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Is the LMG any good?

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I'm thinking of buying the ASG US Ordnance M60E4 from wolf armouries. It's only £350 which is quite cheap considering LMGs are usually £500+. I just wanted to know if the internals are good and well built because I don't want to spend loads of money repairing it. Also does it have a decent rate of fire as I want to be able to put a lot of bbs down the field.


If someone could tell me more about the gun I would really appreciate it




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Don't bother with the asg one, the hop unit is proprietory and frankly a pile of crap, I got hold of one of these in a trades and it was awful, save your money and pick up a G&P support gun, even a decent used one will be better than what you're looking at, you'll be very disappointed spending hard earned money on it

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Looks good. Should be fine

Based on what?

Do you own one?

Have you used one?

Do you have any experience at all of one?


From what I have read in your posts you dont really know much about airsoft or the guns but yet you just advised someone to spend £350 thats not good.

Especially when a couple of posts down someone who does know the gun has said its crap.

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Don't bother with the asg one, the hop unit is proprietory and frankly a pile of crap, I got hold of one of these in a trades and it was awful, save your money and pick up a G&P support gun, even a decent used one will be better than what you're looking at, you'll be very disappointed spending hard earned money on it

couldn't I just buy a better hop up system for it because I've looked on YouTube and big companies like Airsoft GI have reviewed it and said it was a pretty good gun
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Based on what?

Do you own one?

Have you used one?

Do you have any experience at all of one?

From what I have read in your posts you dont really know much about airsoft or the guns but yet you just advised someone to spend £350 thats not good.

Especially when a couple of posts down someone who does know the gun has said its crap.

Sorry. I've just seen a guy with this gun (I know cus I asked him) and he says it's a good gun. I'll shut up, though.
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couldn't I just buy a better hop up system for it because I've looked on YouTube and big companies like Airsoft GI have reviewed it and said it was a pretty good gun

Airsoft GI will always say its good because they are trying to sell it.

Dont trust shop based reviews hunt around the forums and get as many owner/user opinions as possible.

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Airsoft GI will always say its good because they are trying to sell it.

Dont trust shop based reviews hunt around the forums and get as many owner/user opinions as possible.

I second that. Just look at JBBG reviews...

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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