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choosing a budget aeg advice wanted

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Look ill explain it as best i can amd why i believe barrel length is a factor.


If you have 3 barrels all same diameter working off the same gun same hopup and all are lightly lubricated.


Lets say 10 15 20 inch barrels.


If you put the 10 on youll find the pressure is greater but for a shorter amount of time

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U put the 15 on youll have good pressure for longer

If you put the 20 on youll have pressure for longer with a risk of bleed off in the barrel.


If you find the fine line between the 2 longer barrels where you have mimimal bleed you will increase your accuracy and the bb will fly further.


In a simple term if yoy push a car for 5 seconds and let it roll compared to pushing for 10 seconds which will go further.

But if you push too far and get tired you wont have the energy to carry on thus it wont roll as far


How do i know this.

Simple physics. If you can push something for longer without losing the power behind the push you are going to have an increase.

The same can be applied to short and long stroke pistons. A short piston with increased power will only put out the power of its stroke 

A longer stroke will have more punch but will need a bigger explosion to increase the speed.


Finding that middle ground WILL give you an increase even if by only a bit you still will have an increase.


Also realsteel and airsoft guns follow the same basic fundamentals. They both rely on a propelling force to move a projectile.


And answering a question with an insult just makes you look really stupid btw



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1: Don't ever lubricate your barrel!


2: Regardless of the barrel length the BB has to exit at the right speed. So with a long barrel the 'pressure' has to be lower for longer if the BB is going to be accelerated all the way down the barrel. This isn't as efficient as accelerating the BB harder. It also doesn't generate enough speed early enough for the hop up to impart enough backspin to the BB.

If the BB isn't accelerated all the way down the barrel then at some point there stops being a positive pressure behind it and the lack of air 'cushion' around the BB allows it to contact the bore. It bounces and inaccuracies are introduced.


The physics of Airsoft guns is far from simple. And anything you think you know about rifled guns just doesn't apply.

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By using a light lubricant it can enjance the bbs movement. Think about the friction on the bb moving down a dry barrel if it hits the steel it could bounce with lube it wont be so dramatic and you will have a better trajectory.


Im not saying emty a can of oil down there just a very light amount of silicon on your cleaning rag on ur rod will give a slidey surface and less drag for the bb to slow on or change trajectory on and it will create a better seal around the bb meaning more pressure for longer id even say a light amount on the hopup rubber so the contact isnt so dramtic and will help hinder any bouncing down the barrel.


And yes i agree having too much barrel is bad finding the fine line where you still have enough pressure coming out is what will give you an increase and if you can carry all that pressure all the way to the end on a longer barrel through better sealing and what not its going to be much better. Its ok if your indoors only but in the wind on an open field ive noticed you need all the help you can get especially with springers. 


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All that happens if you put silicone down an Airsoft barrel is it attracts dirt and you get jams. The BB actually rides on the cushion of air that is trying to blow past the obstruction in the bore. The Bernoulli effect keeps it centred. And if it gets on the hop rubber you lose the grip that allows it to impart backspin. It's another variable that introduces inconsistency. Just check out all the threads that start, "I lubed my barrel and now my gun won't shoot for toffee...."


You seem to have lost sight of the fact that an Airsoft gun is velocity limited. There is also a limited amount of cylinder volume available to blow the BB down the barrel. And there is no argument with the demonstrable fact that I have two guns that are almost identical, except one has a 200mm barrel and the other has a 363mm barrel. The 200mm has a slightly heavier spring and a ported cylinder with the appropriate amount of volume for the barrel and BB weight. The 363mm is similarly optimised. The barrels, hops etc are from the same manufacturer. Shooting the same BBs they have EXACTLY the same range and accuracy.

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firearm bullet say 7.5gms


airsoft bb say 0.25gms (about 3% of bullet's weight)


propelled by totally different methods with bb requiring magnus/backspin to maintain flight


Airsoft barrels are totally different often they are polished/cleaned bone dry

if any oil or lubricant gets anywhere near the hop bucking it has to be stripped and degreased in washing up liquid

the hop up bucking must be oil free or it won't apply the backspin

the barrel is kept free from oil to avoid risk of contamination


if you was lapping the barrel then silicone oil could be used in the process

BUT for general maintaining your gun NO OIL SHOULD BE USED to avoid screwing up bucking

a few may use a DROP of silicone in the last half of barrel and buffed ultra bone dry - very very carefully

BUT it too easy to screw up and should be avoided at all costs unless you like cleaning up buckings in the sink

tbh - it is more important to use decent bb's than cheap $hit bb's - this can really make a big difference


Honestly - very very little is the same in airsoft as in real steel

(I fired a Desert Eagle in the states and f*ck that kick in airsoft)


airsoft is just toy guns, real steel is uhm real $hit


if we take the car example - like comparing a Sinclair C5 to f*cking Tesla

There is a big massive difference and very little is similar in the mechanics of it all especially on a AEG

(a stfu GBB M4 might have a tiny bit more similarity in the operation but still way different tbh)


Stop thinking - "oh it must be like......"

IT ISN'T - it is a f*cking toy gun not a firearm, so clear your mind a bit

listen to others - seriously this will hold you in good stead




The mind is like a flower - it works best when it is open



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6 hours ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Look ill explain it as best i can amd why i believe barrel length is a factor.


If you have 3 barrels all same diameter working off the same gun same hopup and all are lightly lubricated.


Lets say 10 15 20 inch barrels.


If you put the 10 on youll find the pressure is greater but for a shorter amount of time


Actually it is the opposite in airsoft due to "creep"

if you put on a longer barrel almost for sure the fps will increase over the shorter barrel

suffice to say very short barrel guns (MP5k = 110 to 141mm) need a slightly stronger spring to hit 350fps (m110+)

than a longer full length AK47 at 455mm barrel needing a weaker spring to hit 350fps (m95)


There is a bit more to this and cylinder volume has to be taken into account for barrel being used etc....

But in general the fps will increase in a longer barrel though this may place the gun over limits etc.....


Stop over thinking stuff and listen/research more

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Urgh.  Please, please understand that airsoft guns are not real steel guns.  Very little of how rifled, propellant based guns works transfers to our glorified blowguns (I love that description).


Both of the guns that you are currently considering until you change your mind again can propel a BB out of their barrels at 350fps.


Both of them can impart exactly the same amount of backspin to a 0.2g BB.


At the moment those BBs leave the barrels, they are both travelling at exactly the same speed, with exactly the same spin.  What happened in the past to get them to that position is no longer relevant to them.  350fps out of a long barrel is the same as 350fps out of a short barrel.  The BBs don't have memory, they only act based on their instant physical properties.


Both BBs are identical. They will fly the same distance, with the same accuracy, and hit with the same force.  You and your targets will not be able to tell which one came from which gun.

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And with the exception of some Pistols (I'm looking at you Glock 19!!)

You can normally hit a human size target easily with any gun at around 22mtrs.


Which is the distance from where I'm sat now, to the building opposite my workplace:






Beyond that... don't worry! Just get closer! 

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6 minutes ago, jcheeseright said:


Then kindly throw the whole thing, and yourself, in the sea. 

Do let us know how you got on beforehand, though. 

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A reminder of the forum rules


• Be nice to other forum users
Treat others as you would like to be treated to yourself. There is absolutely no need to be abusive on these forums.


Regardless of any fuckwittery or classic responses, please play nicely :).


A few learning points somewhere, although I do not expect it to become a new user guide.  This topic has run its (very long and tortuous) course and can now close.

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