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ASG CZ Skorpion Evo owners ?

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With you on that, I think a quick disassembly is in order.

Going to try send it back to the shop it came from because it's still under warranty and get them to do what ever is required. I can't hear it rattling in there so I assume it's either not in there or even worse it's being held by the magnetic part of the motor

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Going to try send it back to the shop it came from because it's still under warranty and get them to do what ever is required. I can't hear it rattling in there so I assume it's either not in there or even worse it's being held by the magnetic part of the motor


Sucks when you have to do that with new things.

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Battery related question, just looking at Patrolbase for the scorpion evo, it states a 15c max for the LIPO, yet then it suggests a 20c.


Am i misunderstanding something here?

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Battery related question, just looking at Patrolbase for the scorpion evo, it states a 15c max for the LIPO, yet then it suggests a 20c.


Am i misunderstanding something here?

Nope I've been wondering the same thing. ASG website also says 15c max on the lipo but then they've a purpose fit battery for the scorpion which is 20c. So which is it.

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Sucks when you have to do that with new things.

Even more frustrating is I've gotta pay to send the bloody thing back but would rather that I suppose than I breaking completely. Just hope the seller is decent enough to accept it and fix it.

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From an electronics standpoint, the Cratings are what a battery "can" deliver not necessarily what it forces down the circuit.


But if the manufacturer says dont use over X then gives you a purpose built battery that is higher, that makes no sense.

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Battery related question, just looking at Patrolbase for the scorpion evo, it states a 15c max for the LIPO, yet then it suggests a 20c.


Am i misunderstanding something here?

This is what i'm using and had no issues;

http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/vapex-111v-1300mah-20c-lipo-battery-split-typemini-tamiya (mine has a deans connector)


It's the mah you want to look at, anything over 1300mah won't fit in the gun

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Even more frustrating is I've gotta pay to send the bloody thing back but would rather that I suppose than I breaking completely. Just hope the seller is decent enough to accept it and fix it.

If its under warranty then return postage is on the seller. You pay to send it but they have to refund it once it's accepted as a warranty repair. If they try to say its not warranty then point out the fact its a known issue and that it fails under normal usage so not fit for purpose. They honestly don't have a leg to stand on.


I have argued with a few airsoft shops on this sort of thing for me and for others and they always cave in as long as you know what to say.


Any issues PM me.

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If its under warranty then return postage is on the seller. You pay to send it but they have to refund it once it's accepted as a warranty repair. If they try to say its not warranty then point out the fact its a known issue and that it fails under normal usage so not fit for purpose. They honestly don't have a leg to stand on.


I have argued with a few airsoft shops on this sort of thing for me and for others and they always cave in as long as you know what to say.


Any issues PM me.


The problem is they’ve actually got it on their website under their warranty section saying that “return postage costs” is not covered under the warranty. ASG have confirmed to me directly that they are fully aware a batch of their Evo’s went out with faulty spring guides, their UK & Ireland manager is sending the retailer a new steel spring guide to be fitted while it’s there. I just hope they do actually take it apart and check it over.


screenshot from their website.



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The problem is they’ve actually got it on their website under their warranty section saying that “return postage costs” is not covered under the warranty. ASG have confirmed to me directly that they are fully aware a batch of their Evo’s went out with faulty spring guides, their UK & Ireland manager is sending the retailer a new steel spring guide to be fitted while it’s there. I just hope they do actually take it apart and check it over.


screenshot from their website.




You can't agree to terms which are illegal. :)


Now I'm not saying they are, but if you can find a statutory basis for them being so, you can't agree not to be bound by your rights. Or rather you can't agree for them to not be bound by their obligations.








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Think he wants the gun stripped to find the missing piece for peace of mind.


If you have any ASG dealers local with they have a look? My local Gun store sorted my side arm under warranty (didn't buy from them) and said that ASG would cover the parts and their time to fix it.

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Why not just get them to post you the replacement spring guide?


Because i'm not sure if the broken off part has gone into the gearbox or not and given it's still under warranty i may as well let them check it over.


Sacarathe is correct those terms break consumer law and therefore are null and void.


PT is also correct ask them just to send a replacement.


ASG have said they will send the retailer a replacement spring guide but they will not send it directly to me. They've said they're doing it that way to guarantee i send it back to the retailer so it can be fully checked over because if that piece has fallen into the gearbox it could cause serious damage to the Mosfet and ECU which then would mean a full replacement Evo or sending it off to Denmark because they don't send out replacement ECU's or Mosfet's its all done in house at Denmark.


With regards to the postage they've rejected to cover the cost of it and that i would need to cover that myself.

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They're breaking the law, have a chat with the citizens advice bureau


Quick update for my issue.


The retailer is refunding my return postage cost because ASG are covering it otherwise they wouldn’t have done. the retailer received it today and are now forwarding it on to an ASG specialist in York. I followed that up by messaging the UK & Ireland Sales manager to confirm and it’s all correct, they’re doing it that way so they can change anything that’s required other than the obviously spring guide.


Result I suppose.

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As someone who used to run a companies webstore, theyre talking shit to make it sound like they didnt back down. It is illegal / against consumer rights to not pay ( or atleast reimburse) return postage on damaged/faulty goods

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As someone who used to run a companies webstore, theyre talking sh*t to make it sound like they didnt back down. It is illegal / against consumer rights to not pay ( or atleast reimburse) return postage on damaged/faulty goods


Yeah I know about distance selling regulations and consumer rights etc but wasn’t going to kick up a fuss while they had my kit because I did that once with EliteAirsoftUK and when they returned my M4 they’d purposely stuffed a bucking down my barrel and wired the battery connections the wrong way round.

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Yeah I know about distance selling regulations and consumer rights etc but wasn’t going to kick up a fuss while they had my kit because I did that once with EliteAirsoftUK and when they returned my M4 they’d purposely stuffed a bucking down my barrel and wired the battery connections the wrong way round.


I see your angle, but any company who does that sort of thing just because a customer (rightly) demands their consumer rights be acknowledged 100% deserves to utterly fail and whatever appropriate legal recourse be taken against them. That's the most pathetic, immature, douchbaggy thing I've ever heard of a company doing in all my years in this game.


Were there definitely 2 hop buckings inside the front of the gun out of interest?

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I see your angle, but any company who does that sort of thing just because a customer (rightly) demands their consumer rights be acknowledged 100% deserves to utterly fail and whatever appropriate legal recourse be taken against them. That's the most pathetic, immature, douchbaggy thing I've ever heard of a company doing in all my years in this game.


Were there definitely 2 hop buckings inside the front of the gun out of interest?

There was one bucking in its obvious place but the end was folded over back into the barrel and another which was properly stuffed down into the barrel it took forever to get it out due to the friction. The wiring on he motor was a shitty trick it burnt out my battery and ruined the motor.

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That is, by far, the worst story I've heard. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. I'm genuinely shocked by that.


Definitely one for the black list, wow...


On topic - I don't generally buy new guns anymore, but I do really like the look of this one. I've read from the start and other than perhaps short stroking and a higher torque motor, the evo sounds perfect.

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There was one bucking in its obvious place but the end was folded over back into the barrel and another which was properly stuffed down into the barrel it took forever to get it out due to the friction. The wiring on he motor was a sh*tty trick it burnt out my battery and ruined the motor.





Fourth hit on google, go post your story there. :D I see you've got a few posts already there. :D

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So, back on topic, as much as i love ripping into twats as much as the next man


In terms of mags in pouches. How do they fare in standard m4/ak pouches, im presuming you can fit two in each pouch or am i being optimistic?

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From the first page:


Only the one type of mag available right now I'm pretty sure. More of a CQB gun so hi-caps make very little sense in that scenario.


They're pretty much similar to an MP5 mag, so any SMG or long pistol mag pouches will do. Or 2 would fit in a single 30rnd 556 mag pouch.


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