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ASG CZ Skorpion Evo owners ?

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On 29/01/2018 at 9:46 AM, gwr3850 said:

Anyone? :)


Yes thats 100% confirmed that they now recommend a 9.9v LIFE battery now for the carbine version. I believe most people are still using 11.1v anyway. I have the original short version and I’m still using an 11.1v. 


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I use an 11.1v for my SMG, and it works flawlessly, however i also have the BET and it double fires and locks the gearbox, so think the BET/Carbines are a bit more tempremental

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A bloke at the last skirmish I went to had one. 


Very well made and very effective in CQB.


I expect I am in a small minority here, but I am not really enamoured with the look of it, especially the rear stock.


In the real world looks aren't important I know, but in airsoft they are. Perhaps if I had one the looks would grow on me. It's certainly a great gun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone had any experience with the Short Stroke Speed trigger?


I play mostly at the mall and a quicker trigger response and faster trigger spam may be useful!


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Personally, id say the mechanical aspect of the gears spinning will slow you down significantly more than the trigger.


If your upgrading the gearbox, go ahead, Otherwise i dont think its worth it on its own.


But again, thats just my opinion from owning the SMG and the BET for a while now.

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8 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

Has anyone had any experience with the Short Stroke Speed trigger?


I play mostly at the mall and a quicker trigger response and faster trigger spam may be useful!


It is unnecessary the standard trigger is more than quick enough.


On the AEG side the only thing quicker is a gun fitted witha spectre or titan fet.

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Cool, all I wanted to hear. 


Havent used it in anger yet (well, not at all, the battery is on back order haha) but saw it listed and wondered how just a trigger swap could be so beneficial!


Cheers guys

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I bought an EVO BET carbine from Zero One the other day and I will check which LiPo's I was sold along with it.


It is a really solid, great feeling gun and I will let you know more when i prize it out of the hands of my boy, who has claimed it for his own.


The mid cap magazines caused him a problem first skirmish. I have bought a Hi Cap but not told him yet. Rear site dissassembled itself first game but was just a nut worked loose and Zero One are sorting that out for me.

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what was the issue with the midcaps?


Not enough ammo? or kept forgetting to hit the bolt release after the a new mag went in?

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3 hours ago, Kash said:

what was the issue with the midcaps?


Not enough ammo? or kept forgetting to hit the bolt release after the a new mag went in?

Well he gets out with new gun and fires a few test shots. That’s his first Mag gone.


Then he remembers is got auto burst fire. Yup, that’s second Mag burned.


Etc. Etc...


Basically he got used to carrying 4 high caps into a skirmish and the reality of managing ammo has never hit.

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1 hour ago, Kash said:

yeah. thats why i carry 8 plus one in the gun


Tactical wheelbarrow? :D  

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I must admit I only think of paintball-birthday-party players when I think of people who burn through all their ammo waiting in the game zone for a brief.  But then I suppose everyone finds the simple act of just shooting a novelty to begin with and then they grow out of it.

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7 hours ago, Kash said:

yeah. thats why i carry 8 plus one in the gun

Well now he will have 4 plus the hicap and a hi cap speed loader. See how it goes I guess.😁

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10 hours ago, Albiscuit said:


Tactical wheelbarrow? :D  

Lol not quite, it sounds a lot, but it fits quite nicely on a condor chest rig with those viper extended pistol tacos.


I used to run a plate carrier that felt like a bit of a wheelbarrow strapped to my chest, none of that anymore 

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On the topic of mags are the mag couplers worth having?


I can fit two side by side in my mag pouches, so was wondering if it was worth clipping them together.


Also, does using the couplers add much to the overall width of two mags?  From pictures/videos I would guestimate 1cm extra.




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Personally, no


I think the additional bulk on the side of the gun is just an annoyance.


But that may not bother you. and your right, theres another CM or two so added onto the width of two mags

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I toyed with the idea of mag couplers as they look badass, but ended up with a high cap. Dont plan on taking anything else other than plenty of pistil mags and a bfg for CQB. 

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Couplers are alright, been around for decades in jury-rigged form just like 'jungle mags'.  All you do is speed up the first reload then slow down the second (etc and repeat the pattern).  If you've got mag pouches big enough to fit them, a dump pouch to stow each pair quickly and you practice enough you can get the 2nd slow reload time down and then things start to work out better.  Or if you only use a few mags per game (and this is how I run things) just start with a pair of mags in the gun then switch to normal reloads after that coupled pair is empty.  Personally it's rare I get through more than 2 mags between breaks, so using a coupler in that situation means the 1 and only reload I do can be super quick.  Just something interesting to experiment with to my mind.

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I'm used to outdoors and full auto.  But will be trying CQB for the first time next weekend, so maybe will need a lot less BBs.  I have a high cap mag as well in case I find I constant reloading a pain.




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1 hour ago, MisterG said:

I'm used to outdoors and full auto.  But will be trying CQB for the first time next weekend, so maybe will need a lot less BBs.  I have a high cap mag as well in case I find I constant reloading a pain.




I run either 4×40 or 2×120rnd mags depending on what gun I am using in the mall. I rarely get close to running out but dont generally spam rounds.

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indoor i generally manage on about 100 rounds and go pistol only, woodland, cause my site is pretty huge, i can easily go through 300+ rounds in a 20 minute game

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I played yesterday and went through my 8 mid caps and my back up hi cap in a 2hr 45min game which wasn’t easy at all. That’s the main let down for the Evo is the minimal size of the mid cap. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's new maybe not, some  models benefited from a new spring guide.  Not sure at what point the spring guide was an issue, just make sure you get the Steel Spring Guide.

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