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New player - advice appreciated


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Hi everyone, I am new to the sport and just getting my head around what is good and not so good. I am after some experienced players thoughts on a few questions. Just to clear up i am over 18, will be getting UKARA registered when eligible and will mainly be playing CQB / Urban as woodland doesn't really do it for me. I am not interested in Mil Sim only skirmish fun (with added zombies).


1. Face masks - I want to sort this out as a priority as I don really want to rent a second facemark I'd rather have my own. I've watched and read so much about different types that I can longer make a sensible decision. Are there protocols around what other players find acceptable ? There are a lot of "halloween" style masks for sale but people don't seem to wear them in videos. In fact most people in videos don't even wear mouth masks. I don't think I want goggles that fog up, or gear that is restricting vision or breathing. Neither do i wan tot lose eyes and teeth. What can people recommend as sensible ?


2. I will initially rent guns via the site until UKARA registered. Bearing in mind I want to play CQB / Urban, I am looking at the following guns. Can anyone help me out with advice as to what to avoid or to look for when comparing the following listed guns. Initially I was looking for a rifle and pistol but after reading around I have decided to postpone the pistol as it may not get that much use anyway. I really like the look of the Kriss Vector (I know bring on the abuse !) but quickly realised they are rarer then rocking horse poo. I understand that Krytac will be releasing one - anyone have any idea when that is likely to be ? In the meantime I am looking at :



1. G&G GC16 Predator

2. Krytac Trident CRB

3. G&P TMR 10" barrel

4. Ares AM014 Ameoba

5. Ares AM013


6.G&G CM16 SRL - forgot to add this one in




3. Any other kit that would be really useful but not immediately obvious to a newbie ?


Thanks for your help

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  On 19/10/2015 at 22:42, Razorbreed said:


3. Any other kit that would be really useful but not immediately obvious to a newbie ?


Thanks for your help


Ankle/knee protection.


If the average engagement distance is under 10m, indoors, and on semi auto, you may find a pistol to be quite useful, and for GBB fun.


The not wearing of lower face protection, in the videos, does not necessarily show the engagement distances of the players. Not to mention some sites operate absolutely no head shot rules. So if no one is firing at head height - beyond the first 10m to account for the guns firing height, accidental head shots wouldn't be to common. A lot going on in videos that you may not be aware of to explain the lack of lower protection, not to mention some gumshields for airsoft type purposes do work.

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  On 19/10/2015 at 22:59, Sacarathe said:


Ankle/knee protection.


If the average engagement distance is under 10m, indoors, and on semi auto, you may find a pistol to be quite useful, and for GBB fun.


The not wearing of lower face protection, in the videos, does not necessarily show the engagement distances of the players. Not to mention some sites operate absolutely no head shot rules. So if no one is firing at head height - beyond the first 10m to account for the guns firing height, accidental head shots wouldn't be to common. A lot going on in videos that you may not be aware of to explain the lack of lower protection, not to mention some gumshields for airsoft type purposes do work.

Not wearing face protection is nothing to do with engagement distances. Its because people think they are either uncomfortable or restrictive or think they look more tacticool without it.


Gum shields protect your teeth but I have seen lips split right open when someone wearing one gets shot in the mouth.


As for head shots not being allowed it doesn't matter if sites have a rule against it, it happens regardless. A lot of airsofters cant set a hop up properly so you always see bbs flicking up because of over hop and the ones that dont can be sent off course by a fly fart.


Face protection is always best but its personal choice.

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Thanks for the advice so far, definitely going for both face and eye protection as a hobby isn't worth getting maimed for.


Triggerhappy - can you elaborate on the no to Ares bit please ?


Knee pads is a good idea as I already have one knee injury and could do without another.



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  On 19/10/2015 at 23:48, ImTriggerHappy said:

Not wearing face protection is nothing to do with engagement distances. Its because people think they are either uncomfortable or restrictive or think they look more tacticool without it.



If that's true, why does the proportion of people not wearing lower face protection greatly decrease in CQB? :P

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  On 19/10/2015 at 23:59, Razorbreed said:

Thanks for the advice so far, definitely going for both face and eye protection as a hobby isn't worth getting maimed for.


Triggerhappy - can you elaborate on the no to Ares bit please ?


Knee pads is a good idea as I already have one knee injury and could do without another.



Ares are alright externally but are known to fall apart very quickly. They have some niche designs that aren't always the most reliable or functional.

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  On 20/10/2015 at 00:14, Sacarathe said:


If that's true, why does the proportion of people not wearing lower face protection greatly decrease in CQB? :P

In my experience it doesnt. I play the mall quite regularly and the majority of players dont use lower face protection. It depends on where you play and the sort of players who go there. There was more players using face protection there than normal this weekend but not many regulars.
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Hi and welcome,


I was amazed at the number of players at the bunker last time I went that just ran goggles. Including my mate who that very night took a direct hit to his pie hole whilst calling a hit splitting his tongue, breaking a back tooth in half and leaving him with a hairline fracture to his jaw bone.


Lower face recommended for cqb.


Don't rule out woodland either, my most enjoyable games have been in the woods to date. I find it has more dynamics, ie camoflage, tactics etc.


What's your budget btw?

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A lot of people wear a combination of goggles + face mash mask. There is a lot of choice in these areas. I started off with Bolle goggles and they usually do a good job of not steaming up. However they do get wet on the inside if you sweat a lot so vision can be blurred in hot situations. I currently wear mesh goggles. Try not to go for the cheap ass £5.99 chinese ones you find on Ebay as quality can be variable. There are goggles with fan ventilation but they're a bit more pricey.


I wear a mesh mask as well now since somebody decided to full-auto into my face from quite close range and cut my lip. These can vary quite a lot as well in shape and comfort. Some will need to be bent a little bit to fit your face better. If yo have a big nose try to find one with more nose room.


Personally I'm not a fan of full face masks as I think they restrict breathing laving a dead air zone in the area between your mask and your mouth.

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Do not forget gloves. I believe that they are a necessary piece of kit. They protect your hands from knocks and scrapes when moving around, and more importantly help protect (not guaranteed) your hands when hit. This is especially relevant in CQB where contact is close and can be full auto. On Sunday I was in The Mall and had an excellent position covering a corridor, kneeling low and with my body and rifle tight in along the wall, anyone attempting to come around the corner exposed their gun and hands first and were hit at very close range (on semi-auto). No one failed to call their hits; a hand shot really can hurt.

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I've got a decent pair of gloves so that side is sorted. I am leaning towards a half face mesh mask with either glasses / goggles / mesh goggles at the moment.


Budget for main weapon will be between £250 and £300 I expect. For a pistol more like £100

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On the budget front buying the cannon is just the start, you need to allow a separate budget for x2 batteries, extra magazines, optics (although not as important) and depending what sort of site you play maybe a tac light.

I would recommend getting a sling early too.


I got ICS guns which are mid range quality guns with good internal parts, will splash the cash on a marui shock recoil eventually When I win on the pools B)

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Got to disagree with the statement about most players at the Mall not covering their lower face. In my opinion most do.


Only complete nutters or people who intend to hang back don't wear a lower or full face in there.


One guy who got chatting with our group a few weeks back brushed off our suggestions for face pro pre game. By the second match he had a nasty welt on his lip and a brand new lower mesh from the shop there!


Go full face bro, seriously.

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  On 20/10/2015 at 08:31, lafta said:

Got to disagree with the statement about most players at the Mall not covering their lower face. In my opinion most do.


Only complete nutters or people who intend to hang back don't wear a lower or full face in there.


One guy who got chatting with our group a few weeks back brushed off our suggestions for face pro pre game. By the second match he had a nasty welt on his lip and a brand new lower mesh from the shop there!


Go full face bro, seriously.

Nope most of the regulars dont, even this week I reckon it was less than half. Even then it seemed a lot more than normal and I have been playing regularly there for 2yrs. I always would in there personally though but I would anywhere. Dentists ain't cheap.


Edit; You do get a few who wrap shemagh's around their mouth as well but I dont class that or the neoprene as face protection because it doesnt stop sod all.

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I use a full face for CQB just some skull thing from eBay was around £25


I do have a goggle mesh mask combo as well but the fogging drove me nuts so went full face with mesh


Hasn't failed me yet

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  On 19/10/2015 at 22:59, Sacarathe said:


Ankle/knee protection.


If the average engagement distance is under 10m, indoors, and on semi auto, you may find a pistol to be quite useful, and for GBB fun.


The not wearing of lower face protection, in the videos, does not necessarily show the engagement distances of the players. Not to mention some sites operate absolutely no head shot rules. So if no one is firing at head height - beyond the first 10m to account for the guns firing height, accidental head shots wouldn't be to common. A lot going on in videos that you may not be aware of to explain the lack of lower protection, not to mention some gumshields for airsoft type purposes do work.


I was glad on Saturday I had face pro, was trying out my FMA helmet and lower mask mock up like many do after lunch, snuck a peak behind a tree and 'ping', shot would have hit me just above the canine tooth (Upper Left Cupsid) IF I hadn't worn it!


I think that's the first hit though in 3 games ive noticed on the face, wouldn't go without!

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Thanks for the advice so far. I have now settled on a half face mesh mask and goggles, plus later a helmet to finish the head off. I have also decided to avoid the Ares and have settled on the G&G Predator (unless that Krytec Vector gets released before Xmas !)

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Triggerhappy will be so pleased :D

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Haha or should I say bahahahaha :P

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