford TM, buy TM. 

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As a suggestion, have a look at the various platforms (not the brands) and see which one(s) jump out at you. Is there a particular gun which leaps out at you? Are there a few? I'd try look at throwing together a top 3 or top 5 platforms which jump out at you. Once you've established which platforms appeal I'd then post the list into this thread, hopefully this way people can narrow down suggestions of manufacturer.


One thing I would add is that it is definitely worth saving up a bit extra cash towards whichever one you go for (if the suggestions fall outside of your budget).

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For mid budget guns you can't fault G&G top tech range or ICS pro, and in all honesty the difference in performance between those and a TM Recoil for example isn't THAT vast in standard form ;)

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1 hour ago, LokiV70R said:

Going off what @FreeFrag.UK said, I've been looking at :







And M15 


I've seen a few different brands of most, but the vast price differences get a bit confusing haha


Off the top of my head (and I'm sure someone can confirm or clarify) to the best of my knowledge there isn't really a good version of the FAMAS (although Marui do make two variants of memory serves). This is due to the internals never really receiving much of an update.


As for the rest (and I'd have to look at pricing):

* G36 - There are a few good versions out there. ICS produce some really nice ones and G&G produce a quality G36C. I know Marui do a couple but I think these would be far out your range.

* Aug A3 - The only one I know that is worth considering is the Marui although I suspect there are others. This isn't really a platform I've looked at.

* M4 - a huge array of options are out there. ICS and G&G produce some very nice models along with an array of other manufacturers. I'm sure someone can go into detail on the M4.

* P90 - I think Marui make a couple but beyond that I'm not sure. I know CYMA do but I'm not sure what they're like, someone else may know.

*M16 (guessing you meant 16) - there will lots out there but again ICS and G&G should have a quality option in your price range or if you can stretch perhaps something better in their higher spec options.


I hope this has helped a bit. In honesty the M4/M16 is a platform I've no interest in but I've gone back to ICS and G&G as they offer great products and guys at my site run them.


I've seen a fair few G36C's and used them on a few occasions. I think it's a great platform for CQC and Field.

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If you want a g36c and you’re not too concerned about how nice the plastics are, the JG g36c is a work horse. We got my brother one from Taiwangun for £90, spend £15 on a maple leaf rubber and nub. The thing shoots great. 


If you want a higher quality external one WE is a good choice. Specna Arms do a really nice one. It’s either just been released or is about to be. 


If you want an m4 for sub £200 I’d go with an ICS sportline m4


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