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*SERIOUS* How to charge a battery


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This is definitely THE n00biest post that I've ever made. Anyway...


I've noticed that my batteries have been performing A LOT worse than I remember them. Currently: I plug them in for about 2.5/3 hours, then unplug them & that usually lasts me all day (about 10 games). Recently my batteries have only been lasting me most of the gameday (usually until about the 8th or 9th game). Could this be because my MP5K is about two years old now, or am I charging my batteries incorrectly?


*inb4 "You don't have a smart/pro charger???". I know. I'm buying one soon!*


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Yeah, get some LiPos.


The age of your gun could also be having an effect though (but only if you've shot it a LOT), if the trigger contacts are worn or the motor bushings are a bit knackered then the gun will put a bit more of a drain on your batteries. The age of the batteries is also a factor too, NiMh aren't 'forever', they're absolutely a consumable item and they do have a shelf life, if like the gun they've been used a lot then chances are they're getting a bit tired out.

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+1 to what Mr Cheese said.

Bursts of current are quite harsh on any battery, they do have a finite life and it sounds like yours are starting to show it, they are still far from useless though, just swap them more often. Smart chargers at this point may not help a lot, they can extend the life of a battery by optimising its charge, but they cant repair already tired batteries. (Some car/motorbike chargers can but not for airsoft batteries)

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Not discharging NiMh batteries and allowing them to lose charge over time also knackers them.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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