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AFUK Gaming Get Together (PC)

Zak Da Mack

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Hey everyone, pursued on the steam group but noone replied so I'm trying here. Would anyone like to group up one evening and game together, have a chat on something like Cs, garrys mod, arma, bf etc?

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Ah, couldn't do tomorrow, I'm at my dads ;) Was more thinking about next weekend but open to other days. What gamemodes do you play on gmod? I've only really ever done TTT and prop hunt. Flex, TF2 could be an idea considering it's accessible to everyone

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this seems to have died out quite quickly, anyone up for some CS GO today? E.G tomorrow but its 1:45 am, you know what I mean.

I have to warn you that I have played about 6 games, but i'm getting better so i generally play casual, quite good fun

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  On 21/02/2015 at 10:07, Zak Da Mack said:

I only play casual, I'm terrible at Cs:go, but worth a shot. So I'm up for it. May also go on tf2 later on if anyone is up for that aswell

ok nice, you around about lunchtime, so maybe just after 1pm or so

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  On 21/02/2015 at 18:04, team flex said:

never heard of it :( sorry


I am on tf2 now if people want to play, will be on CS later

It's on Steam, it's Free. I've played AA since I was 13 it's mega game

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  On 21/02/2015 at 18:04, team flex said:

never heard of it

It was originally written as a recruitment tool for the US army...

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I tried AA when it first came out as was a free shootem up. I found it terrible, like a crepe version of Arma. Didn't realise it's still going, will have a look see if it's gotten any better over last decade.

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I suppose this is a good place to mention this; I set up the Steam group a while ago when I was really active on here, but I stopped visiting the forum as frequently. Can you guys suggest who to pass the group admin power onto, maybe someone who is an moderator on the forum, so that they are trusted. You guys can make use of it to organise these game nights and stuff in the discussion areas etc and also make it easier to find other players. I feel like it's being wasted with me at the top.

this is the group page if you want the link http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AF-UK

thanks :)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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