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Evening to Night skirmish in Kent

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Mods, please let me know if this isn't appropriate to post this here.......


I've decided to pull an evening / night event together at the local Airsoft site that I attend. (Apocalypse Airsoft in Kent)


Basically the idea was born out of me & a friend buying tracer units for our TM 416D Devrgu's. After testing the units with some tracer rounds (And watching a couple of night skirmishes on YouTube) we thought about how we'd like to 1) Test out our kit & light up each other with the tracer rounds & 2) Arrange something for those who have at some stage probably thought about the same idea!


Speaking to others we found that there was an appetite for people to test their kit (NVG / Tracer units & bb's) but ultimately have a bit of fun & skirmish on a summer evening & into the darkness.


So utilising the facilities at Apocalypse Airsoft, we've set up a date for an evening to night skirmish on Friday 26th June 2015.


The principle of the evening is:-


19:00 Safety Briefing

19:30 Game 1 Dusk commences

21:00 30 minutes break for hot / cold refreshments

21:30 Game 2 Dusk / Night game resumes
23:30 Endex


It's in it's infancy at the moment and we've asked the Marshals to scope the games out for us in advance for the 26th. The event will be going ahead and we're now into double figures bookings wise. If anyone would be interested in attending this event, I've set up a Facebook Event / Page under 'Night Skirmish' If you are interested, please join the event or feel free to drop me a message & I can tell you a little more about it.


Thanks in advance





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  • 2 weeks later...

Balls.... Was starting to get excited as I have been looking for a night game near me, but am away with work that wknd GRR........

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Wish there was time to run back to the US, grab a NVG scope, and get back... But oh well.

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks for asking - the night went really well, we had 67 players on the evening.


The event was great fun, absolute carnage & was very evident that comms were essential, those with night vision absolutely bossed the games (as they would!). The Apoc team pulled out the stops, getting generators in to light up some of the main structures (The Village)


Completely different dynamic that was more tactical & for those whom excelled, done so by Team work.


As for this year, Yes! They're starting doing evening events from the end of March - probably being Wednesday's & will be doing more overnight missions on Saturdays as well which will lead into the usual Sunday skirmish.


So all in all it went well & has set a precedent for new events coming to Apocalypse Airsoft this year.

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Night vision would give you a massive advantage - Just purchased some myself, looking forward to giving it a go, I've signed up for the Open Milsim in June at Apocalypse so won't be too long until I can try it.

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Not really. But until people try it themselves, they think it's like in call of duty.


Am interested in your response - care to elaborate for us?

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Am interested in your response - care to elaborate for us?


The night visions people have are gen 1-2 and usually with zoom. Those are good if you sit in one place hiding and scan for movements. Usually that is not the case in airsoft games. Gen 1 and 1+ is basically good only if you have infra torch. If you use it, the red glow is visible and the torch's light is so bright on close objects, bushes, trees, grass that you don't see very far. If it is a zoomed scope version, then try using a normal scope in dusk to navigate around to see how much you see.

Looking into it destroys your eye's night vision so you see less when moving around without it than people without NV gear.


People without NV gear use flashlights, torches. One flash of it in your direction renders you blind, and when you turn it off, you don't see anything for a minute at least. If it is on your gun, you can't aim if it's turned off.

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The night visions people have are gen 1-2 and usually with zoom. Those are good if you sit in one place hiding and scan for movements. Usually that is not the case in airsoft games. Gen 1 and 1+ is basically good only if you have infra torch. If you use it, the red glow is visible and the torch's light is so bright on close objects, bushes, trees, grass that you don't see very far. If it is a zoomed scope version, then try using a normal scope in dusk to navigate around to see how much you see.

Looking into it destroys your eye's night vision so you see less when moving around without it than people without NV gear.


People without NV gear use flashlights, torches. One flash of it in your direction renders you blind, and when you turn it off, you don't see anything for a minute at least. If it is on your gun, you can't aim if it's turned off.


Good to know this - thanks for the feedback / advice, when I get round to using mine on a Night game i'll then give an update on my experience.

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