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Melee Choices for the Battlefield


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  On 11/09/2014 at 08:39, Lozart said:


Eh? Why does having guns while mounted make them not cavalry?

The Belgians did the last 'cavalry charge' of WW1 and the Italians did one in WW2 but in both cases the units involved were mounted infantry not cavalry. If you are using a rifle, then you can't fight effectively on a moving horse. Is it a cavalry charge if you ride horses up to the enemy and then dismount to fight?

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Some sites allow throwing weapons, some don't. The big problem is that although a throwing hatchet may not hurt people, it might knock someones eyepro off.

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  On 11/09/2014 at 19:59, airsoftwarrior147 said:

Happy is the whole idea ok a knife kill to tap someone?

Pretty much, tap them on the back/front and whisper "Knife kill"/"You're mine now..." in their ear. Done right you can make a grown man cry/wet himself/both haha


Depends where you go as some sites allow some antics like throwing knives (fake ones of course) at people.


Edit: I hate iPhone predictive text.

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Larp stuff usually has a stiff core so you can twat each other with them without completely knackering them. Unfortunately for most sites that means they're TOO stiff. Of course that hasn't stopped someone at the Malls getting 18 kills with a dildo.

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  On 11/09/2014 at 19:03, Russe11 said:

The Belgians did the last 'cavalry charge' of WW1 and the Italians did one in WW2 but in both cases the units involved were mounted infantry not cavalry. If you are using a rifle, then you can't fight effectively on a moving horse. Is it a cavalry charge if you ride horses up to the enemy and then dismount to fight?


Dismounting to fight makes you Dragoons or mounted infantry. Firing from horseback would still qualify you as cavalry though (which is after all, where carbines started).

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i used to spar with one while doing re-enactment training, The cold steel swords are just as stiff and hard as a wooden waster/bokken but a lot more durable, as for flexibility my steel hand and a half used for live steel fights has more flex.

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I have a rubber M9 Bayonet in Tan I got a fortnight ago, doesn't seem to be an issue at my site. The fact that it actually attaches to my M16A3 properly is an extra plus feature!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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