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General election


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On the contrary I do believe it is......

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How do you come to this?

Because no one wanted a half assed Labour Government that was hoping it would get policies through parliament by relying on SNP support. Which would of meant the SNP would have held parliament to ransom. Therefore people voted otherwise to make sure this was not the case.

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Simple maths? You lot swallowed the nationalism pill and all voted SNP, Labour lost 50 odds seats. Tories have a majority of 12. Figure it out.

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Simple maths? You lot swallowed the nationalism pill and all voted SNP, Labour lost 50 odds seats. Tories have a majority of 12. Figure it out.

the Tories have nearly 100 more seats than labour so it didn't matter how Scotland voted. The SNP were also part in of the Tory block and were willing to work with labour. It was england that voted a conservative government not us. We voted for the party that is best for scotland

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Because no one wanted a half assed Labour Government that was hoping it would get policies through parliament by relying on SNP support. Which would of meant the SNP would have held parliament to ransom. Therefore people voted otherwise to make sure this was not the case.


So English voters were scared that Scotland could have a say in how the country is run? Is running the country a job only the English can do? What a fantastic job you've been doing so far.

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Didnt matter? yes it did - if those seats had stayed Labour, we would now have a Labour Government. Just showing that the SNP still cant add up.......

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English voters object to Scotland having a say in their affairs, we gave you devolution to run your own, why should you stick your nose in ours? You want to run Scotland, go do it, but don't expect it to be a one way deal.

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Time for this thread to be locked I think...

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So English voters were scared that Scotland could have a say in how the country is run?

Or maybe, just maybe, the English voted as they normally do for the usual parties for the most part.


Evidently a lot of the Sottish population prefer an English government going off that logic, given you know, you just had a referendum and decided to stay

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No, it's in the off topic section and clearly titled, so nobody can wander in here not realising that politics is the subject matter. Adults can and do disagree vehemently but remain civil whilst doing so. So long as civility is maintained, the thread will stay open. However if anyone should get the idea that they can prevent themselves publicly losing an argument by provoking an uncivil debacle (the standard internet ad hominem approach), causing the thread to be locked, it will just be their post/s edited/removed and a posting ban for a number of days reflecting the egregiousness of their offence applied.


I'm sure we have all met men known as "Paddy", "Jock", "Taff"... perhaps "Fritz", "Ivan", "Froggie", "Abdul", etc. and it may be the case that they don't mind, perhaps even enjoy the banter involved in having a nickname. However we are not in a position to know if it is just something people put up with without complaining, even though they do dislike being labelled with words which are often used disparagingly. It is also quite possible for people to have 2 or more opposite feelings about the same thing.


And before anyone thinks or types it, this is not PC gone mad. This is a public forum, not a pub. Face to face we may very well be able to determine what is just banter and ok, but without body language and the context of RL friendships, etc. what we are left with is the words. Words which may make us seem like a clique, the sort of group in which people may say just whatever they think they can get away with, but secretly be hardcore racists/sexists/general xenophobes. There is good reason to fear that a bunch of military enthusiasts may indeed think that way, but I don't believe that is who we are, so let's take responsibility for what we post and make sure that we cannot be perceived that way.

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On the subject at hand, if the Scots who voted SNP had voted Labour, in Westminster Labour would have 295 seats which still would not be enough to beat the Tory 331 seat total. It would have meant that, in the media, the Tories would not be able to claim they had managed a resounding victory, which is important because they can and will point to the result as 'proof' that the English have given them a mandate to continue with or even extend their austerity policies, ignoring Scotland as is their usual modus operandi.


Personally I believe that this is the very reason why the SNP did so well. After the referendum the Tories in particular, but also the Labour Party if to a lesser extent, responded with "OK, carry on as normal", ignoring the fact that the "No Vote" got a huge boost by the promises made by Cameron, et al., regarding further devolution of power from Westminster to Holyrood. It's all very well people in England going "You've got a separate parliament, what more do you want?" but the truth is that Holyrood does not have fiscal independence and let's have it right, money is power.

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I wasnt proposing closing it because of that issue, merely because the Election is over and we are in the territory of flogging a dead horse now.

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English voters object to Scotland having a say in their affairs, we gave you devolution to run your own, why should you stick your nose in ours? You want to run Scotland, go do it, but don't expect it to be a one way deal.

If scotland left how would england cope with such a large deficit?

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Or maybe, just maybe, the English voted as they normally do for the usual parties for the most part.


Evidently a lot of the Sottish population prefer an English government going off that logic, given you know, you just had a referendum and decided to stay

Look at the promises that were made 1week before we voted. You then had the pensioners that were told that they wouldn't get state pension. That's how you end up with a no vote. It's been said were 1 bad winter from a yes vote because of the extra few percent we needed were over 60. But independence has been done to death on this thread already.

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How would the English get to the party if there was a big wall?

You moaning the topic of independence has been done to death but you have carried it on?

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Jambo, we are going round the houses now. What I admire about you is your ability to ignore the question you don't like answering and answer something completely different instead. Have you ever considered a career in politics?

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Jambo, we are going round the houses now. What I admire about you is your ability to ignore the question you don't like answering and answer something completely different instead. Have you ever considered a career in politics?

Yes I am going to run for MSP in 2016.

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Jambo for Priminister please no.

We would have William Wallace day and how to tie a kilt on the school curriculum.

I would rather have Tony Blair back.

You don't tie a kilt and William Wallace is a national hero so I would replace burns night for Wallace night because burns is a cunt.

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Ok wrap a kilt, skirts are not something most men really learn about so forgive me.

Kilts are brilliant. They are comfy keep your balls cool and make it easy to pee when drunk and you don't end up with a pee patch on your trouser leg. I suppose next to a Morris dancer anything would look horrendous.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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