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Great Airsoft Moves


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Hey all,


After my last skirmish, i felt that i made a couple of good moves, and thought we should have a thread for sharing them. it doesnt matter if it was your move or someone elses. it didnt even have to work well, so long as it was interesting :P


Firstly, clearing rooms at Anzio, i poked my head through a doorway just as someone was walking out. as we both jumped back, i spotted his band, and recognised him as an enemy. Not wanting to put my head back in the doorway in front of a gun, i called for his colour. At F&O, you can make this challenge, and they can't lie, but they can choose to say nothing. whilst he was thinking whether or not to answer, i moved down the hall to the other door into the room, stepped in, and shot him in the side as he said "Yellow", and got his mate for good measure :D


More recently moving towards an objective, an old re purposed ambulance, over fairly open ground, me and my buddy spotted someone move up to the drivers door and poke his gun over the bonnet. since we had no cover, i decided to just move as fast as i could round the ambulance, to put something between me and him. As i got up to sprint, the enemy shot my buddy, and i took a few pot shots hoping for a lucky hit. as i passed the front of the ambulance, i felt my last shot a little different, and thought my bolt had locked back after the last BB, so as i burst through a tree at full sprint, whipped my pistol from the Serpa on my chest and traded one last BB with the enemy, who was wise to my plan and had turned ready... for my buddy and the two other friendly players near the ambulance waiting for a medic, it was quite spectacular.


and finally, right at the end of the day, we were hiding in a bush, just outside a building we were to be defending, waiting for the attacking team to move in, then launch a counter attack. i spotted a lone enemy walking round the bush towards a thinner part of the foliage. as he reached it, i put three BBs at his chest, and each one bounced off thick holly. after a quick "Im not hit mate" and one lucky BB that found its way to my head, i was a little dumbfounded, but as i got up from my crouch, the enemy admitted that it was a goot hiding spot and i had caught him out, and that a real gun would have dropped him, and let me carry on, proof that there are indeed gentlemen playing the sport :D


do you guys have any experiences like these?

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At my regular site there's a couple of watchtowers with slatted floorboards which have 1-2cm gaps between them. An enemy support gunner had gotten into one and he'd been mowing our team down at the objective- I managed to sneak around him and poke my cold steel training knife through the floor at his knee :D


I also had a hairy moment where 3 guys rushed me and I took them all out with a shower from my grenade launcher :)

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I had a great day at The Mall due to the third game of the day. We were defending a bomb site near the zombie barricade (I think that's the right one), and myself and around 10 others set up in Peacocks, with myself in the wall, and others spread around. By this time we were focusing on only one bomb, as we had set up a large amount of explosives and detonators there; enough to win us the game if we held it. Unfortunately, due to a two-pronged attack from the shop across the hall to Peacocks as well as a dedicated push from the back passages, the players I were with were all killed off in about 3 minutes, while I couldn't leave the wall to help them with the amount of enemy fire coming into the room. So it's just me left in Peacocks, and everything quiets down for a minute as the "greens" try to figure out if they've killed everyone. Well, about then they offer a color challenge, which I don't answer as I haven't been seen or heard. What I do hear, however, is a whole chorus of greens respond back to the challenger. At this point I figure I'm screwed, but I have to hold the line. As they enter the room, I start moving back and forth between the four cut outs in the wall, using both my new MP7 (baptised under fire) and my G17 in tandem. I would fire a few bursts off at the enemies (who had now entered the room), and as they figured out where I was, they would barrage the cut out with pellets, but I would have moved on to the next one. I kept this up for the remainder of the game. A marshal entered right around the time our last players were getting finished off, and he watched the whole thing happen. After the game ended (we managed to hold the bomb, and as such, win the game) the marshal came up to me, and stated how I singlehandedly held off a force of 18 enemies for over 15 minutes. I wish I had been filming at that point in time. Final day's total was 25 confirmed kills (there may have been more) to only one death, and I sat out the last game as well. So I'm happy with that result :).

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A couple of months ago I was at Xsite: Lane end. It was the beginning of the day so we were doing the standard warmup game which is 6 attackers with infinite respawns vs everyone else as defenders who join attackers once they die.


A few people had joined attackers but we were still very well dug in, then a chap with no gun walks up the middle of the game area towards the building we are defending. Most of us must have seen him but I thought it was just someone being dopey looking for lost kit in the middle of a firefight. Next thing I know a couple of players nearby are out and I feel a tap on the shoulder and "knife kill" turn round to see said chap and at first think he's joking till I realise what's happened. Suffice to say he must have easily got about 20 knife kills and only a few people remained by the time someone twigged and took him out before he reached them.


It was a very cheeky play but is was hilarious and he did nothing rule breaking to achieve it. We all congratulated him and I vowed to always shoot people at least once that were acting a bit fishy :)

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At my regular site there's a couple of watchtowers with slatted floorboards which have 1-2cm gaps between them. An enemy support gunner had gotten into one and he'd been mowing our team down at the objective- I managed to sneak around him and poke my cold steel training knife through the floor at his knee :D



I used to be a SAW gunner like you, until I took a knife to the knee :ph34r:

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I once held off a whole enemy team for 4 hours with nothing more than than a rubber chicken and the power of my imagination. I had 900 hundred confirmed kills (the spotter elf told me) and nobody managed to kill me once. This was all because I am a ninja terminator with the super senses of spiderman. Then I went home for cuddles with my mommy. Yay go me ☺

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All these sneaky moves remind me of three-bomb at the hive.


As an attacker, taking out a bomb on the flank early is great, since the defenders soon migrate to the other bombs, leaving a massive gap to slip through unseen and get right up behind the clusters of enemies, ready for grenades, knife kills, or other assorted madness.


I once rounded a corner, and due to not having a grenade, opened up with my SA80, after shooting 4 or 5 of them a stray friendly bb (or a mistaken shot after a bad PID) knocked me out, after which the first person i shot in the arse yelled "Im on your team!"... To which i replied "no i aint buddy, check your flank"


i couldnt see his expression because of his mask but i dare say it was sour :P

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At Tac House: Spartan, the 2nd day it was open, I ended up being the last man standing in the Fort against the back wall of the large garage building. No big deal, eh? Except that the position was way forward of our last defensive line which the enemy had pushed out through the bottom end of the garage. What i'm claiming uber-age for here is not my tactical skill, because I was unable to prevent some of the enemy bypassing my position and going on to hose my team mates, but rather what turned out to be something of a preternatural ability to avoid being shot, even though I was constantly under fire from several directions.


Nevertheless I managed to hold them off for about 5-6mins, periodically also shooting them in the back as they tried to bypass me, and all while using mid caps and no pyros - basically it involved an awful lot of scrambling from side to side in crouched positions, bobbing up long enough to put down some fire on my most pressing attackers, then scoot again, rinse and repeat! The longest 5mins I had had in game to that point in my skirmishing career and only brought to an end when i literally ran out of ammunition...

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While playing CQB on Sunday, one of my friends ran out of ammo completely, so just ran at the enemy with a knife. He got 4 kills before he was shot.


Same game setup (large warehouse, straight up TDM), I ended up being last man standing with half a standard sized G17 mag left. Took out about 10 of the enemy team before time was called. The marshal who was running the game had no idea that I was still alive- and thought that the other team were just fighting each other unknowingly!


felt good, man!

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