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Sniper rifles and other upgradable guns


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Im new to all this but it seems if you buy a sniper rifle you pretty much have to replace all the internals... Don't company's actually make guns not just sniper rifles but all guns worth buying without replacing everything?

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Its a fallacy that you have to upgrade everything in sight to have fun in airsoft.


Lots of people run stock guns.


Unfortunately, things get competitive and players like to squeeze the last bit of goodness from their kit.


The problem with sniper rifles is that the concept is to hit a long range target accurately with a single shot. Airsoft rifles dont do this well which is why they need upgrading for power and stability and consistency.


Either accept that you will need a few shots from a stock sniper, by which time you might be compromised or look at stock assault rifles or AEG DMRs which are a compromise.

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To be fair a lot of accuracy/shot consistency gains can be had by doing cheap DIY mods like Teflon wrapping the hop chamber, doing a TDC (Top dead Centre) mod to your hop up and adding barrel spacers to the gun. Not going to suddenly be shooting the wings off a fly with it but you will have some noticeable gains. Or just buy a TM VSR and keep it stock - very effective within it's range and has no minimum engagement distance.


Also regular/proper cleaning and maintenance go a long way to helping with a sniper rifle or any airsoft gun.

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The strange thing is us male species always want crap that is bigger better faster and much more bad a$$........


Even before many people are paying for their first gun

they have already gone nutz looking for what "UPGRADES" they can/should get


make a gun fire faster quicker longer range etc......

(then go skirmishing at a cqb site - jeeeez)


How good your gun is - it isn't measured just by how it performs compared to that £500 gunthat guy has

it is measured by how much fun or enjoyment you have with - yes a decent-ish gun helps


but £50 or £500 it is still a toy gun that is the bare bones of it

you can make almost any gun better if you chuck money and time at it - just like many things

or buy a slightly better gun - but then betcha you will look at upgrades for that better gun - jeeez


Improve & perform better....... - what the gun or the person using it ?

A good player can still kick ar$e with almost any gun, often good awareness, tactics, stealth, player skill etc...

have next to f*ck all to do with the gun when you think about it

yes a good gun helps - but a half decent out of box does ok - its the player sometimes that needs the upgrades not always the gun


This not aimed at OP or anybody with higher end guns but think it is more the owner/buyer or if you like all of us that feel

we MUST get our guns upgraded almost straight away - we don't, often just use it for a while and get on with it

if it breaks or you feel it ain't as good as you expected or perform properly - then look at upgrade to better gun

or getting gun tweaked/upgraded etc.....

I admit I need to stop pi$$balling about with guns and actually get out there more and friggin' use them - I will own up to that one

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I admit I need to stop pi$$balling about with guns and actually get out there more and friggin' use them - I will own up to that one

Well with your collection you have plenty to choose from, found a new place to hide them from the missus yet? :D

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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