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Difference in the two snipers


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I am wanting the Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Sniper Rifle but noticed there is a different model called the Tokyo Marui VSR-10 (G-Spec)Sniper Rifle what is the difference as i tried reading up but couldn't find much apart from there about £80 in deference


any help is appreciated

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  • Root Admin

Externals AFAIK. G-Spec has a rail, different sling loops, shorter barrel(?) etc; internally they are identical.


The G-Spec is better for most primarily because of the rail, but if you're looking to heavily upgrade then the TM externals aren't the best - it's a pretty old design. Out of the box it's still great though.






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The G-spec comes with a rail for mounting scopes on, whilst the basic version has iron sights. The Standard one also has a longer barrel, whereas the G-spec has a shorter barrel & suppressor.

There's not much in it, as you can replace the irons on the basic with a rail, or get a replacement muzzle on the G-spec to install a longer barrel and/or different suppressor etc.

**Beaten to it by Prof!

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Much appreciated for the fast reply guys, iv been on the internet most of the day reading the reviews on snipers and i came to the conclusion that the Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Sniper Rifle was one of the best for upgrading up to 500FPS, as i am looking at getting one and upgrading to 450FPS for the site legal FPS rules and that its not too pricey and its great accuracy and range

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  • Root Admin

If you're looking to upgrade then the JG VSR (BAR-10) actually has a nicer stock and is of course compatible with 100% of the TM internals - it may be the better call. They're kind of hard to find these days though. The TM one is still rather nice though as you'd expect.

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Both have the same internals, except for the longer barrel on the standard model. The Gspec comes with a foam filled silencer which works. Although it has a 330mm inner barrel you'll still hit pretty much everything you want. Also, you can drill out the end cap to install a longer one. I believe the standard version has a tapered outer barrel which makes spacing a pain. Most people go with the Gspec.


Depends on what your build is going to include? If you want to stick with the stock hop unit but with a type B arm then the TM one is very good! If you plan to replace it then you could go with a clone for way less. Worth thinking about!

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  On 04/07/2015 at 16:33, proffrink said:

If you're looking to upgrad


  On 04/07/2015 at 16:33, proffrink said:

If you're looking to upgrade then the JG VSR (BAR-10) actually has a nicer stock and is of course compatible with 100% of the TM internals - it may be the better call. They're kind of hard to find these days though. The TM one is still rather nice though as you'd expect.


e then the JG VSR (BAR-10) actually has a nicer stock and is of course compatible with 100% of the TM internals - it may be the better call. They're kind of hard to find these days though. The TM one is still


had a quick look and its a fair amount cheaper like, is this a copy of the TM VSR-10


found it on this site and its in stock :)


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  On 04/07/2015 at 16:35, Snakeeyes75 said:

Both have the same internals, except for the longer barrel on the standard model. The Gspec comes with a foam filled silencer which works. Although it has a 330mm inner barrel you'll still hit pretty much everything you want. Also, you can drill out the end cap to install a longer one. I believe the standard version has a tapered outer barrel which makes spacing a pain. Most people go with the Gspec.


Depends on what your build is going to include? If you want to stick with the stock hop unit but with a type B arm then the TM one is very good! If you plan to replace it then you could go with a clone for way less. Worth thinking about!


Wanting to upgrade it to 450FPS but a nice save area that way there is no pressure on the pistons ect and add abit of metal too it that way i actually don't forget i am carrying a rifle, looking at doing the camera modification on top of the scope too

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Interesting - sounds like a Chinese copy but only £130.


I wonder how much upgrading it will need to match the shooting ability of the TM ?


What is the out of box fps of the TM version ?

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  On 04/07/2015 at 16:49, Baz JJ said:

Interesting - sounds like a Chinese copy but only £130.


I wonder how much upgrading it will need to match the shooting ability of the TM ?


What is the out of box fps of the TM version ?



out the box and what the site sells its as is 275FPS thats the non G-spec model but like you say there the same internally


this is the site am looking at



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  On 04/07/2015 at 17:12, Josh95 said:


Wow iv seen cheap rifles but £74.09 is really cheap, how are these compared to other snipers, is it easy upgrading and fitting a rail for a scope ect

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  On 04/07/2015 at 17:14, UK SQUADDIE said:


Wow iv seen cheap rifles but £74.09 is really cheap, how are these compared to other snipers, is it easy upgrading and fitting a rail for a scope ect

you can buy the rail for about £15 it just screws on the top.

The only thing I didnt like about the JG was the iron sights, they're awful (you have to tape it on)

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  On 04/07/2015 at 17:17, Josh95 said:

you can buy the rail for about £15 it just screws on the top.

The only thing I didnt like about the JG was the iron sights, they're awful (you have to tape it on)


Confused me a little there, so you can add a rail to the JG Bar-10 but then you said have to tape it on?

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  On 04/07/2015 at 17:20, UK SQUADDIE said:


Confused me a little there, so you can add a rail to the JG Bar-10 but then you said have to tape it on?

no you screw the rail onto the top, it has screw holes already for a rail but it does not come with a rail.

you have to tape or glue the front iron sight on.

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  On 04/07/2015 at 17:21, Josh95 said:

no you screw the rail onto the top, it has screw holes already for a rail but it does not come with a rail.

you have to tape or glue the front iron sight on.


Argh i got you now, yeah i'll just leave that off as i have no intention of using the iron and foresight so i'll just remove them, are there any sites for modifying these to better quality like TM

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Decided to go with a JG Bar-10


buying the upgrades first then the rifle and here they are:


* Action Army VSR10 Hop Up Chamber Marui VSR10 / G-Spec, JG BAR10, HFC VSR11 Made in Taiwan


* Action Army Specialized "Zero" Airsoft Trigger Set for Marui VSR10 / JG Bar10


* Action Army VSR-10 Hop Up Bucking


* Action Army Spring Guide Fit with Tokyo Marui VSR10 / G-Spec, JG BAR10, HFC VSR11 Made in Taiwan


* Action Army 6.01mm Excel Inner Barrel for VSR-10 (430mm) PDI VSR 260 Spring for VSR-10 (11mm/8mm)


All upgrades will cost me £246

then the rifle at no more than £130

Total at £376


is this a reasonable price to say it will fire bang on whilst packing a punch

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  • Root Admin

Action Army for externals - fine


Action Army for internals - not so good


As linked by Josh above, this thread is brilliant as far as upgrades go: http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/59742-vsr-10-upgrade-guide/ - be prepared to spend a fair bit, but if it's worth doing then it's worth doing right in the case of sniper rifles.


The link Josh provided - http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/41-vsr-rifles - has a load of other information too on other brands beyond Laylax/First/Prometheus (whichever they're deciding to call themselves this week). Do your research, and don't expect to be able to buy all of the upgrades from one retailer. Shopping around will be worth it for an absolute top setup.

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Some parts are Raven PDI, is this a good internal make


Also thank you for the list, much cheaper price to what it was


~430 FPS]
-Laylax PSS10 130 Spring - £17
-Laylax Prometheus 6.03 mm Tightbore (430 mm for Pro and Real Shock versions) - £44.95


Suggested Items:

-Deepfire Reinforced VSR-10 Sears - £17.66


All that will just put it under the FPS that i need


so a total of - £79.61 which is alot better than £246 of upgrades

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  • Root Admin

You're welcome. Don't take my word for it though (or any single thread for that matter) - I don't own a VSR-10 and have certainly not worked on one either. Some further intense Googling sessions may be best (and the airsoft sniper forums are brilliantly in-depth when it comes to these things). You're lucky - the TM VSR-10 is very, very well documented. Perhaps only second most owned to the Maruzen APS-2 builds.

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Please, please, please get the jg. The TM version is I waste of money! Period! The only part which is better are the sling mounts. They are very cheap if you are desperate.


Is difficult to quickly explain here as there is a ton of information on why, but I suggest you google the airsoft sniper forum and read the stickies on there before you dive in. There is tons of very scientific reasoning behind what mods etc to do and what not to do (I.e. don't get a 6.01 barrel)


I know my way around the vsr platforms pretty well after years of stripping it down and fettling it so feel free to pm me if you need a hand



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  On 05/07/2015 at 01:02, Bullet said:



Please, please, please get the jg. The TM version is I waste of money! Period! The only part which is better are the sling mounts. They are very cheap if you are desperate.


Is difficult to quickly explain here as there is a ton of information on why, but I suggest you google the airsoft sniper forum and read the stickies on there before you dive in. There is tons of very scientific reasoning behind what mods etc to do and what not to do (I.e. don't get a 6.01 barrel)


I know my way around the vsr platforms pretty well after years of stripping it down and fettling it so feel free to pm me if you need a hand





but its TM, so use able out of the box... and that hop .... i hear they soak it in the blood of rocking horses or maybe sprinkle unicorn horn on it either way its good ;):DB)

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Upgrades for sniper rifles are almost always a necessity and are always expensive. Many serious snipers will spend at least £400-600+

The JG will need more whereas the TM is arguably gonna be pretty decent out of the box, it will still need upgrades but necessarily as many. Without upgrades you're looking at performance about on par with a standard AEG in terms of accuracy and range except you're limited for obvious reasons especially mag capacity and ROF.


You need to look at the quality more expensive parts as well so you know you are gonna get the durability, consistency and actual range / accuracy upgrades you need; a brand like Action Army won't be the best


Btw the rifle (JG) is so cheap because it's from Poland (but only another £10 for shipping) I'm not sure any other comments mentioned it tbh sorry if I missed it

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What the hell's been going on?? lol.. Mate, the TM is by far a better option than most clones FACT! I've now worked on several JG Bar 10's etc mainly because I have friends that have used my Gspec and want the same result but without paying out. There's tiny differences which can all be rectified but the TM is by far the easiest to work on! HOWEVER.... The Bar 10 is cheaper and by the end of the upgrade process you won't see any difference between the two guns.


For 450 fps you'll get away with a spring/guide/sear upgrade and using the TM hop which is a very nice bit of kit you just need to swap the arm for a type B to lift heavier weight BB's (Or try the biro hop mod on the original arm). That'll give you a perfect working gun. (Also worth PTFE taping the hop rubber and cylinder head).


The ONLY issue that puts people off is that the newer Gspecs come stock with a crimped cylinder which cannot be opened to remove the spring and there's no external giveaway that you're getting the old or the new! Easiest option is to put a new cylinder & head in BUT then you fall into the problem of needing a 90 degree trigger. This is where ASPUK came in handy as they're so much cheaper than Laylax. It's going to come down to how much you want to spend? Way I see it is that if you spend the money now you won't need to spend it later! You can swap springs out between games to achieve different power outputs.


ALSO..... Don't waste your time with TBB! use .43's and you'll be hitting most things at 80+ meters anyway. The standard Gspec barrel is perfect, I thought of putting a longer barrel in but it's more to do with joule creep than accuracy.

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